on Ice is a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating. It revolves around the relationships between Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki; his idol (and later coach), Anime tells how Russian figure-skating champion Victor Nikiforov, and up-and-coming Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky. Yuri aims to win the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series against his rival: Yuri Plisetsky, a rising 15-year-old skater from Russia. Yuri Plisetsky may seem rude, surly, but in his age, he already fighting with adults on ice. And I think about him, when I hear "Young and talanted". I highly recommend you towatch this anime, in ost of Yuri on ice songs " Don't stop us now, the moment of truth We were born to make history We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around Yes, we were born to make history ". So talanted))
2)Э фокс белонгс ту зе дог фэмэли.Ит ис э мамал.Фоксес а рэд энд зей хэв бьютифул флафи тэйлс.Зей а вери кунинг,зей катч энд ит смол энималс энд бёрдс.Зей лив ол овер зе уорлд.
3)Э джирэйф ис э тол энимал уиз э лонг нэк энд син лонг легс.Энималс лив ин Африка,зей ит трии ливс энд фрут.Джирафс а мамалс.Зей бодис а коверед уиз браун маркс.
We were born to make history
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to make history ". So talanted))