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13.07.2022 10:02 •  Английский язык

Напишите по 5 условных предложений для 0,1,2 типа на тему коронавирус

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31.01.2023 08:30
Fact number 1. In Germany there are about 1500 kinds of sausages, 300 types of bread and about 5 thousand varieties of beer. And in the country there are several museums of bread.Fact number 2. One third of the world's breweries are in Bavaria.
Fact number 3. In Germany, invented a chewing gum.
Fact number 4. Aspirin was invented by the Germans in 1897.
Fact number 5. Football is the most popular sport in Germany.
Fact number 6. In 2009, Barbie was released in the image of Angela Merkel.Fact number 7. Doing music more than two hours a day is an offense for which you can get a fine, as this creates inconvenience to neighbors.
Fact number 8. To ride a bicycle, the child must pass an exam for cycling rights.
Fact number 9. In Bavaria, at work, you can drink a mug of beer.
Fact number 10. Many homeless Germans often breed dogs: for their maintenance they are paid money.Fact number 11. In court, alcoholic intoxication is a mitigating circumstance. If it's not about accidents and malfeasance.
Fact number 12. With management in German companies usually communicate with "you".
Fact number 13. Women in Germany decided to shake hands.
Fact number 14. The Germans are friendly and friendly. However, this is just a good upbringing, not a sign of sympathy, so you do not need to flatter yourself.
Fact number 15. For pedestrians there are special roads, as evidenced by a special sign. Especially in the sleeping areas.
Fact number 16. The highest church in the world is in Germany. This is the Ulm Cathedral, its height is 161.5 meters.

Fact number 17. From a bottle of German beer you drunk faster than from a draft.

Fact number 18. The Germans will never climb into the fray. If the fight does begin, then it will go to the last.

Fact number 19. To garbage in Germany, too, special requirements: it is divided into food and plastic.

Fact number 20. In Germany, about 250 magazines and newspapers are published in Russian.

Fact number 21. In Hamburg, there are a lot of bridges: about 2500 pieces. This is more than in London, Amsterdam and Venice combined.

Fact number 22. On average, men in Germany live 78 years, and women - 83 years.
Fact number 23. Germans themselves say that Berlin is the dirtiest city in the country.
Fact number 24. The post of Germany is one of the most operational services in the world. The Deutsche Post AG employs about half a million employees, and approximately 95% of the letters inside the country reach the very next day after sending.
Fact number 25. For escape from prison, the offender is not punished. The fact is that the German court justifies man's desire for freedom. Therefore, if the offender is caught, then he just hangs out. Well, if not, then no.
Fact # 26. In Germany there are a lot of cyclists. According to statistics, 80 Germans have 60 bicycles. This is one of the main modes of transport. Even in the winter.Fact number 27. Even with the recycling of the car there are special rules. So, you need to pay for a special trash.
Fact number 28. Germany is the first country to switch to summer time. This was done during the First World War to save electricity.
Fact # 29. Beer is prepared strictly according to the recipe. Its production is regulated by the law adopted back in 1516. According to him, 4 ingredients can be used: water, yeast, barley and hops.
Fact number 30. The German concern Volkswagen produces cars of brands Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ducati, Scania and MAN.
Fact number 31. Surname Miiller is worn by about 320,000 Germans. This is the most common surname in Germany.
Fact number 32. The German consumes 106 liters of beer a year. According to this indicator, Germans occupy the third place, they are only ahead of the Czech Republic and Austria.
Fact number 33. The first printed book appeared in German. It was a bible, which the inventor of the printing press Johann Gutenberg released.The fact number 34. The word Drachenfutter means "dragon food". So the Germans call gifts to their wives, who are presented as reconciliation after committing some oversight.
Fact number 35. The speakers of the German language are approximately 105 million people, about 80 million people speak German as a foreign language.
Fact number 36. The Germans themselves call their country Deutschland, which means "country of peoples". "Deutsch" in the Germanic language originally meant "related to the people" and meant primarily language. "Land" means "land, country". In addition, in other languages ​​the country has many names: Germani, Nemetcin, Alemannia.
Fact number 37. The phantom was invented in Germany. The fact is that in 1940, the importation of syrup for Coca-Cola was seized, so they invented a drink from those products that were in the access.
Fact number 38. More than 800 million currywurst eat up in Germany every year. This is German fast food, which is a sausage with spices. In Berlin there is even a museum devoted to this snack.Fact number 39. In Germany, the largest population among other EU countries.
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09.02.2023 20:50

1. These toilets have been _out of__ order for a week now. When are they going to fix them?

2. __In___ my opinion , humans will never live on other planets.

3. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin __by__ chance. He didn’t expect to find it at all.

4. I wonder what new technology will be invented _in__ future.

5. Helen couldn’t get the experiment to work for ages, but _in_ end it was fine.

6. It’s so nice to have my own computer _at_ last.

7. We learnt that poem _by_ heart but I’ve forgotten it now.

8. Are you __in_ favour of teenagers leaving school at the age of sixteen?

9. I thought the exam would be difficult but, __in__ fact, it was really easy.

10. Many people, _for_ instance my brother , prefer to do something active rather than do homework.

11. _In_ general, the teachers at this school are really nice, but some are nicer than others!

12. It’s a good idea to start the final paragraph of your composition with the phrase “_In_ conclusion”.

13. When you go _on_ holiday, it always takes a few days to completely relax.

14. I hope our plane arrives _on_ schedule. I’m bored just sitting here, waiting.

15. If you come _by_ bus, don’t forget to get off at the stop outside the bank.

16. Living _on_ the coast is great. I love walking on the beach every morning.

17. The cowboys got off their horses and went the rest of the way _on_ foot.

18. Now we’re _on_ board the ship let’s have a look around.

19. Are you still _in_ contact with any friends from university?

20. I’m going to split up with Dan because we’ve got nothing in_ common.

21. I don’t think I’d like to live _by_ myself.

22. Would you like to live _on_ your own?

23. Fiona didn’t break your MP3 player _on_ purpose. It was an accident!

24. Guess what! Mike and Julie are in_ love with each other.

25. It can be very worrying when you’re _in_ a lot of debt.

26. Can I pay for this _by_ cheque?

27. Did you see that the house next door is _on_ sale?

28. They took ten per cent off because I paid _by_ cash.

29. We need to find an office _to_ rent in the centre of town.

30. I got quite a lot of money for the car because it was _in_ such good condition.

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