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19.12.2021 16:50 •  Английский язык

New Zealand is an island nation, situated between the Equator and the South Pole in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is situated the same distance east from Australia as London is from Moscow. The distance between the two countries is about 1,600 kilometres. The countries are separated by the Tasman Sea. Its nearest neighbours to the North are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.

New Zealand includes two main and a number of smaller islands. Each of the two main islands (North and South Islands) is hilly and mountainous. The main mountain ranges are on the South Island and include the Southern Alps, in which 20 peaks exceed 3,000 metres. The highest peak is Mount Cook on South Island. A volcanic plateau is in the centre of North Island. There are three active volcanoes in North Island, and the Rotorua district is known for its geysers and hot springs. Volcanic action also played a part in the formation of the islands, especially on the North Island, where the process still continues. Earthquakes are frequent there.

As a result of the movement of these tectonic plates many mountains have been lifted above the lowlands or reduced. In 1991 an avalanche reduced the highest peak, Mount Cook, from 3,764 metres to 3,754 metres.

New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or cold. Snow is common only in the mountains. The eastern lowlands include the driest and sunniest climates.

The population of the country is small, 3.6 million people. Three fourths of New Zealanders live on North Island. The largest centre of population is Auckland. The capital of the country is Wellington.

New Zealand is an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth. The British monarch is head of state, represented by Governor General. As in Great Britain, the legislature is called the Parliament. In New Zealand the Parliament consists of a single chamber, the House of Representatives. Its members are elected every three years. There are 120 members in the House of Representatives. The leader of the party in power becomes the Prime Minister, who heads the formal Executive Council. There are 38 government departments in the country. Most ministers have charge of more than one department.

The Parliament seats in Wellington in the building which is called the Beehive because of its form. The Prime Minister’s residence in Wellington is known as Vogel House. New Zealand’s dairy industry is considered to be the most efficient. The export of dairy products is the largest in the world despite the country’s small size and population. Other industries are textiles, machinery, fish, forest products. Agriculture is highly industrialized. New Zealand is often called the sheep farm of Great Britain.

The largest cities of the country are Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch. English and Maori are the official languages, also English is the main language.

Write words into each gap:

1. Its nearest
North are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.

2. New Zealand has an
, without extremes of heat or cold. Snow is common only in the mountains.

3. The Parliament seats in Wellington
is called the Beehive because of its form.

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13.12.2020 00:19
London University is one of the (highly) appreciated universities in the world, therefore, I wanted to be accepted there. But I was lucky and I was accepted there. I (had to) make two trips to London before I started one for the interview and another to find accommodation. The university provided students with information about flats. By the time the semester began, I (had already found) a place to live and a roommate. While I was studying, I didn’t think about work and how I (am earning) my living after university. When the time came, I realized that languages had always interested me so I applied for several jobs to teach English abroad. Obviously, I didn’t have any experience but I thought I had a small chance of (being accepted). In the end, a letter came and I felt nervous as I opened it. But the news (was) good! The letter offered me a job in a Swedish school. I knew the winter weather in Sweden was cold so I bought some warm clothes. Then I had a farewell party and everyone wished me good luck in my new life as a teacher. Since then I (have had) a lot of jobs in different countries and I am happy to say that I have enjoyed all of them. But I have wondered many times what (would have happened) if that first letter had turned me down.
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19.01.2021 22:26
Konstantin Stanislavsky was born in 1863 in the month of January the 5th of the old style and the new - 17th , in Moscow, in a large well-known merchant family Alexeyev , a relative of former Mamontov and Tretyakov . His father - Sergey Alekseev - was quite a wealthy merchant. Mother - Elizabeth V. (nee Yakovleva ) - half French , grandmother Stanislavski maternal actress was known in Paris at the time .
The family Alekseevs interested in theater, in their Moscow home was rebuilt one of the rooms specifically for theater performances, was the estate of Alexeyev , Ljubimovke , theater outbuilding. Constantine first time and came to the home scene in 1877.
Education Stanislavsky received first in high school , which operated at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ​​, which in 1881 and graduated . Later Konstantin worked hard vocals and plastics with the best teachers , studied performing arts at the examples of famous actors of the Maly Theater . Constantine participated in amateur theatricals , preparing for an opera career and studied singing at the very Kommissarzhevskaya , with whom he founded and in Moscow in 1888 "Society of Art and Literature ." And soon became a director Stanislavsky performances that suit this society .
Stanislavski , together with the playwright Vladimir Nemirovich -Danchenko, founded in 1898 by the famous Moscow Art Theatre . Artists who came to the troupe , were among those fans who were among the students Nemirovich- Danchenko and has worked under the direction of Stanislavsky . New Theatre staged as a premiere at the opening of his play " Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, " written by Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. During the first two years the theater had a pretty average success. New Era for MHTa began only in 1900 after a trip across the troupe in Sevastopol and Yalta, where they introduced the patient while Anton Chekhov with his performances. That partnership with Maxim Gorky Theatre ( Gorky Peshkov ) and Anton Chekhov, and identified further MHTa character . Soon followed the success of the theater on tour in Austria and Germany. It exceeded all expectations : the German press to put artists MHTa height of the first theater company in Europe and mainly praised director of theater, Vladimir Nemirovich -Danchenko and talent theater director Konstantin Stanislavsky .
In the 1900s, Stanislavski began to develop his famous doctrine of the work of the actors , which later became known worldwide as " Stanislavsky system ." So in 1912 he shared with Leopold Antonovich Sulerzhitsky organized 1st Studio at MHTe , which led to his teaching system.
In 1917 Stanislavsky received an honorary academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences . Stanislavski in 1918 led the opera studio at the Bolshoi Theater , which grew later in the Opera theater studio , and still later became the Opera House , which bore the name of Stanislavsky (later it was transformed into musical theater , named the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich -Danchenko ) .
In the period 1922-1923 Stanislavsky 's traveled with the troupe MHTa on tour in the United States. Several actors during their tour this decided not to return to the Soviet Union and remained abroad . They have become active promoters of " Stanislavsky Method " in America and Europe . During this stay in the U.S. Stanislavski was commissioned to write a book about my school is the result of this order was the first book printed in the United States a great director , " My Life in Art ." It was later published in the USSR . Stanislavsky Opera and created a drama studio in 1935. In 1936, he finally was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union .
Konstantin Stanislavsky died in Moscow in 1938, the 7th of August. Russian actor, director, theater theorist , teacher and creator of a new system of acting , which the whole world calls " Stanislavsky System " , was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery.
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