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Русский язык

Не сложно! 50
complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. do not change the word given. use between two and five words.

1 we’re not spending all our money now because we want to go to paris next month.
we so we can go to paris next month.
2 i spent a lot of money on a new pair of expensive shoes last week.
i ……… bought out a new pair of expensive shoes last week.
3 if you look carefully, you can sometimes find some real bargains at street markets.
if you look carefully, you can sometimes some real bargains at street markets.
4 we need to stop spending so much on eating out.
we need on eating out.
5 how much did you have to pay for the laptop and printer?
how much did the ?

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16.09.2021 17:44
12 апреля 1961 г. - этот день навсегда вошел в историю человечества. Весенним утром мощная ракета-носитель вывела на орбиту первый в истории космический корабль “ВОСТОК” с первым космонавтом Земли - гражданином Советского Союза Юрием Гагариным на борту. За 1 ч 48 мин Юрий Гагарин облетел земной шар и благополучно приземлился в окрестности деревни Смеловки Терновского района Саратовской области.
По решению Международной авиационной федерации (ФАИ) 12 апреля отмечается Всемирный день авиации и космонавтики. Праздник установлен указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 9 апреля 1962 года.
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин – человек-легенда, первый в мире летчик-космонавт, совершивший вылет в космическое пространство, и прежде всего, русский человек очень необыкновенной судьбы.
Юрия Гагарина по праву называют великим человеком. Его имя и подвиг стали символом всего передового, открыли путь новым возможностям в освоении космоса.
Юрий Гагарин стал одним из самых знаменитых людей планеты, он посетил более 30 стран мира, став гордостью своей страны.
12 апреля 1961 года - это была великая дата в мировой истории. Дата, которая перевернула все представление людей о мире в целом, день, когда народы мира почувствовали себя единой цивилизацией. Не удивительно, что символом этого дня стал Юрий Гагарин, а сам он, соответственно, в глазах мира стал символом России - той страны, которой принадлежал.
Так что опрос россиян - опросом, рейтинг - рейтингом, и можно спорить до хрипоты: является ли лицо нынешнего или предыдущего президента России лицом «человека года» . Юрий Гагарин уже прочно занял место «человека столетия» и «лица России» в глазах всего мира. А если окажется, что человек не одинок на просторах Вселенной, если когда-нибудь произойдет встреча с другой цивилизацией (что давно предсказывают уфологи, фантасты и «ловцы зеленых человечков») , то Юрий Гагарин вполне может стать и «лицом цивилизации» . Что ж, это будет очень обаятельное лицо.
Память о Юрии Гагарине, как о легендарном и мужественном человеке, первом космонавте планеты, навсегда останется в памяти людей.

April 12, 1961 - this day forever entered the history of humanity. Spring Morning powerful carrier rocket put into orbit the first ever spacecraft "Vostok" with the first cosmonaut of the Earth - a citizen of the Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin on board. 1 hour 48 minutes, Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth and landed safely in the vicinity of the village Smelovka Tarnovo district of Saratov region.
By decision of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) April 12 is the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics. The holiday is set by the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from April 9, 1962.
Yuri Gagarin - a man of legend, the world's first cosmonaut who made the flight in outer space and, above all, the Russian people are very unusual fate.
Yuri Gagarin is rightly called a great man. His name became a symbol of heroism and of all advanced, opened the way to new opportunities in space exploration.
Yuri Gagarin became one of the most famous people on the planet, he has visited more than 30 countries around the world, becoming the pride of their country.
April 12, 1961 - it was a great date in the history of the world. The date, which turned all the way people think about the world as a whole, the day when the nations of the world feel a civilization. Not surprisingly, the symbol of this day was Yuri Gagarin, and he, accordingly, in the eyes of the world has become a symbol of Russia - the country which belonged.
So Russian survey - the survey, the rating - a rating, and you can argue themselves hoarse: Is this person or entity "man of the year" of the previous President of Russia. Yuri Gagarin has firmly taken the place of "man of the century" and "Faces of Russia" in the eyes of the world. And if it turns out that the man is not alone in the vastness of the universe, if you ever happen to meet another civilization (which has long predicted UFO, science fiction and "catchers green men"), the Yuri Gagarin could well become "the face of civilization." Well, this is a very charming person.
The memory of Yuri Gagarin as the legendary and brave man, the first cosmonaut of the planet, will forever remain in the memory of people.
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26.11.2020 18:50

Imagine you are alone on the street. You have nowhere to go, there is no one waiting for you or worrying about you anywhere in the whole city. You are so hungry that each movement seems to be unmanageable. There are hundreds of people going by, yet you cannot talk to them, they do not even notice you are suffering badly while lying here on a cold pavement, unaided, neglected, exhausted… If animals are able to think and feel which is quite possible, that is probably what numerous homeless dogs and cats you are passing during the day are experiencing. Is it fair though? And do we really have right to close the eyes to the fact of numerous living being suffering and struggling for life completely ignored and abandoned? I believe strongly in humans’ responsibility to protect those who are in need, and I claim that all humans have an ethical obligation to provide help to those who are so much dependent on us, to animals deprived of essential care and love.

These days millions of animals are stray, lost, or in shelters. Statistics of animals being euthanized or chucked out provided by official organizations is dreadful and, unfortunately, the numbers are rising every day. The problem of homeless and displaced animals is a huge one. Shelters today are overloaded. Domestic animals are left on the roadside doomed to take care for themselves. Pet shops and breeders carry on selling animals to the general public without considering the conditions or quality of life animals are put into after leaving the shops’ doors.

Most people enjoy taking care of animals. They even feel some sort of emotional connection with their domestic pets, treating them like rational creatures endowed with emotions, able to realize some facts and to experience sentiments. However, an animal we meet on the street we regard as being a beast, dull and primitive, deprived of any ability to feel. Just take few minutes to realize the dreadfulness of conditions they are doomed to struggle in. What if they actually are able to “think” and “feel”? Just imagine what they are going through.

Unlike homeless people, homeless animals have never had any choice. Most of them were either born already homeless or abandoned by their rightful owners. Animals that are kept in normal conditions never escape their homes. They cannot get addicted to alcohol or drugs; they cannot lose their job because of law-breaking practices or gamble their property away. Can they talk, or express dissatisfaction, or ask for help? They can only watch you passing by with those sad, hungry, sometimes wild eyes. However, their inability to express feelings, fears and pains doesn’t mean they have none. They need help just as any other suffering living beings do, and their being silent in no way means they wouldn’t cry for help if they could.

Most people justify own inaction by seemingly reasonable arguments such as “We cannot help everyone”, “We do not want to help someone unable to appreciate what we do for them”, “There should be some governmentally regulated system, spontaneous actions are ineffective”, etc. Personally I cannot understand how all those reasons comfort and prevent humans from providing at least elementary help. No doubts, the process of providing aid is much more efficient if being organized and systematized properly. However, it would be enough for one to get interested and to look around in order to notice that nowadays there are numerous nonprofit organizations that could harness one’s willingness to submit a helping hand to make the whole situation better. If being ready and able to help, you can face various options among which you are free to choose. You can make donations to official nonprofit organizations, participate in adoption programs, provide assistance to shelters, etc. – your choice will depend on what resources you own and how serious your intentions are.

We all have to finally look around and realize: homeless animals cry out for help, and we have to provide them with necessary aid. Humans should take care of whom they have tamed, since, as one little fox has once said “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” It is up to all of us to turn this world into a nicer place for domestic animals. Making city streets look better by killing off innocent creatures is just a way too cruel to be ignored. So shouldn’t we finally put our humaneness into practice and justify our right to rule the world? I guess we should, and that is our moral obligation.

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