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Earth Science Test

1. How many galaxies are there in the universe?
A) hundreds B) millions C) billions
2. How many kilometres is an astronomical unit?
A) 150million B) 170 million C) 180 million
3. An astronomical unit is the distance from…
A) the sun to other stars B) Earth to the sun C) Earth to the moon
4. How many kilometres is a light-year?
A) 7, 46 trillion km B) 8, 46 trillion km C) 9, 46 trillion km
5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
A) Mercury B) Venus C) Mars
6. Which planet is farthest to the sun?
A) Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune
7. How big is the Milky Way galaxy? It is about …
A) 200,000 light-years B) 150,000 light-years C) 100,000 light-years
8. The Milky Way is a ….galaxy
A) spiral B) spherical C) round
9. Proxima Centauri is a (an)…..
A) planet B) star C) asteroid
10. New stars form near the centre of a …
A) solar system B) galaxy C) sun

11. What is a nebula?
A) a hot ball of glowing gasses B) a cloud of dust and gas C) a dim star
12. Where do stars start life?
A) in a nebula B) in a constellation C) in a black hole
13. What does a main sequence star burn as fuel?
A) hydrogen B) oxygen C) helium
14. A supergiant might explode and become a …
A) nebula B) white dwarf C) supernova
15. What happens to a red giant at the end of its life? It shrinks and becomes …
A) a white dwarf B) a planet C) a black hole

Our Solar System
16. What are comets made of?
A) rock and metal B) gasses and metal C) ice, rock and gasses
17. Asteroids are large chunks of …
A) rock and gasses B) rock and metal C) ice and metal
18. How many moons move around Jupiter?
A) about 60 B) about 30 C) about 15
19. How do comets revolve around the sun?
A) in oval orbits B) in circular orbits C) in triangular orbits
20. The largest planet in our solar system is…
A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Earth
21. Halley’s comet appears every …
A) 45 years B) 67 years C) 76 years
22. What does Halley’s comet orbit?
A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

23. A comet’s glowing tail is made of …
A) metal B) gas C) ice
24. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?
A) a giant comet B) a giant storm C) a giant asteroid
25. Asteroids and meteoroids orbit …
A) the sun B) the moon C) Earth

Earth, the Moon, the Sun
26. How long does it take Earth to revolve once around the sun?
A) 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days
27. Earth rotates on its axis once every
A) 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days
28. The tilt of Earth’s axis causes …..
A) days B) nights C) seasons
29. How many phases does the moon have?
A) 8 B) 6 C) 4
30. Who first suggested that Earth moves around the sun?
A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Socrates
31. The part of Earth facing away from the sun has …
A) winter B) day C) night
32. The part of Earth facing the sun has …
A) night B) summer C) day
33. When the northern half of Earth tilts away from the sun, it is ……there.
A) summer B) winter C) night
34. What season is it in the USA when it is winter in South America?
A) winter B) summer C) autumn
35. An equinox happens on the first day of…
A) winter B) spring C) summer

Eclipses and Tides
36. The ocean water rises during ….
A) high tide B) low tide C) eclipses
37. A …happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth
A) lunar eclipse B) solar eclipse C) neap tide
38. The sun, the moon and Earth line up during ….
A) a full moon B) a third-quarter moon C) neap tide
39. In a total solar eclipse, people on Earth see a glow around …
A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon
40. Tides make sea levels …
A) block sunlight B) rise and fall C) cause shadows

Space Exploration
41. When did scientists first build telescopes?
A) in the 17th century B) in the 18th century C) in the 19th century
42. Satellites can send ….to and from Earth
A) booster rockets B) launchpads C) radio waves
43. When did the USSR launch the first satellite called “Sputnik”?
A) in 1957 B) in 1968 C) in 1958

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13.03.2022 08:46

The republic is situated on the Crimea peninsula. It is between the Black Sea in the west and south, and the Sea of Azov — in the east. In the east the Crimea is separated from Russia by the Kerch Strait.

The total area of the republic is 26 100 km2, population is 2 137 700. It is divided into 15 regions and 15 cities.

Symferopol is the administrative centre of the Crimea.

The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south.

The Crimean steppe, with its continental climate and steppe soils, occupies four-fifths of the territory.

The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills and a low mountain chain covered with forests and high pastures. Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal lowland — the Crimeansouthern shore — with a Mediterranian climate and vegetation.

The rivers are short and shallow. On the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains we find the Chorna, the Belbek, the Kacha, the Alma, the Salhyr and other rivers. There are also salt lakes there, such as the Sasyk, the Aktash and others.

It is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, natural gas, building materials, and salt from the lakes. Russians constitute 67.2 percent of the population, Ukrainians — 26.5 percent and there are 300 000 Tatars.

Food production is the Crimea’s main industry. Food industry produces canned goods, fish and wines. Agriculture mostly specializes in plant-growing, vine-growing and animal husbandry. It is followed by iron-ore mining, metallurgy and machine-building.

The main sea-ports are Kerch, Teodosia, Yalta, Sevastopol, and Yevpatoria. The Crimea is also the main resort and tourist area of Ukraine.

The artist I. Ayvazovsky and the polar explorer I. Papanin were born in the Crimea.


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29.03.2021 00:08

Древнеегипетская астрономия уходит в глубокую старину: египтяне были одними из первых, кто вёл наблюдения звёздного неба; авторы МЭСБЕ ставят их астрономию в один ряд с китайской[en], индийской и вавилонской (халдеи)[1]. В Египте и общавшихся с ним странах установился довольно точный определения времени года посредством гелиакического восхода звезды Сириус, — летосчисление глубокой древности. Служа для определения времени года, восход или заход определённой звёзды мог служить также и для оценки часа ночи[2]. Египтяне первыми определили год в 365 дней и 6 часов[3].

Для египтян разлив священной реки Нил — земного отражения небесного Млечного Пути[4] — всегда совпадал с восходом Сириуса[5]. Появление Сириуса повторяется через правильные промежутки времени, а именно через каждые 365 1/4 дней[6]. Каждые четыре года Сириус восходил днём позже, из-за чего через 365 х 4 = 1460 лет разница между гражданским календарём (360 дней + пять дней-эпагоменов) и солнечным годом достигала целого года[5], который и прибавлялся к 1460 годам, образуя цикл из 1461 солнечного года[6]. Весь 1461-й год сириусного цикла (сотического[en] — по греческому именованию звезды) считался одним днём Сириуса и превращался в годовой праздник египетского народа[7]. Также каждый восход Сириуса сопровождался известными празднествами, хотя и не приходился на день гражданского Нового года. В древнеегипетских надписях сохранились данные о восходе Сириуса.[5]

Библейское Пятикнижие, переданное египетским жрецом Моисеем (ок. XV века до н. э.), включает космогонические знания. Греческая античная астрономия (VI век до н. э. — V век н. э.) стала плодом учёных мужей, обучавшихся у египетских жрецов (Фалес, Пифагор, Демокрит, Аристарх, Евдокс и др.)[3]

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