Бейсбол состоит из девяти мини-футбол игра с битой, мяч и перчатка, в основном в США команды состоят из питчером и Ловец, называется аккумулятор, первый, второй и третий бейсмен, и приятели, называют приусадебного участка, и правый, Центральный и левый защитники, называется полевым. Замены игроков могут войти в игру в любой момент, но когда игрок удален, он не может вернуться.
Baseball consists of nine mini-football game with a bat, a ball and a glove, mostly in the US the team consists of a pitcher and a trapper, called the battery, the first, second and third baseman, and shortstop, called the infield, and the right, central and left defenders , is called the field one. Substitutions of players can enter the game at any time, but when the player is removed, he can not return.
Baseball consists of nine mini-football game with a bat, a ball and a glove, mostly in the US the team consists of a pitcher and a trapper, called the battery, the first, second and third baseman, and shortstop, called the infield, and the right, central and left defenders , is called the field one. Substitutions of players can enter the game at any time, but when the player is removed, he can not return.