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06.11.2021 17:42 •  Английский язык

НУЖНА Прочитайте правило и выполните упражнение в письменной форме: Придаточные условия имеют 3 формы (1. реального условия для наст., пр. и буд. времени 2. маловероятного условия для наст. и буд. времени 3. нереализованные в Сегодня рассмотрим 2 тип - это придаточные маловероятного условия для настоящего и будущего времени (Unreal condition in the Present and Future). Структура условных предложений 2го типа: If + the Past Indefinite / should (would) +do или Should (would)+do/ if+the Past Indefinite. Где if- союз если. Пример: The children are not taking a walk because the weather is very bad. They would go for a walk if the weather were fine. Under what condition would the children go for a walk? Упражнение: определите тип предложения (1,2) и задайте во Придаточные условия 3 типа Unreal Condition in the Past. Прочитайте правило и выполните упражнение в письменной форме. If +the Past Perfect should (would)+ have done.Или: Should (would) + have done | if+ the Past Perfect. Где if- союз "если". Пример: Тhe team did not win the game because Lev Yashin did not take part in it. The team would have won the game if Lev Yashin had taken part in it. Во При каком условии команда выиграла бы игру?) Задание к упражнению: Переведите предложения и определите тип (1,2 или 3) и задайте во к предложению. 1.We shouldn't have caught the train if we had left the house ten minutes later. 2. If we leave right now we shall get tickets. 3. I should be very glad if he came to see us. 4. If you see Victor tell him to ring me up. 5. If you were not so tired we should see some more places of interest. 6. If you had gone to the stadium you would have seen an interesting match. 7. They would enjoy every minute of the performance if they went to the concert with us. 8.She wouldn't have forgotten to take her exercise-book if she had put it in her bag yesterday. 9.We should be very glad if you brought your friend with you. 10. She will ring you up if she is not quite well and can not attend lessons. 11. We shouid have organised the competition better if you had tould us about it a month before. 12. The patient would have been better if you had called the doctor much earlier.

Тема: Косвенная речь. Прочитайте правило и выполните упражнение в письменной форме. При переводе прямой речи в косвенную учитываем следующее: 1. Если прямая речь (ПР) является повествовательным предложением, то при переводе в косвенную речь (КР) используем союз that или бессоюзную связь. Пример: He says: " I speak English." He says that he speaks English. He says he speaks English. 2. Если ПР является общим во нет во слова), то при переводе в КР используем союз if (ли). Пример: She asks: "Do you know French?" She asks if I know French. 3. Если ПР является специальным во начинается с во слова), то при переводе в КР во слово становится союзом. Пример: He asks: "Where does she work?" He asks where she works. 4. Если ПР является побудительным предложением приказ), то в КР используем инфинитив. Пример: She asks: "Come on time!" She asks to come on time. Упражнение. Переведите в КР краткие диалоги: 1. Pam: " The train is late". Steve: "What do you say?" Pam: "I say the train is late". 2. Sam to Pete: "Are you fond of travelling?" Pete: "Oh, yes, I like it." 3. Robert to Kate: "Where do you live?" Kate: "I live in London." 4. Mrs Robinson to her son: "Have you done your homework?" Her son: "I have just completed." 5. The student to the teacher: "Mr Harmsworth...". The teacher to the student: "Don't interrupt."

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15.04.2020 04:11
Art is that imaginative expression of human energy, which, through technical concretion of feeling and perception, tends to reconcile the individual with the universal, by exciting in him impersonal emotion. And the greatest Art is that which excites the greatest impersonal emotion in an hypothecated perfect human being.

Impersonal emotion! And what -- I thought do I mean by that? Surely I mean: That is not Art, which, while I, am contemplating it, inspires me with any active or directive impulse; that is Art, when, for however brief a moment, it replaces within me interest in myself by interest in itself. For, let me suppose myself in the presence of a carved marble bath. If my thoughts be "What could I buy that for?" Impulse of acquisition; or: "From what quarry did it come?" Impulse of inquiry; or: "Which would be the right end for my head?" Mixed impulse of inquiry and acquisition -- I am at that moment insensible to it as a work of Art. But, if I stand before it vibrating at sight of its colour and forms, if ever so little and for ever so short a time, unhaunted by any definite practical thought or impulse -- to that extent and for that moment it has stolen me away out of myself and put itself there instead; has linked me to the universal by making me forget the individual in me. And for that moment, and only while that moment lasts, it is to me a work of Art. The word "impersonal," then, is but used in this my definition to signify momentary forgetfulness of one's own personality and its active wants.
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09.02.2023 13:43
My friend can speak Japanese
He can swim
I can help you
Сan I help you?
Can you drive a car?
Can I offer you a cup of tea?  
He can fly.
I can dance
She can cook
We can wait
She can play the piano.
I can speak English
My friend can ride a bike.
He can sing very well.
She can swim
Can you play football?
We can speak English
She can sing and dance well
I can draw a picture
We can help you to do the summs 
Can I have dinner with you?
Can Nina and Peter write poems?
Can you understand English speech?
Can he drive?
Can you understand what I tell you?
You can use my pen
He can write poems

I can't play tennis as I've broken my hend.
Why can't you come here?
I can't use this pen. It's broken.
I cannot run so fast!
Dennis could play piano since he was 13.
I cannot drive a car.Mark can't work with Rachel
They can't sing
I can’t draw a horse
She cannot stay out after 10 pm.
He cannot be there!
He can’t be so old.
I can't drive a car. 
She cannot write so fast 
We cannot work without tools 
John cannot play guitar
He can't cook
You can’t leave the office till eight
I cannot do that!
You cannot drink alcohol here! 
I can’t fly because I’m not a bird
You can't speak at the lessons
I can't tell you
l really can't accept this.
l usually can't sleep when I get upset.
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