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Robinson Crusoe was sailing to Africa when his ship hit yhe rocks in a terrible storm. He swamto the shore and discovered he was the only survivor. The next day, he swam out to his shipwreck. It was on some rocks near the island. He brought back tools and other supplies. Then he looked for a place to build a shelter.
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I watch TV on Mondays. (подлежащее выражено местоимением I - Я)
Catherine and I go to a fast-food restaurant near the school on Saturdays. (подлежащее выражено именем и местоимением I - Я, можно заменить на местоимением WE - МЫ - WE go to a fast-food restaurant...)
My cousin takes the dog for a walk in the afternoon. (My cousin - мой кузин - he - он)
My brother makes model planes and fly/flies them in the park. (My brother - мой брат - he - он)
They go out on Saturdays evenings. (подлежащее выражено местоимением they - они)
I'm 9 years old. I'm in the 3rd grade. I have 11 books. 4 red pens, 3 blue pencils, and one ruler. My favorite subject is physical culture. I like jumping, running and swimming.
Немецкий :
Ich bin 9 Jahre alt, ich bin in der 3. Klasse, ich habe 11 Bücher, 4 rote Stifte, 3 blaue Bleistifte und ein Lineal, mein Lieblingsthema ist die körperliche Kultur, ich mag Springen, Laufen und Schwimmen.
Колькі табе гадоў? Мне 9 гадоў. вучуся ў 3 классе.у мяне ёсць 11 книг.4 чырвоных ручкі, 3 сініх алоўка, і адна линейка.мой любімы прадмет физкультура.я люблю скакаць, бегаць і плаваць.