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04.06.2021 05:40 •  Английский язык

нужна с английским

Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы решил эту проблему.

2. Если ты не установишь источник проблем, тебя уволят.

3. Если бы тебя уволили по сокращению штата в году, компания заплатила бы тебе выходное пособие.

4. Если бы я получил дополнительные льготы, я бы избавился от старого автомобиля.

5. Если бы правительство инвестировало больше денег в фабрику, она бы не закрылась.

6. Если бы ты лучше подготовил повестку дня, то собрание вчера бы успешнее.

7. Если в вашей фирме есть командный дух, то вы быстро достигнете цели.

8. Я обязательно должен закончить проект, я больше не могу его откладывать.

9. Когда вы переедите в новый офис, вы получите вознаграждение.

10. Если бы я получил вознаграждение, я бы купил новую квартиру.

11. Если бы у вашей компании была хорошая репутация, у вас не было бы утечки кадров.

12.Если бы вы вчера установили источник проблем, вы бы имели возможность продвижения.

13. Если кадры хорошо подобраны, то штат будет более производительным.

14. Если он не подготовит резюме, его не пригласят на встречу с работодателем.

15. Почему подбор кадров является сложной задачей?

16. Если бы я сейчас устраивался на работу, я бы предпочёл обычное собеседование.

17. Если бы наша компания уволила служащих по сокращению штата в году, мы бы им с трудоустройством.

18.Если бы они начали свой бизнес 5 лет назад, они бы сейчас получали больше прибыли.

19. Если бы вы сказали своему боссу правду год назад, он бы вас не уволил

20. Вам необходимо соблюдать стандарты.

21. Мы с нетерпением ждём гонорара.

22. Она быстро свои записи, чтобы предложить решение.

23. Когда я был студентом, я часто предсказывал результаты экзамена моим друзьям.

24.Он очень устал от своей работы и потому с нетерпением ждет изменения карьеры. 25.Глава отдела не мог никого выделить, т.к. все сотрудники были подготовлены отлично. 26.Пит через трудный экзамен и получил, наконец, степень по маркетингу. 27.Заполнение вакансии в фирме называется наймом.

28. Хорошо подобранная рабочая сила приводит в результате к продуктивной работе.

29. Менеджеры не могут отложить решение этой проблемы – дедлайн уже 1-го апреля.

30. Никто не присматривал за оборудованием как положено, поэтому оно сломалось.

31.Необходимо соблюдать традиции компании.

32. Мы с нетерпением ждём переезда в новый офис.

33. Она быстро повестку дня.

34. Когда я был старшим менеджером, я часто навязывал свои взгляды начальству.

35. Он был хорошим менеджером, когда работал у конкурентов.

36. В юности он курил очень много, позже бросил, но было поздно, и он умер от рака.

37. Харизма – это привлекать, влиять и вдохновлять своими личными качествами.

38. Современный менеджер должен обращать внимание на окружение, в котором он работает

39. Кейт была хорошим бухгалтером, когда работала в нашей фирме (позже она ушла из неё).

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08.04.2020 23:30

1. If I were in your place, I would solve this problem.

2. If you do not establish the source of the problem, you will be fired.

3. If you were fired for layoffs last year, the company would pay you severance pay.

4. If I received additional benefits, I would get rid of the old car.

5. If the government invested more money in the factory, it would not close.

6. If you had a better prepared agenda, the meeting would have been more successful yesterday.

7. If your company has a team spirit, then you will quickly reach the goal.

8. I must complete the project, I can no longer put it off.

9. When you move to a new office, you will receive a reward.

10. If I received a reward, I would buy a new apartment.

11. If your company had a good reputation, you would not have a personnel leak.

12. If you had identified the source of the problems yesterday, you would have been able to move forward.

13. If the staff is well selected, then the staff will be more productive.

14. If he does not prepare a resume, he will not be invited to a meeting with the employer.

15. Why is recruiting a difficult task?

16. If I were getting a job now, I would prefer a regular job interview.

17. If our company fired layoffs last year, we would help them with employment.

18. If they started their business 5 years ago, they would now earn more profit.

19. If you told your boss the truth a year ago, he would not fire you

20. You must comply with the standards.

21. We look forward to a fee.

22. She quickly looked through her notes to offer a solution.

23. When I was a student, I often predicted exam results to my friends.

24.He was very tired of his work and was therefore looking forward to a career change.

25. The head of the department could not single anyone out, because All staff were well trained.

26. Pete went through a difficult exam and finally got a degree in marketing.

27. Filling a vacancy in a company is called hiring.

28. A well-chosen workforce results in productive work.

29. Managers cannot postpone the solution to this problem - the deadline is already on April 1.

30. Nobody looked after the equipment as it should, so it broke.

31. It is necessary to observe the traditions of the company.

32. We look forward to moving to a new office.

33. She quickly scanned the agenda.

34. When I was a senior manager, I often imposed my views on superiors.

35. He was a good manager when he worked for competitors.

36. In his youth, he smoked a lot, later quit, but it was too late, and he died of cancer.

37. Charisma is the ability to attract, influence, and inspire one's personal qualities.

38. A modern manager must pay attention to the environment in which he works.

39. Kate was a good accountant when she worked in our company (she later left her).

0,0(0 оценок)
08.04.2020 23:30

1. If I were in your place, I would have solved this problem.

2. If you do not identify the source of the problem, you will be fired.

3. If you're laid off to reduce staff in the past year, the company would pay you severance pay.

4. If I received additional benefits, I would get rid of the old car.

5. If the government had invested more money in the factory, it would not have closed.

6. If you'd prepared the agenda, the meeting yesterday would have passed successfully.

7. If your company has a team spirit, you will quickly achieve the goal.

8. I must finish the project, I can't put it off any longer.

9. when you move to a new office, you will receive a reward.


10. If I received a reward, I would buy a new apartment.

11. If your company had a good reputation, you would not have a staff leak.

12. if you had identified the source of the problem yesterday, you would have had the opportunity to advance.

13. If the footage is well chosen, the staff will be more productive.

14. If he does not prepare a resume, he will not be invited to a meeting with the employer.

15. Why is recruitment a difficult task?

16. If I were applying for a job now, I would prefer a regular interview.

17. If our company had laid off employees for redundancy last year, we would have helped them find employment.

18. If they had started their business 5 years ago, they would now be making more profit.

19. If you had told your boss the truth a year ago, he wouldn't have fired you

20. you need to comply with the standards.

21. We are looking forward to the fee.

22. She quickly reviewed her notes to suggest a solution.

23. When I was a student, I often predicted exam results to my friends.

24. He is very tired of his work and therefore looks forward to changing his career. 25. The head of the Department could not single out anyone, because all the employees were prepared perfectly. 26. Pete went through a difficult exam and finally got a marketing degree. 27. Filling a vacancy in a firm is called hiring.

28. Well-matched workforce results in a productive work.

29. Managers can't postpone solving this problem – the deadline is already April 1.

30. No one looked after the equipment properly, so it broke down.

31.It is necessary to respect the traditions of the company.

32. We are looking forward to moving to a new office.

33. She quickly scanned the agenda.

34. When I was a senior Manager, I often imposed my views on my superiors.

35. He was a good Manager when he worked for competitors.

36. in his youth, he smoked a lot, later gave up, but it was too late, and he died of cancer.

37. Charisma is the ability to attract, influence, and inspire with your personal qualities.

38. a Modern Manager should pay attention to the environment in which he works

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