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Read the article about the culture of Great Britain. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (26–30). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Life in modern Britain
If you find yourself going to any country to study or on business, it’s useful to know a little bit about the people before you get there. This could help avoid any embarrassing mistakes. 0 G But remember that no matter what the cultural guides say, you should not assume that all British people you meet will be the same.
The British have always been known for their ‘stiff upper lip’. As a nation, the British tend not to use superlatives and may not seem terribly lively when they speak. 26 It’s just that they choose not to display them in public. They are generally not keen on showing their feelings, so unless you know someone well, they may not like it if you put your arm around their shoulder. You’ll also see that the British prefer to keep a considerable distance between themselves and the person to whom they are speaking.
Privacy is very important to British people. They will probably not give you a tour of their home, and, in fact, may keep most doors closed. They expect visitors to respect their privacy. 27 Even close friends do not cross the line by enquiring about someone’s financial situation or relationships.
There is a proper way to act in most situations and the British do not like to break the rules. Take body language as an example. The British are generally more controlled in their body language and hand gestures while speaking, than say, North and South Americans and Southern Europeans. 28 Friendships take longer to build, but once established they may last over time and distance.
The British exchange presents between family members and close friends for birthdays and Christmas. The present need not be expensive, but it should demonstrate an attempt to find something

related to that person’s interests. Also, if you are invited to someone’s home, it is normal to take along a box of good quality chocolates, some wine, or flowers. 29
British people enjoy entertaining people in their homes. Although Brits value people being on time, you may arrive 10–15 minutes later than invited to dinner. However, if you are meeting friends at a restaurant, you should not be late. Traditionally, it’s considered bad manners to rest your elbows on the table. 30 If invited to a meal at a restaurant, the person who extended the invitation may offer to pay.
Remember, it takes time to get to know a country and its people and the best thing to do is keep your eyes and ears open. And above all else, as the British themselves would say, keep calm and carry on!

Read the article about the culture of Great Britain. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (26–30). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A For this reason, they may initially seem less open.
B This does not mean that they do not have strong emotions.
C This also includes not asking personal questions.
D Younger people, however, are a lot more relaxed about this, especially for less formal dining.
E It’s best not to do this in public places.
F And unlike many other cultures, gifts are usually opened when received.
G And nowhere is this more the case than in Britain.

Показать ответ
21.01.2021 08:59

Это популярная настольная игра в Южной Африке.

Which is a popular board game in South Africa.

Смотрите, это отличная настольная игра.

Look, it's this really great board game.

Моя любимая настольная игра - Риск.

My favorite board game is Risk.

Другая настольная игра компании стала частью рекламной кампании сериала «Закон каменных джунглей», выпущенного на канале ТНТ.

Another board game became a part of advertising campaign of the series Law of stone jungle, released on TNT channel.

Окно в потусторонний мир или безобидная настольная игра?

A paranormal eye to the soul or just a... harmless board game?

Ну, знаешь, настольная игра.

You know, the board game.

Го - сложная настольная игра, требующая помимо логики применение интуиции, творческого и стратегического мышления.

Go is a complex board game that requires intuition, creative and strategic thinking.

Древняя китайская настольная игра для 4 игроков

The ancient Chinese board game for 4 players

Дома у меня есть такая настольная игра.

We have the board game at my house.

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29.10.2021 21:21

                   My secret plan to improve my English.

I want to make English a part of my daily life.

I understand that English should surround me from all sides, so I made my secret plan to improve my level of English.

I think I can:

Watch TV shows in the original, for example, full-fledged shows.Listen to podcasts. Choose a podcast in English according to your level.Try a new format for audio serials.Parse songs of your favourite artists.Read or listen to books. I'll start with adapted literature or bilingual books.Keep a diary. Describe your day in English in notes on your phone or record voice messages. Re-read or re-listen to your notes, analyzing mistakes.Make a list of products in English.Paste stickers around the house with new words.Subscribe in social networks to English-speaking bloggers of interest.


Я хочу сделать английский частью моей повседневной жизни.  

Я понимаю, что английский язык должен окружать меня со всех сторон, поэтому я составил свой секретный план по совершенствованию уровня моего Английского.

Думаю, я могу:

Смотреть сериалы в оригинале, например, полноценные шоу.   Слушать подкасты.  Выбирать подкаст на английском в соответствии со своим уровнем.  Попробовать новый формат аудио сериалов.  Разбирать песни любимых исполнителей. Читать или слушать книги. Начну с адаптированной литературы или двуязычных книг. Вести дневник. Описывай свой день на английском в заметках на телефоне или записывай голосовые сообщения. Перечитывать или переслушивать свои заметки, анализируя ошибки. Составлять список продуктов на английском. Расклеить по дому стикеры с новыми словами. Подписаться в соцсетях на англоязычных блогеров по интересам.
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