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27.01.2020 19:07 •  Английский язык

нужно расставить подходящие по смыслу артикли или пропуски там где необходимо. A. A late night
Thank you for book which you sent me for my birthday last week. I am certain I will
really enjoy reading it as book is one I have been intending to buy ever since
it was published about two and a half years ago. On Thursday, instead of buying
present for me, my sister took me out for meal in restaurant which had been
highly recommended in local newspaper. restaurant, which had been open
for only two months, was about 25 kilometres away and we went there in my sisters car.
meal was excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves whole evening.
Unfortunately, after we left restaurant, we had problem with car as it
would not start. We could not find out what trouble was and decided to leave it
behind in car park until following day. We asked waiter to call taxi
but we had to wait over hour for it to arrive, and so we did not get back home until
very late. I certainly did not feel at all like getting up and going to work next morning.
B. The First Bicycle
history of bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de Sivrac
overjoyed onlookers in park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention,
machine called celerifere. It was basically enlarged version of a childrens
toy which had been in use for many years. Sivracs celerifere had wooden frame,
made in shape of horse, which was mounted on wheel at either end.
To ride it, you sat on small seat, just like modern bicycle, and pushed hard
against floor with your legs there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer
celerifere and it had no brakes, but despite these problems invention very
much appealed to fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were holding races
up and down streets.
C. An English secret
tea is best made in brown china1 teapot. First you warm pot with
hot water, which you throw away after moment or two. Then put in
teaspoonful of tea for each person, and extra one for luck (one for
pot). Now pour boiling water on, and leave tea to stand for three to five
minutes, before pouring it into fine china cups, with or without milk and
sugar. hot water is served separately, to make tea less strong.
Philip Sidley is tea expert. He believes that secret of good tea lies
in quality of water you use. Jonathan Goodall, who is the manager of
big firm of tea importers, does not think type of water is
such important aspect. He says main thing is to make tea
immediately after water has boiled.
Queen Elizabeth Second would agree with Philip Sidley. Whenever she
travels away from home, she takes special type of English spring
with her for making tea.
Although coffee is also drunk a lot in England today, drinking of tea
is closely connected with certain philosophy of life. tea-drinking is
regarded as ceremony, not just as way of quenching3
ones thirst.
people drink tea to forg

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13.04.2021 15:49
My family is quite big. We are five: my mother, my father, my younger sister, my grandfather and I.<br />My sister’s name is Lana, she is 2 years younger than me. We study at the same school. Lana is a pretty and calm girl. She is good at dancing and knitting. She says she is going to become a designer after school. My sister and I are very close friends. As for me, my hobbies are listening to music, swimming and travelling. Moreover I am also fond of learning foreign languages.<br />Our dad’s name is Igor. He is a supervisor in the food industry. He is tall and strong. We all adore his good sense of humour. He loves telling jokes and it always helps us when we are in a bad mood. Dad loves playing football, going fishing and cooking. Besides he can repair almost everything in our house. By the way my sister and I look like our dad.<br />My mother’s name is Dina. I think she is very beautiful and intelligent. Mum is a bit serious but she is very popular among her colleagues and her friends. They really respect her. She is fond of reading and going to theatres. Mother has worked as an accountant in a bank for 15 years already.<br />My granddad is a pensioner. He is quite old and he lives with us. He loves watching TV and making delicious pies.<br />My parents are very kind, caring and hard-working. They are always busy but they try to give us everything we need and deserve.<br />We have a summer house and an orchard in the country and we spend our summer weekends there. Our grandfather loves gardening, growing vegetables, berries and flowers. Our favourite family holidays are New Year’s Day and Easter. We usually invite our friends, cook fantastic food and sing karaoke. I really enjoy the time that we spend with our family together.<br />Перевод<br />Моя семья довольно большая. Нас пятеро: мама, папа, младшая сестренка, дедушка и я.<br />Мою сестру зовут Лана, она младше меня на 2 года. Мы учимся в одной школе. Лана красивая и спокойная девочка. Она хорошо танцует и вяжет. Она говорит, что собирается стать дизайнером после школы. Мы с сестрой близкие друзья. Что касается меня, мои увлечения – это музыка, плавание и путешествие. Более того, я увлекаюсь изучением иностранных языков.<br />Нашего папу зовут Игорь. Он контролер в пищевой промышленности. Он сильный и высокий. Мы все обожаем его хорошее чувство юмора. Он любит рассказывать шутки, и это всегда нам, когда у нас плохое настроение. Папа любит играть в футбол, ходить на рыбалку и готовить. Кроме того, он может отремонтировать почти все в доме. Кстати, мы с сестрой внешне похожи на него.<br />Мою маму зовут Дана. Думаю, что она очень красивая и умная. Мама немного серьезна, но она очень популярна среди своих коллег и подруг. Они ее очень уважают. Она увлекается чтением и посещением театров. Мама работает бухгалтером в банке уже 15 лет.<br />Мой дедушка – пенсионер. Он дольно старый и живет с нами. Он любит смотреть телевизор и готовить вкусные пироги.<br />Мои родители очень добры, заботливы и трудолюбивы. Они всегда заняты, но стараются дать нам все, что нам необходимо и чего мы заслуживаем.<br />У нас есть летний домик и участок земли в сельской местности, и мы проводим наши выходные летом там. Наш дед любит заниматься садоводством и выращивать овощи, ягоды и цветы. Наши любимые семейные праздники – это Новый год и Пасха. Мы обычно приглашаем друзей, готовим фантастическую еду и поем караоке. Мне очень нравится время, проведенное вместе со своей семьей.
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21.11.2021 18:58

a)Harrods. Harrods - perhaps the most famous store not only in England, but also in the world, was opened in 1849, now it has 7 floors and 330 shops with premium-class clothing, footwear and accessories, magnificent interiors, excellent service. ...

Selfridges. ...

Liberty. ...

Hamleys. ...

Harvey Nichols. ...


b)High Street is a New York Subway station located on the IND Eighth Avenue Line. The station is located in Brooklyn, in the Brooklyn Heights area, on the High Street, west of Cadman Plaza East. The station is served by two routes: it stops all the time, and always, except late at night

c)Tesco,Waitrose,Whole Foods,Morrisons,Marks & Spencer/Simply Food,Sainsbury’s,Asda.

d) Liberty,Harrods.

e)я незнаю кроме как Morrisons.

f)Незнаю прости

g)Тоже незнаю сорри.

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