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01.05.2023 18:32 •  Английский язык

надо сделать 1. Fill in: protected, warning, are lost, be tempted, got a chance, reflected, juicy, rainwater, a germ, poisonous snakes.
The lake_ the surrounding mountains.
The keys _ somewhere in the house.
Watch out! This place is full of _.
It is a _ that causes sore throats.
I like eating sweet _ apples.
Some people use _to water flowers.
The hat only partially _ Sam’s face from the sun.
Don’t _ to spend too much money on clothes.
He was lucky and _ to take part in the summer Olympic Games.
There are _ signs against high speed driving.
2. Complete the sentences in reported speech.
“I haven’t spoken to them since last month,” she said to me.

“All the furniture was delivered two days ago,” Sally said to Pete.

“We are going to Madrid this summer,” Gloria said.

“I’d like to buy this dress,” Jessie said.

“They had been jogging for three hours before it started to rain,” Kate said to us.

“You must practise more,” mother said to Jill.

“My boss wants me to go to Moscow tomorrow,” Tony said to his wife.

“I’m sorry, I can’t meet you at the station next Wednesday,” he said to us.

“Water boils at 100 degrees,” the teacher explained to the pupils.

“I’ll start cooking at four o’clock,” mum said.

3. Complete the gaps with some, any, every, no + the appropriate compound.
The task was so difficult that_ could complete it.
I think you must find_ to help you.
_ knows that people can’t live without water.
Did you meet_ interesting at the party yesterday?
Look! The street is empty. It seems that_ has disappeared.
Fill in: through, on, out, off, away.

At last Week’s Oscars, a small number of films carried _ nearly all the prizes.
We were all carried _ by her excellent speech.

He moved to London to carry _ his work.

We hope you will carry that_ successfully.

I expect you to carry _ all my instructions.
Spotlight 9 MODULE 8 Variant 2
1. Fill in: protected, warning, are lost, be tempted, got a chance, reflected, juicy, rainwater, a germ, poisonous snakes.
The lake _ the surrounding mountains.
The keys _ somewhere in the house.
Watch out! This place is full of_ .
It is a _ that causes sore throats.
I like eating sweet _ apples.
Some people use _ to water flowers.
The hat only partially _ Sam’s face from the sun.
Don’t _ to spend too much money on clothes.
He was lucky and _ to take part in the summer Olympic Games.
There are _ signs against high speed driving.
2. Complete the sentences in reported speech
“I promise I will go shopping in an hour”, Mike said.

“I didn’t break into your house yesterday,” the man said.

“Yes, I’ll do the cleaning,” Ann said.

“Let’s go and swim in the lake,” Paul said.

“Please call the doctor,” the woman said.

“You shouldn’t eat so many sweets,” she said to me.

“She is always arguing with me!” Sally said to her mum.

“Don’t make a fire in the forest when the weather is hot”, the fireman said to us.

“You have to pay all the bills today,” Linda said to her husband.

“If you heat ice, it melts,” Mrs Lane said to her pupils.

Complete the gaps with some, any, every, no + the appropriate compound.
I don’t know_ about it.
I think there is _ at the door.
Can I tell you_?
Is _ready for the concert?
_ serious happened to Ann that day.
Fill in: through, on, out, off, away.
Only his courage let Jim carry the work_.
He carried _ the first prize in the tennis tournament.
Let’s not get carried _. We’ve done only half of it.
Carry _. You’re doing fine.
The investigation is being carried _by the local police.

Показать ответ
10.01.2022 21:56

I. 1) We

2) I

3) He

II. 1) are

2) is

3) am

III. 1) pictureS

2) penS

3) tableS

IV. 1) Open the books.

2) Read the text.

3) Plase, give me a pencil.

V. 1) She is my best friend

2) The Russia is the largest country in the world.

3) I play football with my friends twice a week.

VI. 1) at

2) to

3) of

VII. 1) My friend's family.

2) My sister's letter.

3) My teacher's bag.

VIII. 1) have

2) Have

3) has

4) have

IX. 1) Who is speaking English?

2) What are you doing?

3) Where is she standing?

X. 1) Today is the 16th of Septemer.

2) Today is  Wednesday.

3) It is 2PM o'clock now.

XI. 1) his

2) their

3) your

4) our

XII. 1) May, can

2) Must

3) Can

XIII. 1) Don't open the window.

2) We don't like tea.

3) She is not learning English.

XIV. 1) a, the

2) the

3) -

4) -

XV. 1) Take these pens.

2) Give me those maps.

3) Take the children.

XVI. 1) There are (ЧИСЛО УЧЕНИКОВ В ГРУППЕ) pupils in my group.

2) All are present.

3) (ИМЯ)'s on duty today.

4) I am doing a test.

5) My teacher is sitting at her/his (в зависимости от пола учителя) table.

6) I am studying hard at my English lesson usually.

XVII. 1) It is spring now.

2) It is warm in spring.

3) It often rains in spring.

4) There is no snow in the spring.

5) Summer is coming soon.

XVIII. 1) It is spring now.

2) It is Sunday today.

3) It is afternoon now.

4) It is raining now.

5) It is warm now.

XIX. 1) Is Fred a doctor or a student?

2) Is Ann my friend or my aunt?

3) Are these cups yellow or brown?

XX. 1) Words of the first lesson.

2) Pages of the second book.

3) Workers of the third shop.

4) Apartments of the fourth entrance.

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23.11.2022 12:24

if you are at streets you should go home with you parents or friends.Because maniacs are scared of big company's.There's why:if someone will run away a person can describe a maniac his clothes face and he will have a lot of evidence.Plus you should know how to fight or take a little knife or key to protect yourself.You shouldn't take a taxi at night because the can be a killers or pedophiles.If you are at streets at morning you should go with many people if you see that someone is following you,you should go to the supermarket and say it to a security guard.And you shouldn't let a stranger give you a ride home.

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