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A brave Woman
A sergeant to Arizona police department: «Helen Presley rescued three people to a burning car. That is how it all happened. One evening she went out with her friend Jack for a meal in a small quiet restaurant. They left at 9 pm and Helen offered to take Jack home. They were driving along when, suddenly, a car drove past them out of control. The car crashed and after that it burst into flames.
First they ran to the burning car. When they got there, they saw three people trapped inside. The people were screaming and Helen knew they had to get them out. It was incredibly hot when Helen and her friend managed to open the doors.
The driver was sitting inside, unconscious. They got him out and then went back for the other two passengers. Helen had to climb over the front seat s to get to them. Surprisingly, the
passengers were able to walk away to the car. Meanwhile, some people who were watching to a nearby campsite, called the emergency service. We came as soon as possible.
The brave woman was standing there in a state of shock when I asked her for her name and address. She couldn't remember!
She says she didn't do anything extraordinary but our police department presented them with certificate for their bravery!
But I think it's nice feeling to know you've helped to save someone's life
There will be sports events in my class today. But for this we have to ogranizovat. In 1 day will start with the anthem. And then we'll have a few games. It will be: football, knockouts, javelin throwing, paintball and there will be several gymnastic types of games. Each game will be played at a certain time: 1 - at 10.00, 2-at 10.50, 3- 11.40, 4- 12.30, 5- 13.20. And the conclusion of the event will be prizes and several performances.
Сегодня в моем классе будут проходить спортивные мероприятия. Но для этого мы должны все огрнизовать. Во первых, день будет начинаться с гимна. А после мы проведем несколько игр. Это будет: футбол, выбивалы, метание копья, пейнербол и еще будут несколько гимнастических видов игр. Каждая игра будет в определенное время: 1- в 10.00, 2- в 10.50, 3- 11.40, 4- 12.30, 5- 13.20. А заключением мероприятия будут призы и несколько выступлений.