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Нужно прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы: The Yeoman Warders

A trip to London is never complete without a visit to the Tower of London. The site dates back to the 11th century and is guarded by the Yeoman warders, or Beefeaters.

King Henry VIII first introduced Beefeaters in 1485 1) when he used them as bodyguards. Their duties included looking after the prisoners in the Tower and guarding the Crown jewels. These days though, their main role is to act as guides for the many tourists 2) that visit the Tower every year. They also take care of the eight big black ravens 3) who live in the tower.

There are 37 Yeoman Warders at the Tower 4) who were in the armed forces for 22 years or more. They live in the Tower with their families. On 1st July 2007 a service woman, Moira Cameton, became the first female Yeoman Warder in the history of the institution.

The Beefeaters are most famous for their striking red and gold uniform, but they actually only wear this on formal occasions. Most of the time they wear a dark blue uniform with red trimmings.

No one is exactly sure 5) where the name Beefeater comes from. One theory says that the warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the French word buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King’s food.

1. What century does the site date back?

2. By whom is the Tower of London guarded?

3. Who first introduced “Beefeaters”?

4. What did their duties include?

5. What is their main role these days?

6. Do they take care of the ravens?

7. How many Yeoman Warders are there in the Tower?

8. Are they men or women?

9. Where do they live?

10. What are they most famous for?

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There are a lot of people who are not really clear on why they would want to start their own business. Obviously they know that there are great benefits to growing a business into a giant company but they also have this belief that unless you can do that there will be years of struggle. In reality this is not the case there are lots of excellent reasons that you would want to start a home based business.  The main reason that most people want to start their own business is for the money. Over the long term you are probably going to make more money running your business than you will working for somebody else. Indeed in most cases it is the dreams of great wealth that lead people to going out on their own. While can certainly happen the reality is that most businesses will not make you rich. That being said usually you will make more money working for yourself than you will working for somebody else. The other big reason that you would want to start your own business is for the job security. This surprises a lot of people who have always been taught that running a business was risky and that the safe thing to do was to go out and get a job and have a career. This is actually outdated thinking according to IngoStudio, as many people are discovering there is nothing safe about having a job. These days very few people have any kind of job security and an increasing number of people are realizing that the way to deal with this is to start their own business. Of course there are some people who choose to start their own business simply because they hate the idea of working for somebody else. There are plenty of people out there who are perfectly content to have a boss to tell them what to do, however there are also a great many who really hate the idea of having a boss and simply can't work for one. Clearly these people are better suited to running their own business than they are to having a job so this is exactly what many of them do. One of the real attractions for a lot of people when starting a business is the fact that their time is their own. Make no mistake if you start a business you are going to have to put a lot of hours into it however for the most part you can choose when those hours will be. In addition a lot of people prefer knowing that the hours that they do put in are going towards to building something for themselves rather than for somebody else. Ultimately this may be the best reason to start a business, it allows you to work towards something that is all yours.
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29.03.2020 12:55
Как-то так:
1. He took the binoculars in the locker room because he had a place in the mezzanine .

2 . The cinema is a new adventure .

3 . My Fair Lady - known musical. It is based on a play by George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion .

4 . Laurence Olivier was one of the greatest actors of the 20th century . He was the first director of the National tetra .

5 . My favorite Disney character Mickey Mouse.

6. Ballet Romeo and Juliet is known worldwide .

7. Every actor wants to play the role of Hamlet .

8. Yesterday I was at the Bolshoi, but poorly seen the scene , as was sitting in the gallery .

9. After the play, the director went backstage to congratulate the young actress with the premiere .

10 . The curtain went up , and we saw beautiful scenery .
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