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Mark the correct variant.
1. Which is the ... building in this town?
A older B oldest
C eldest D most old
2. Your car is ... than mine.
A more larger B very larger
C very much larger D a lot more larger
3. This accident was one of the ... disastres in his life.
A worse B worst
C most bad D baddest
4. How are you feeling today? ... better, thank you.
A Very B Many
C Much D More
5. The doctor was ... the patient.
A younger to B younger than
C younger than D the younger
6. The receptionist doesn't ... have foreigners in his hotel.
A soon B often
C seldom D sometimes
7. My grandfather said that he remembered when fish was ... .
A cheaper B more cheap
C more cheaper D much cheap
8. She must be ... woman in the world.
A fatter B fattest
C the fattest D the most fattest
9. Buses are always slow,but today they are ... than ever.
A slowly B slower
C more slowly D the slowest
10. Planes go ... boats.
A as faster as C faster than
B as faster than D more faster than
Test 221
Mark the correct variant.
1. Do ducks like swimming ...?
A very much B too much
C very many D many
2. Susan is ... her sister.
A old as B the oldest as
C older than D the older than
3.Luckily she can swim ... .
A well B good
C better D best
4. It is ... thing we can see.
A the better B the best
С best D the most
5. She thought that was ... moment of her life.
A the happier B the happiest
C a happiest D the happily
6. Of the two toys,the child chooses ... .
A the less expensive B the last expensive
C the one most expensive D the most expensive
7. Do you know that the Dead Sea is ... sea?
A a salty B a saltier
C a saltiest D the saltiest
8. I'm not so ... as a horse.
A strong B stronger
C the strongest D more strong
9. This is ... task I have ever had.
A a great B a greater
C the greatest D so great
10. China has got ... population in the world.
A large B a large
C the largest D too large
Test 222
Mark the correct variant.
1. The weather was not very ... yesterday.
A good B better
C the best D too best
2. He spoke English badly, ... than expected.
A worse B worst
C more badly D baddest
3. I can't understand what you're saying. Could you speake a bit ... ?
A slow B slowlier
C slowest D more slowly
4. Which is ... the River Nile or River Amazon?
A long B longer
C longest D the longest
5. Which is ... from the Sun: Jupiter or Saturn?
A far B farther
C further D farhest
6. My grandmother is a very light sleeper and wakes at ... noise.
A slight B slighter
C the slight D the slightest
7. The small changes in temperature are ... .
A insignificant B the insignificant
C more insignificant D the most insignificant
8. Try to be ... to the guests.
A pleasant B the pleasant
C more pleasant D the most pleasant
9. That's ... things I've ever heard.
A funny B the funny
C furnier D the funniest
10. The house is on ... side of the lake.
A far B the far
C farther D the farhest
Test 223
Mark the correct variant.
1. This book is exciting,I can hardly wait to get to the ... chapter.
A last B latest
C newest D youngest
2. You play tennis ... I do/
A better than B better as
C more well D more good well
3. Do it ... .
A so B like so
C like this D like this way
4. Have you ever been to Norway? ... .
A Still B None
C Not until D Not yet
5. ... clever idea!
A So B What
C What a D How
6. They ... don't believe it even though we've slown them the evidence.
A yet B still
C already D no longer
7. The smaller the phenomena a scientist is investigating, ... is the time needed to conduct research.
A the bigger B the biggest
C then big D and the bigger
8. The former book is ... more interesting than the latter.
A much B many
C the least D fever
9. A ... gentleman was pushing a large gentleman in the back with his stick.
A too small B enough small
C very small D very smaller
10. "Let's go a little ... " Nick suggest.
A fast B faster
C more fast D fastly

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25.06.2021 18:52

ответ:Хлеб с оливковым маслом

Быстрый, легкий хлеб, который хорошо сочетается с итальянской едой и пастой. Попробуйте сформировать тесто в круглый шар или батон для французского хлеба.


· 1/2 чашки теплой воды (110 ° F / 45 C) · 2 1/4 чайной ложки активных сухих дрожжей · 1 чайная ложка белого сахара · 1 чайная ложка соли · 4 столовые ложки оливкового масла · 2 1/2 чашки универсальной муки


1. В большой миске смешайте теплую воду (110 ° F / 45 C), дрожжи, сахар, соль и оливковое масло.

2. Размешайте 2 стакана муки, чтобы получился мягкий шарик.

3. Месить в дополнительной муке, чтобы тесто было мягким и не липким.

4. Поместить тесто в смазанную маслом миску среднего размера. Накройте и дайте подняться, пока не удвоится в размере.

5. Пробить тесто и сформировать его в форме шарика или буханки.

6. Поместите на смазанный маслом лист печенья. Накрыть крышкой и дать подняться на 15-20 минут.

7. Разогрейте духовку до 375 ° F (190 С).

8. Выпекайте в предварительно разогретой духовке от 30 до 40 минут до золотистого цвета.

9. Для глазури с блестящим эффектом нанесите на хлеб один яичный белок и одну столовую ложку воды (смешанную) за 5 минут до завершения.


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01.05.2020 22:18

Упражнение 1. Complete the pairs ofsentences. Use the Present Perfect in one sentence and the Past Simple in the other.

1. I (know) her for six years. I (know) him when I was at school.

2. He (live) în Paris from 1997 to 2000. He (live) in New York since 2001.

3. Where's Pete? I (not see) him for ages. I (not see) Pete last night.

4. We (be) at primary school from 1993 to 1998. We (be) in this class since September.

5. I (not watch) this video yet. I (not watch) _a video at the weekend.

1. I (have known) her for six years. I (knew) him when I was at school.

2. He (lived) în Paris from 1997 to 2000. He (has lived) in New York since 2001.

3. Where's Pete? I (have not seen) him for ages. I (did not see) Pete last night.

4. We (were) at primary school from 1993 to 1998. We (have been) in this class since September.

5. I (have not watched) this video yet. I (did not watch) a video at the weekend.

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