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Money vocabulary: What´s the word? 1. MONEY VOCABULARY 2. We can’t _ _ _ _ _ _ to go on holiday this year, so we’re staying at home 3. That ring can’t be _ _ _ _ _ €20,000. It looks like plastic. 4. Pete didn’t _ _ _ very much _ _ _ his car. It was second-hand 5. How much do you think you’ll _ _ _ _ every month in your new job 6. Sorry! But I can’t _ _ _ _ _ _ _the money I owe you until the end of the month 7. Do you have any change for the supermarket trolley? I only have a €10 _ _ _ _ 8. Some people think it is a very bad idea to borrow money _ _ _ _ a friend. 9. I get really angry with myself when I _ _ _ _ _ my money on things I don´t really need. 10. I used to have a piggy when I was young. That’s how I learned to _ _ _ _ money. 11. Is it OK to _ _ _ _ _ credit card? 12. Did the bank _ _ _ _ you the money to buy a new house? 13. Diana started spending a lot more money than she had in the bank. She got into _ _ _ _ after six months. 14. Our gas _ _ _ _ was really high this month because we had the central heating on all the time. 15. Our neighbour _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a beautiful house in the country when her aunt died 16. How can the lawyer _ _ _ _ _ _ you €200 for 10 minutes’ work? 17. My grandmother is afraid of using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the street. She prefers to go into the bank to get her money. 18. I’ve asked my bank for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because I want to buy a flat 19. The government is going to put up _ _ _ on cigarettes and alcohol 20. If you open a(n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with this bank, you get an interest – free credit card for a year

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01.02.2022 18:31

I do not think that someone should emulate. Each person is different, everyone is looking for in your life purpose, my purpose. For some, the choice is obvious, but someone goes a long and hard way. There are people who call my respect and admiration. These are people who have unique knowledge and erudition. For example, players television game"What? Where? When "Maxim Potashev, Alexander friends, Andrei Kozlov, and others. It is clear that knowledge did not fall on them from the sky, which is the result of a longlabor, a huge number of books read.

Another example - the hackers. But not in the sense of software hackers, virus writers.First of all, the hackers - are highly qualified specialists in computer programming, haveinnovative thinking. And without such expertise, it was hardly possible to create a network of the Internet, and indeed the world would be different.

The human desire to acquire new knowledge, to be a specialist high level, while remaininga normal and decent person, and there is an example for me to follow.

ответ:I do not think that someone should emulate. Each person is different, everyone is looking for in your life purpose, my purpose. For some, the choice is obvious, but someone goes a long and hard way. There are people who call my respect and admiration. These are people who have unique knowledge and erudition. For example, players television game"What? Where? When "Maxim Potashev, Alexander friends, Andrei Kozlov, and others. It is clear that knowledge did not fall on them from the sky, which is the result of a longlabor, a huge number of books read. Another example - the hackers. But not in the sense of software hackers, virus writers.First of all, the hackers - are highly qualified specialists in computer programming, haveinnovative thinking. And without such expertise, it was hardly possible to create a network of the Internet, and indeed the world would be different.The human desire to acquire new knowledge, to be a specialist high level, while remaininga normal and decent person, and there is an example for me to follow.


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19.06.2021 15:38

не знаю на каком тебе нужно языке

это на англ

There are thousands of sports: football, basketball, tennis, etc. But my favorite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is a sport, a team game. In which two teams compete on a special platform divided by a grid. The meaning of the game is that the ball needs to get on the side of the opponents. Volleyball is one of the most popular, simple and affordable sports. To play it, you do not need large financial expenses and special physical training. Beach, ball, friends – and you can start having fun! I love this sport not only because it is very interesting and fun, but also because volleyball is quite a useful sport. It is proved that regular ball play has a General tempering and strengthening effect on the body, as well as significantly increases the body's endurance.

Volleyball also improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system, and has a positive effect on the lungs and respiratory system. It is worth noting that regular volleyball classes strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve joint mobility. My favorite sport is volleyball. It develops many qualities in me-precision, restraint and balance. And most importantly, after every game I feel stronger. After all, sport is the key to health.

это на русском

Существует тысячи видов спорта: футбол, баскетбол, теннис и т.д. Но мой любимый вид спорта это волейбол. Волейбол- это вид спорта, спортивная, командная игра. В процессе которой две команды соревнуются на специальной площадке разделенной сеткой. Смысл игры в том что, мячом нужно попасть на сторону противников. Волейбол является одним из наиболее популярных и доступных видов спорта. Чтобы играть в него не нужны большие финансовые затраты и особенная физическая подготовка. Пляж, мяч, друзья – и можно начинать веселится! Я люблю этот вид спорта не только за то что это очень интересно и весело, но и за то что волейбол достаточно полезный вид спорта. Доказано, что регулярная игра с мячом оказывает общее закаляющее и укрепляющее действие на организм, а также значительно повышает выносливость организма.

Также волейбол отлично улучшает кровообращение, укрепляет сердце и сердечно-сосудистую систему, положительно влияет на легкие и дыхательную систему. Стоит отметить, что регулярные занятия волейболом укрепляют опорно-двигательный аппарат, улучшают подвижность суставов. Мой любимый вид спорта - волейбол. Он развивает во мне много качеств - точность, сдержанность и сбалансированность. А главное, после каждой игры я чувствую себя сильнее. Ведь спорт - залог здоровья.


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