Art is a human activity in creating different artworks. These artworks express human feelings, emosions, imagination and beauty. Art can be of different forms such as painting, sculpture, dancing, music, theater, film, literature, photography and so on. As for me I like music and painting. I like to paint and I like to watch at paintings of other artists. I watch at pictures and think what the painter wants to show. And I also like music. Music makes me happy. It helps me to forget about all problems and I can listen to music all the time.
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre The Globe Theatre is a faithful RECONSTRUCTion (0) of the open-air playhouse ORIGINally (1) designed in 1599, where Shakespeare worked and for which he wrote many of his plays. GREATest (2) Each year the Globe Theatre Company rediscovers the energetic RELATIONship (3) between the audience and the actor in the uniquebuilding. The Globe also welcomes interNATIONAL (4) theatre companies to share the impact Shakespeare’s plays have had worldwide. Today, audiences of this "WOODen (5) O” sit in a gallery or stand informally as a grounding in the yard, just as they would have done NEARly (6) 400 years ago.