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Напишите вопросы к тексту what is the internet? the internet is made up of millions of computers linked together around the world in such a way that information can be sent from any computer to any other 24 hours a day. these computers can be in homes, schools, universities, government departments, or businesses small and large. they can be any type of computer and be single personal computers or workstations on a school or a company network. the internet is often described as 'a network of networks' because all the smaller networks of organizations are linked together into the one giant network called the internet. all computers are pretty much equal once connected to the internet, the only difference will be the speed of the connection which is dependent on your internet service provider and your own modem. the internet has developed a very strong community base where information, software and expert advice are freely shared and for this reason users have developed a very strong protective stance on freedom of speech, freedom from commercial interests, and unsuitable material on the web, why would you want to use it? there are so many things you can do and participate in once connected to the internet. they include using a range of services to communicate and share information and things quickly and inexpensively with tens of millions of people, both young and old and from diverse cultures around the world. for example: you'll be able to keep in touch and send things t telephone, keyboard chat and video conferencing. you can also tap into thousands of databases, libraries and newsgroups around the world to gather information on any topics of interest for work or recreation. the information can be in the form of text, pictures or even video material. this means you can stay up to date with news, sports, weather and any current affairs around the world with information updated daily, hourly or instantly. you can also locate and download computer software and other products that are available in cyberspace you can listen to sounds and music, and watch digital movies, there are also a growing number of interactive multimedia games and educational tools. and as well as using the internet for receiving things you will be able to publish information about your school, hobbies or interests. the internet & the world wide web sometimes people use the words internet and world wide web (www) synonymously but they are different. the a component of the internet that presents information in a graphical interface. you can think of the the illustrated version of the internet. it began in the late 1980's when physicist dr. berners-lee wrote a small computer program for his own personal use. this program allowed pages, within his computer, to be linked together using keywords. it soon became possible to link documents in different computers, as long as they were connected to the internet. the document formatting language used to link documents is called html (hypertext markup language. ) the web remained primarily text based until 1992. two events occurred that year that forever changed the way the web looked. marc andreesen developed a new computer program called the ncsa mosaic and gave it away! the ncsa mosaic was the first web browser. the browser made it easier to access the different websites that had started to appear. soon web sites contained more than just text, they also had sound and video files. the development of the been the catalyst for the popularity of the internet and is also the easiest part of the internet to use. we now have internet chat, discussion groups, internet phone capabilities, video conferencing, news groups, interactive multimedia, games and so much more. tcp/ip tcp/ip is a communications protocol used to transfer digital data around the internet. tcp and ip were developed by a department of defense (dod) research project to connect different networks designed by different vendors into a network of networks (the "internet"). tcp/ip is often referred to as the ''internet protocol". as with all communications protocols, tcp/ip is composed of layers: ip - is responsible for moving packet of data from node to node. ip forwards each packet based on a four byte destination address (the ip number). the internet authorities assign ranges of numbers to different organizations. the organizations assign groups of their numbers to departments. ip operates on gateway machines that move data from department to organization to region and then around the world. tcp - is responsible for verifying the correct delivery of data from client to server. data can be lost in the intermediate network. tcp adds support to detect errors or lost data and to trigger retransmission until the data is correctly and completely received. sockets - is a name given to the package of subroutines that provide access to tcp/ip on most systems.

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31.01.2020 20:39
Иногда это трудно, дать единозначный ответ, потому что в мире так много ремесел и профессий которые важны и полезны. Но всегда есть мальчики и девочки которые знают какую профессию им выбрать. Другие хотят взять профессию где они могли бы людям, но они еще не решили какую профессию выбрать. Всегда есть разные виды работы, и не трудно узнать все о любой из них - можно пойти в библиотеку и прочитать специальную литературу, поговорить со старшими людьми знающими про этот вид работы. Они могут тебе обнаружить ли ты делать эту работу хорошо, и рассказать чем это тебе в будущем. Если тот кто уходит со школы хочет получить высшее образование, лучший путь это практика. У тебя будет время подумать о твоем будущем, если ты сделаешь это, и если ты пойдешь в институт ты уже будешь знать жизнь лучше. Но какую профессию ты бы не выбрал, ты должен быть уверен что это будет полезно для тебя и твоей страны
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21.11.2021 14:26

1 Don't shout at your children but help them with their problems.

2 Show your love for children every day.

3 Be friendly with your children's friends and learn who are their friends in the social nets.

4 Check up their homework and praise them if they do their best.

5 Keep your promise.

6 Spend more time all together.

7 Respect your children.

1 Hе кричите на своих детей, а им в решении их проблем.

2 Показывайте свою любовь к детям каждый день.

3 Подружитесь с друзьями своих детей и также знайте, кто их друзья в социальных сетях.

4 Проверяйте у своих детей домашнюю работу и хвалите, если они делают все возможное что могут и стараются всё сделать сами.

5 Сдерживайте свои обещания.

6 Проводите больше времени вместе со всей семьёй.

7 Уважайте своих детей.

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