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01.08.2022 14:13 •  Английский язык

Long long ago there lived an old 1. named Geppetto.

When he worked Geppetto felt happy. When he took rest a 2. feeling came over him.

Ah! All my life! And I have no child to call my own!

One day Geppetto carved a puppet from wood in the
3. of a boy. While putting him in the cupboard he said
I will call you Pinnocchio!

That night from out of the window a big star 4. brightly. Geppetto looked out of the window to the twinkling star and made an 5.wish. If I could make one wish it would be that I could have a real boy of my own.

That 6. the same big star swooshed right into Geppetto’s room. It changed into a Blue fairy! The Blue fairy flew over to the bed and said to sleeping Geppetto.
Wise Geppetto, you gave everyone happiness by creating
7. toys and clocks. Now it is my turn to fulfill your wish.

Then she turned to Pinocchio and said
Little wood 8. , you will be able to walk and talk like a real boy.
She tapped the puppet one time with her 9..

And if you can prove that you are 10. and true some day you will be a real boy.

Pinocchio’s eyes opened and with 11. spell of the fairy a cricket appeared.
Meet Mr. Gemini Cricket. He will be your conscious. He will stay with you to help you to make 12. choices.

And with that the Blue fairy went 13. and was gone !

When Geppetto woke up the next morning he said
I will go to take my Pinocchio out of the 14. to finish some final touches.

But the cupboard was empty! Geppetto was worried and he began to 15. the whole house. Suddenly a voice came from the other side of the room.
He! He! He! Papa! Here I am, Papa .
What ? You can talk?
Yep! I am Pinocchio, your boy!
How can this be?
He rushed over and swept the 16. puppet into his arms. Pinoccio, my son. He said in great 17. .

One day Pinoccio saw boys going to school and he said to Geppetto.
I want to go to school like other boys.
Later that day Geppetto came back home with school
18. .
Now you can go to school.

The next morning Pinocchio said good-bye to Geppetto. He 19. along the path to school humming as he went. The Cricket rode on his 20. . Happy, too. Coming up to the path was a greedy Fox and a dumb Cat .
What a lovely boy you are !
And where are you going on this 21. day?
I am going to school.
You should come 22. us to the fair.

He put his arm 23. Pinocchio’s shoulder.

Listen to me ! Anything you need to know you can learn at the fair.
I will write 24. on bond and you take it from me.
Yaa. You should take it from him. He he he!
Shut up you, moron ! Don’t 25.him Pinocchio. Let’s go to the fair and you should see for 26.

Then the Gemini said
Pinoccio! He does not 26. what he is talking about! The fox flicked his finger and tossed Gemini Cricket away.

Pinocchio, do not listen to him!
Okey ! Let’s go to the fair!

And off they went.
No, Pinocchio, stop !
But Pinocchio, the Fox and the Cat did not hear him. They were already inside the fair. On 27. a puppet show was running in full swing.
I am a puppet too ! I can 28. like that!

Pinocchio jumped right on the stage and started to dance with the other puppets. Suddely, the 31. started to cheer.
Look at that puppet ! It has no 32. !
No strings ? Amazing!
Everyone laughed and laughed. They threw 33. on the stage.

A man named Stromboli who ran the fair saw coins fly on the stage. He was a 34. and cruel man who was very 35.
Well, now ! rubbing his chin. This puppet with no strings will make me rich.

The next thing Pinocchio knew was picked up and thrown into a 35. . I call my Papa. He will teach you a lesson.
Ha ! Ha! Ha! You think I am a fool! Ha, a boy ! Scream as loud as you want. I will 36. let you go. I was
37. for this day to come! Only you can make me the richest person in the world! Ha ! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

After Stromboli left Pinocchio shouted for help. No one else but Gemini Cricket heard Pinocchio’s calls.
I am stuck ! How did this happen to me? Whoa! Hu!Hu!Hu!
This is because you were 38. to me. Now try not to cry. I am here with you. We will find some way out of this.

All of a 39. poof! There was the Blue fairy.
Please ! Can you help me ?
Tell me first, how did you get 40. the cage ?

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26.08.2021 09:40
Диснейленд Диснейленд или парк является первым из двух тематических парков, построенных на Диснейленда в Калифорнии и открытых на Семнадцатого июля 1955 года Уолт Дисней разработал этот парк и руководил его строительством. Идея создания такого парка пришло на ум Уолта Диснея, когда он посетил msny парки развлечений со своими маленькими дочерьми в 1930 году и 1940 году.В настоящее время существует пять Диснейленд парков в мире. Более шестисот пятидесяти миллионов гостей посетили парки Уолта Диснея по всему миру. Диснейленд является самым популярным тематический парк в мире.Диснейленд парки состоят из восьми тему '', 'земли'. Есть много замечательных аттракционов, популярных достопримечательностей и площадки там. Диснейленд также развлекательная программа по всему парку. Дети могут увидеть многие персонажи Диснея приветствие посетителей, взаимодействуя с ними, и позируют для фотографий. На многих праздников посетители могут насладиться прекрасными фейерверк-шоу. Каждый ребенок мечтает о посещении Диснейленда парков и насладиться атмосферой!вот нормально 
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18.05.2020 04:04
The PRESENT PERFECT TENSE is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form). This tense indicates either that an action was completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the past or that the action extends to the present: I have walked two miles already [but I'm still walking]. I have run the Boston Marathon [but that was some time ago]. The critics have praised the film Saving Private Ryan since it came out [and they continue to do so].
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