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11.01.2020 08:34 •  Английский язык

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the pyramids of egypt.
since ancient times, the pyramids at giza in egypt have been one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. the largest of these, the great pyramid of giza, or khufu's pyramid, is the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that still survives today. it was the tallest building in the world for almost 5,000 years - that is, until the eiffel tower was built in 1889. pharaohs, the first rulers of egypt, built pyramids to show their power to the people. the first pharaohs built much simpler tombs called mastabas. these mastabas were square buildings with a room inside big enough for the coffin, the mummy of the pharaoh's body and his treasures. ancient egyptians believed that dead people still needed their bodies and treasures, such as paintings, gold and jewels, for their life after death. many of the pyramids were decorated inside, especially in the room where the dead pharaoh was laid. archaeologists discovered many pictures in the tombs and mysterious writing on the walls called hieroglyphics. invented about 5,000 years ago, hieroglyphics are the oldest form of writing. they were just simple drawings of everyday things we see and hear. the egyptians believed that both the hieroglyphics and the tomb pictures were magical, which is why they painted them inside the pyramids. when we look at the pyramids today, it is easy to see that they were built to last for a very long time. have you ever wondered how these great monuments were built? many archaeologists believe that the builders first studied the stars to decide which direction the pyramid would face, as egyptians believed the pharaohs would join the stars after death. then, they built a small mastaba on the ground. next, they put dirt and stones all over it, leaving a tunnel to the outside. to raise the stones to the top of the pyramid, they probably built long ramps and then rolled the stones up them. the city of giza is on the river nile. the nile was also very important in the building of the pyramids as it was used to transport the stones from far away. granite and marble, for example, were brought from aswan, which is over 500km away. many ships also brought limestone, used for the outside walls of the pyramids, from the city of tura, which was just across the river from giza. just to give you an idea of how large the great pyramid is - it is the height of a modern 40-storey building, or over 145 metres. it covers an area of land the size of seven city streets. workers used 2,300,000 blocks to build it, each weighing 2,500 kilograms (2.5 tons). it took about 36,000 workers (mostly slaves and farmers) between 20 and 30 years to build it. this means that for every minute they worked, they added three blocks to the pyramid! in conclusion, there is still a great deal of wonder and mystery surrounding the pyramids. no one knows for certain exactly when and how they were built. so far 46 of them have been found in egypt. however, maybe there are others lying underneath the sand just waiting to be discovered. only time will tell!

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17.01.2021 22:21

The cake ... by the children. 1 бал has already eaten have already eaten has already been eaten have already been eaten Pupils ... the results of the test. 1 бал have already told has already told has already been told have already been told The tickets for the concert ... out in a week. 1 бал have been sold has been sold have sold has sold A large supermarket ... in the town. 1 бал have recently built have recently been built has recently built has recently been built The exercises ... to all the students. 1 бал have been given has been given has given have given Виберіть правильний варіант цього речення у пасивному стані: Ben has already cut the trees. 1 бал The trees has already cut by Ben. The trees has already been cutted with Ben. The trees has already been cutted by Ben. The trees have already been cut by Ben. Виберіть правильний варіант цього речення у пасивному стані: My parents have just decorated our Christmas tree. 1 бал Our Christmas tree have just been decorated by my parents. Our Christmas tree has just been decorated by my parents. Our Christmas tree was just decorated by my parents. Доповніть речення правильною формою Present Perfect Passive: The prize 1 бал have already given to the winner. have already been given to the winner. has already been given to the winner. has already been gave to the winner. Виберіть правильний варіант запитання в Present Perfect Passive: 1 бал Has the dinner been cooked yet? Has the dinner cooked yet? Have the dinner been cooked yet? Has the dinner been cook yet?

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09.02.2020 08:32

На трелевочном тросе трос разматывается и прикрепляется

древесина, а затем лебедка тянет груз в сторону трелевочного трактора. Лебедка или

грейфер удерживает деревья, в то время как трелевщик тащит их в зону посадки. кабель

трелевочные тракторы менее популярны, чем в Они более трудоемки, чем

Захватить трелевочные тракты, потому что кто-то (оператор или второй человек) должен перетащить

лебедка выровняется к бревнам и подцепит их. Это полезно, когда это не

Можно проехать на машине рядом с бревном (например, на крутых склонах).

В качестве альтернативы, на некоторых трелевочных тракторах вместо лебедки имеется гидравлическое грейферное ведро,

и ковш, прикрепленный к трелевочной машине стрелой, захватывает и поднимает древесину.

Существует три типа грейферных захватов с фиксированной стрелой. Единственная функция

Тип стрелы имеет два гидравлических цилиндра, позволяя опускать стрелу только за один

должность. Двухфункциональные стрелы имеют четыре цилиндра, что позволяет регулировать

бум в двух разных местах. Третий тип позволяет захватывать стрелу

качался из стороны в сторону, позволяя сразу разжать раскидистые деревья.

В некоторых районах лесозаготовители сочетают в себе гидравлический захват с

лезвие их захватных трелевщиков, что позволяет в некоторых случаях складывать бревна.

Чаще встречается на трелевочных тракторах, это также позволяет перевозить кору и вершины

при возвращении из зоны посадки на пень.

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