Написать письмо другу из страны, в которой вы отдыхаете. В письме описать погоду, чем вы и члены вашей семьи сейчас занимаетесь (Present Continuous все действия). Используй максимальное количество словарных слов этого раздела.
Ann. Just a little
Olga. And then?
Ann. Then you slice a few onions and cook them in butter.
Olga. How many onions?
Ann. As many as you like.
Olga. And how much butter?
Ann. As much. as you like.
Olga. And then?
Ann. Then you add a little water.
Olga. How much ?
Ann. Not too much.Just a few cups.
Olga. And after that?
Ann. You add a few potatoes, a little tomato paste, a few carrots, a few cabbage and a few beans.
Olga. How much. time do you cook the soup?
Ann. Not too long. Just a few. hours.
Olga. Thanks for the recipe. I’ll try it soon.
Ann. You are welcome