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Match the name of a disaster with its definition and its cause. Write the table in your copybook in short! You are going to
have three columns: 1 st - name, 2 nd – definition, and 3 rd – cause.
1. Avalanche a) is a very large column of wind that

spins around very quickly

k) Usually during a hot, dry summer forest fires occur. They
may be started by people or by lightning in storms. It can
easily be spread because of wind.

2. Forestfire/

b) is the sudden occurrence
of a violent discharge (the sudden
giving off of energy) of steam and
volcanic material

L) It happens on a slope like a mountain or a hill. The rocks
and earth become loose and fall down the slope. When soil on
the slope is wet, a mudslide may occur.

3. Volcanic

c) Is a large amount or number,
especially when moving from one place
to another

m) 'Big wind', is most likely to occur in late summer in
America. They are caused by low air pressure and
thunderstorms and result in strong winds and heavy rain.
When they happen in the Atlantic Ocean we call them
hurricanes; however, they are called Typhoons when they
happen in the Pacific Ocean

4. Tornado d) is the large movement of snow
down the side of a mountain

n) It occurs when electricity comes down from the
sky and hits the ground. A lightning strike can typically be
30,000 °C and travel at 60,000 miles per second. Thunder is
the loud sound that we hear soon after a flash of this

5. Lightning e) Is the downward falling or sliding

of a mass of soil, mud, rock

o) It happens when there has been no rain in a place for a long
time. The land becomes to dry and it impossible to grow any
plants or vegetables on the land. It sometimes occurs in very
hot countries.

6. Landslide f) Is a period of dry weather, p) It occurs when a large amount of water covers the land.

especially a long one that is injurious
to crops

Too much rain usually causes it. It also happens when the
water level in a river becomes too high. As sea levels continue
to rise, the risk of flooding increases

7. Hurricane/

g) Is a sudden movement of the
earth's crust caused by the release
of stress accumulated along geologic
faults or by volcanic activity

Q) It occurs when the plates of the earth start to move and
the ground begins to move and shake. It can range from the
very big (which can destroy cities) to the very small (which
you might not even notice). The size of it is measured on the
Richter scale.

8. Flood h) is a fire that spreads

rapidly in the forest and which is hard
to extinguish

r) It happens in most places around the world, but is most
common in America. Instability of air cause growing of every
thunderstorm. Warm, moist air is less dense than cold, dry
air. In this density game, the surface air will begin to rise,
and in an unstable atmosphere, what goes up will keep going

9. Earthquake i) Is a violent, tropical,
cyclonic storm of the
western North Atlantic, having wind
speeds of or in excess of 72 miles per
hour (32 m/sec)

s) It occurs when the snow becomes too loose and as it slides
down it mixes with air and water to cause a powerful and
dangerous disaster.

10. Drought j) Is a brilliant electric spark

discharge in the
atmosphere, occurring
within a thundercloud,
between clouds, or
between a cloud and the ground

t) It is caused by the plates of the earth moving and the
pressure makes magma push up through the cracks in the

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06.04.2023 01:12
XVIII. Use the correct tense form.
1. If you see this film, we will discuss it later. 2. If she has a problem, I will help her. 3. If we travel) by car, we will save a lot of money. 4. If he doesn't her flowers once a week she will be offended. 5. If they blame him, it will serve him right. 6. When the children come home for Christmas, the parents will be happy. 7. When the summer season comes, there will be a lot of tourists here. 8. When you go shopping, use your credit card. 9. You will feel better, after you take the tablet. 10. We will buy their car after father gets his salary. 11. I won't try on this dress before I know how much it is. 12. I will wake you up as soon as I get up. 13. They will make an announcement about the plane as soon as it lands. 14. As soon as Tom fixes the engine we will continue our journey. 15. As soon as he writes to me I will let you know. 16. We will lie in the sun and swim in the warm sea unless the weather changes for the worse. 17. She will not marry him unless he gives up his bad habits. 18. You will not lose weight unless you eat less. 19. We will have a good time while our holiday lasts. 20. I will keep you here, until you tell the truth. 

XIX. Use the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences below.
1. At our University classes usually begin at a quarter to eight. 2. Yesterday we had four lessons. 3. My brother got into the University last year. 4. We will be engineers in five years. 5. The whole course of studies at a higher school lasts four or five years. 6. She has many relatives. 7. He always comes on time. 8. We will do this work tomorrow. 9. It usually takes me half an hour to get to the University, but yesterday it took me more than an hour. 10. Sometimes he goes home on foot and from time to time he takes a bus. 11. Do you like to read books? 12. What foreign language does your friend study? 13. When and where were you born? 14. What are your parents? 15. Do you live in Tula or in Moscow?
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30.03.2021 12:21

В отличие от многих людей, я отношусь к компьютеру очень позитивно. Это — величайшее изобретение человечества! Люди создали универсальную машину, с которой можно делать сто дел: читать, смотреть кино, рисовать, печатать, чертить, считать, находить полезную информацию, делать ретушь фотографии, создавать мультфильмы и видеоролики.

Еще можно общаться с людьми у которых самые разные увлечения, которые живут хоть на другом конце планеты. Не нужно ограничиваться только теми людьми, кто живет в соседнем дворе, и навязывать себе их хобби.

Я могу продолжать этот список  , как полезен компьютер.

Оригинал http://ycilka.net/tvir.php?id=177#ixzz4O6h9TeHc
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