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Modern technologies in our life
Mobile Phones
The technical progress goes straight in huge steps. We live in the 21st century, full of different means of communication. Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. We cannot imagine our life without it because it is very important to communicate with your family and friends. At the same time, we can find the opinion that the usage of mobile phones can be harmful and dangerous.
I think that mobile phones are very useful in our everyday life. Firstly, it is very convenient, as people can call each other anywhere. Secondly, each telephone has such devices as a calendar, a camera, the Internet, an alarm clock and others. No matter where we are, there is an opportunity to get connected to the Internet, check our e-mails and find any necessary information. In addition mobile phones can help fill in our free time. For example, we may play games on it. Moreover, you are always available to delay meetings or let somebody know if you are late. Thirdly, many parents buy cell phones for their children just for safety. If a child gets into some trouble, he can call emergency services or his parents. If you need, you can call the police or an ambulance.
At the same time, some people believe that mobile phones are dangerous. Their microwaves can be very harmful and they affect our health greatly. In addition, there is such a phenomenon as a mobile phone addiction, and it’s a real problem in our society. Besides, when a person speaks on the phone in public places, we can listen to other people’s conversations or sometimes phones ring a lot of times. It is so disturbing.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that mobile phones make our life easier but nevertheless, there is a negative effect on our health. That is why people shouldn’t overuse them.
Lately computers have filled our life. We do not imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine.
They have much better memories and they can store much information. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a computer can. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can predict weather, and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. With the help of computers the Internet has entered into our life. It’s a brilliant source of information because the internet is a big encyclopedia. Now people cannot live a day without checking of mail and visiting their favourite sites. The Internet is not only the assistant in daily work, it is also the other world in which there are mail boxes, libraries, photo galleries, games, shops. The internet gives us a chance to communicate with people all over the world. It is interesting to learn about a life in different countries and you can practice English talking to native speakers. Also you can use the internet if you are looking for a job or to find people who share your interests. By means of the Internet people can travel to different cities, visit tourist places.
Certainly, the Internet can be the excellent assistant in information search. But we can’t rely on all the information. Moreover, some sites are unsuitable for children and should be controlled by parents. Besides, the internet can cause addiction. We lose a touch with the real world getting in a full dependence on a computer. But computers shouldn’t replace seeing your friends. And finally, users of the internet get a lot of spam every day which is very annoying.
I think that it is necessary to understand, what is really important on the Internet and what is not. And then the Internet will be not the terrible enemy, but the indispensable assistant.

Задание 1-выбрать один из двух текстов, прочитать и постараться понять.
Задание 2-выписать из выбранного текста все прилагательные, построить к ним сравнительную и превосходную степень.(в три столбика)

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17.11.2021 04:27

Hello I live in Kazakhstan the city of kostonay I study at a school across the river, a lyceum, my native language is Russian, I also want to tell you about our school, it is big, we have 3 floors, my class is on the 3rd floor, the accountant is kind, my class teacher is Ismira Afisovna, she teaches us English a the Kazakh language is taught by Aigul Mendagolievna my favorite lessons are English mathematics Kazakh computer science and physics almost everything

today we have a 6th lesson class hour ego is also leading Ismira Afisovna I really want our accountants to love us and not scold me I love our teachers and school and our noisy class so far

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31.12.2020 19:46

1. Finally, if a non-police negotiator IS BEING USED and you decide to go tactical, that person may be reluctant (or may refuse) to participate in a tactical response and may alert the subject by changing or disrupting the negotiations.

Наконец, если ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ не полицейский переговорщик, и вы решите перейти на тактический подход, этот человек может неохотно (или может отказаться) участвовать в тактическом ответе и может предупредить субъекта, изменив или прервав переговоры.

They ARE ACCUSTOMED to people coming to them and asking for help, not resisting it.

 Since these people HAVE generally NOT BEEN TRAINED in negotiation, they will probably, under the stress of the situation, revert to their usual way of talking with the subject.

Они ОБЪЕДИНЯЮТСЯ к людям, которые приходят к ним и просят о , а не сопротивляются этому.

Поскольку эти люди, как правило, НЕ ОБУЧАЮТ вести переговоры, они, вероятно, в стрессовой ситуации вернутся к своему обычному общения с предметом

All negotiators HAVE HEARD stories about family members who come to the scene and say, “Let me talk to him, he’ll listen to me”

And, generally, they don’t have the mental “set” to expect demands and to deal with lying or threats if those demands AREN'T MENT. 

Все переговорщики СЛЫШАЛИ истории о членах семьи, которые приходят на место происшествия и говорят: «Позвольте мне поговорить с ним, он меня выслушает».

И, как правило, у них нет ментального «настроя» ожидать требований и справляться с ложью или угрозами, если эти требования НЕ МЕНЯТЬ.


I’d like TO WARN you about non-police negotiators.

Хочу ПРЕДУПРЕДИТЬ вас о переговорщиках, не являющихся полицейскими.

Even mental health professionals with experience in crisis intervention may have little TO OFFER if they have not had negotiation training

Даже специалистам в области психического здоровья, имеющим опыт работы в кризисных ситуациях, может быть нечего предложить, если они не обучение переговорам

And, generally, they don’t have the mental “set” TO EXPECT demands and TO DEAL with lying or threats if those demands aren’t ment.

Finally, if a non-police negotiator is being used and you decide TO GO tactical, that person may be reluctant (or may refuse) TO PARTICIPATE in a tactical response and may alert the subject by changing or disrupting the negotiations. 

И, как правило, у них нет ментального «набора», ЧТОБЫ ОЖИДАТЬ требования и БЕЗОПАСНЫ с ложью или угрозами, если этих требований нет.

Наконец, если используется посредник, не являющийся полицейским, и вы решите ПРОВЕРИТЬ тактический ответ, этот человек может неохотно (или может отказаться) УЧАСТВОВАТЬ в тактическом ответе и может предупредить субъекта, изменив или прервав переговоры.

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