Когда-то о Фиджи было придумано немало легенд и многие из них гласили о том, что его населяют людоеды. Теперь же эти острова считаются райским уголком на Земле. Тропический климат, красивейшие пляжи и огромное разнообразие развлекательных мероприятий – это то, что нужно каждому, кто хочет сбросить себя груз повседневности и отлично провести Новый год в 2017 г. Англ:!Once upon a time, many legends were invented about Fiji, and many of them said that it was inhabited by cannibals. Now these islands are considered a paradise on the Earth. The tropical climate, beautiful beaches and a huge variety of recreational activities - this is what everyone needs, who wants to lose the burden of everyday life and spend a great New Year.
Англ:!Once upon a time, many legends were invented about Fiji, and many of them said that it was inhabited by cannibals. Now these islands are considered a paradise on the Earth. The tropical climate, beautiful beaches and a huge variety of recreational activities - this is what everyone needs, who wants to lose the burden of everyday life and spend a great New Year.