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Listening Task 1. Listen to the talk with Ben and Katy twice.

CD3. Tapescript 1.And transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.

Ben: You always get good marks at school. You’re lucky! I study but I don’t always get good marks. Katy: I’m not lucky! I know how to study. I always do three things. Do you want to know them? Ben: Yeah, please!

Katy: OK, number one. Always study in a quiet place.

Ben: I usually study in my bedroom. It’s very quiet.

Katy: Number two. Have a clear desk!

Ben: Right. A clear desk. My desk isn’t clear. There are lots of papers and books and pens on it.

Katy: Well, that isn’t very good!

Ben: What’s tip number three?

Katy: Have lots of breaks. I always study for thirty minutes. Then I have a break for five minutes. I move my arms and legs and drink some water. Then I study again for thirty minutes.

Ben: I never have a break. I sometimes study for two or three hours.

Katy: That isn’t a good idea! It’s important to get up and move your body.

Ben: OK. Thanks. Next time I think I can get good marks!

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

1. Ben… [1]

A) does not study

B) studies and does well

C) studies but does not do well

D) does not go to school

2. Ben usually studies… [1]

A) in the library

B) at home

C) in his friend’s house

D) in the park

3. On Ben’s desk there are… [1]

A) papers, books and pens

B) pencils, books and pens

C) a pencil case and pens

D) copybooks and a laptop

Fill in the gaps with ONE WORD only.

4. Katy: Have lots of breaks. I always for thirty minutes. Then I have a break for five minutes. [1]

5. Ben: I never have a . I sometimes study for two or three hours. [1]

Total [5]

Task 2. Read the article about London police.

The History of the London Police

In 1700 London had no policemen at all. A few men protected the city streets at night.

Many people were poor and there were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes as much as possible.

In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called ‘Bow Street Runners’ because they worked near Bow Street.

Fifty years later, there were 120 Bow Street Runners, but London had become very big and needed more policemen. In 1829, the first London Police Force was started with 3000 officers. Most of the men worked on foot, but a few rode horses.

Today, London police are quite well paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses, the pay is even better than for the others.

Answer the questions.

1. Why did people stay in their homes as much as possible? [1]

2. How did “Bow Street Runners” get their name? [1]

Choose True or False.

3. In 1800, there were not enough policemen in London. [1]

True False

4. All of the first 3000 London Police Force rode horses. [1]

True False

5. Today, police officers who work with horses are paid more than their colleagues.

True False [1]

Total [5]


Task 3. Make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. I English exercises twice a week. (to write)

2. My friend his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do)

3. My sister her homework now. (to do)

4. Don’t shout! The baby . (to sleep)

5. you now? (to read)

Total [5]

Task 3. Make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in Past Simple

1. He (to work) at a factory.

2. She (to sleep) after dinner.

3. We (to work) part-time.

4. Mike (to be) a student.

5. Helen (to have) a car.
Help pls

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27.04.2021 20:06
1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites
300 ml warm milk
10 g sugar
10 g yeast
225 g flour
vegetable oil for frying
butter for greasing blini
Method of Preparation:
1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl.
2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes.
3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture.
4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serveIngredients:
1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites
300 ml warm milk
10 g sugar
10 g yeast
225 g flour
vegetable oil for frying
butter for greasing blini
Method of Preparation:
1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl.
2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes.
3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture.
4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serve                 
0,0(0 оценок)
02.11.2022 09:53
I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Of course it’s too early for me. You can say “Why? ” I’ll answer: «I like to sleep so much, and I usually go to bed very late. So at 7 o’clock I feel myself sleepy. For that reason I drink a cup of strong coffee to wake up more quickly. After a cup of coffee I usually take a shower. Fresh shower braces up. Then I get dressed. I open my wardrobe and choose what I want to wear today. It’s high time, I’m in a hurry. But I try to have a snack (sandwiches, eggs, porridge and so on). I need to be at school (university) at 8.30. I get away and go to the bus stop. I usually go to school (university) by bus. (I go to school (university) on foot.)
0,0(0 оценок)
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