Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
1. Nick and Tom played in the yard. 2. They returned to London on Monday night. 3. He rubbed his eyes and saw Fielden beside him. 4. They slept in the open air. 5. My father worked at his plant five years ago. 6. I got up rather late yersterday. 7. His sister spent her holidays in the Crimea. 8. When I was a child I used to pick berries and mushrooms. 9. We wrote a composition last week. 10. My brother began to learn English two years ago.
I go to school every day. Before me don't like go to school.My school is very new and modem and it is very conformable and all the pupils like it very much, it is really home for everyone, who studies there. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and high. There are classrooms for practically all the subjects - English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Literature, etc. There is a computer class in our school, -where pupils study computing, one of the most important subjects nowadays. There is a school hall in our school, too. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place there.
Как то так)
Майкл Фарадей - один из великих ученых в истории человечества в области электричества. Он родился в маленькой деревне вблизи Лондона 11 сентября 1 791 года в бедной семье. Его семья жила впроголодь. В возрасте 13 лет Майкл пошел работать в переплетный магазин, потому что не получил образования. Некоторые научные работы и статьи, которые через его руки, возбудили интерес к науке, и он начал читать. Спустя некоторое время Майкл стал учеником великого ученого того времени, сэра Хамфри Дэйви. Мальчик сопровождал Дэйви в поездках по Европе. Образовательная ценность этих поездок была велика. Фарадей встретил Ампера, одного из выдающихся ученых, который уже сделал себе имя в истории электричества.
Today almost all the electricity we use generated by great machines with magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to it. That's why the English scientist danced with delight on his table when he got what he wanted by moving the magnet near wire. This was a great moment in the history of man's electrical experiments. But Faraday didn't stop at this.