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Задание 2. Выпишите и переведите 10 терминов из задания.

The wing makes its «magic» by forcing the air down. Some people like to compare it to water skiing, where water skis and speed are used to force the water down and the skier up. But that analogy tells only part of the story. Most of the time, the top of the wing does the majority of the «pushing» on the air (actually, in this case, «pulling» the air down). The top and the bottom of the wing combine to produce a force, and the part of this force perpendicular to the relative wind is lift. Since the wing not only pushes the air down but slows it down as well, some drag (induced drag) is caused.

The chord line is an imaginary line drawn from the leading edge to the trailing edge of an airfoil. Secondly, the relative wind is the airflow which acts on the airfoil and is parallel to but opposite the direction of flight. The angle between the chord line and the relative wind is called the angle of attack, which is called «alpha». As the angle of attack increases, the change of vertical momentum increases. Additionally, as the angle of attack increases, the coefficient of lift (CL) increases. The result is an increase in lift. However, there are limits to how much the angle of attack can be increased. At some higher angle of attack, the lift coefficient begins to decrease. The angle of attack where the lift coefficient begins to decrease is called the critical angle of attack. Once the critical angle is exceeded, the wing can no longer produce enough lift to support the weight of the aircraft and the wing is said to be «stalled». In other words, the aircraft will stall when the critical angle of attack is exceeded.

Knowing what happens when the controls are operated is the most basic skill of piloting. It is also among the most misunderstood. When an airplane is flying, it has a good deal of forward speed and airflow over all of its surfaces. Control movements must be understood in terms of this airflow and its effects.

The elevator controls the Angle of Attack [AOA] of the wings, and subsequently the pitch. Pulling back on the stick results in a down force on the tail (the same thing is operating here that was operating on the wings, only in a different direction). If the controls are reversed, the opposite happens.

Backward stick movement forces the tail down and the nose up. This rotation occurs around the center of gravity of the airplane. Initially the airplane, even though its nose is up, is still headed in the same direction - the only thing that has changed is

the angle of attack. But an increase in the angle of attack results in an increase in lift, so now the airplane starts to go up. Then, like an arrow, it points into the wind, increasing its pitch. This process continues, viewed from the cockpit as an increase in pitch, until the pilot moves the stick forward to a neutral position and stabilizes the pitch.

The temptation to think that the stick directly raises or lowers the nose is very strong, and most of the time, roughly correct. But if the stick is moved back when the airplane is very close to the stall the aircraft will not pitch up much, if at all. This back stick movement and increase in AOA will stall the wing, causing a loss of lift and acceleration downward: now the pitch moves opposite the stick movement.

The ailerons are a much simpler control than the elevator. Located near the wing tips on the trailing edge of the wing, they are used in unison to change the amount of lift each wing is producing and roll the airplane.

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28.07.2020 01:38

1. ...The weather is fine today. Let's go for a walk. I enjoy walking in a... good weather.

2. I can say I feel great respect for this man.

3. Doesn't he understand that he is talking nonsense?

4. This is ...a very interesting news. I would say ...the news is shocking.

5. First of all you must think about health.

6. The... advice he gave me was useful indeed. He is ...a clever man and always gives good advice.

7. What he needs now is luck and I'm sure he will achieve success.

8. You've made ...a great progress this year and got deep knowledge of the subject.

9. It was fun to watch (the)... children playing.

10. The... work must be done in time. It's ...an urgent work.

1. He needs experience to become a... good doctor.

2. Tim is of course a man of great physical strength.

3. ...The information he has may be interesting to us.

4. He is interested in ...the life of great people.

5. I think he had an... interesting life.

6. Be careful not to break it. It's made of glass.

7. (The)... doctors say he mustn't eat meat. They say meat can do him harm.

8. The child ate ...the soup very quickly. He always has soup for dinner.

9. ...The fish doesn't smell good. Don't eat it.

10. He likes strong tea with sugar and lemon.

1. Waiter! I'd like a... juice and ...an ice-cream, please.

2. Don't give her (the)... ice-cream. She has a cold.

3. I don't want anything but plain water.

4. Can I have bread and butter? - The... butter is in the... fridge and here is ...the bread.

5. There is ...a fire over there. Some house is on fire.

6. I don't think English grammar is very difficult.

7. life is impossible without water and air.

8. ...The tourists made ...a... fire and cooked food.

9. The... paper is rough. I need better paper.

10. Only some animals are afraid of water but all animals are afraid of fire.

1. She says there is nothing better than ...(a) cold tea on ...a hot day.

2. He is interested in ancient history and knows much about the... life of people at that time.

3. Mike says he doesn't like modern music but he always enjoys classical music.

4. Is it easy to drive in thick fog?

5. Which is is cheaper, fuel or gas.​

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30.05.2023 10:09
Диалог про увлечение фотосъемкой: 
- Hello, Mike! 
- Hi, Peter! Where are you going?
- I’m going to the park. My parents gave me a digital camera for my birthday. I want to take some pictures. 
- Cool! It’s not easy to take a really good photo. But I think it’s very interesting!
- I agree. There’s much to learn about it for me. You know, I want to manage to take good photos of landscapes and people’s faces.
- That would be great. Good photo helps us to remember happy moments of our life and bad portraits always put in bad mood.
- Exactly! My sister is very pretty girl but she’s not photogenic so she doesn’t look good on photos and she’s always upset about it. 
- You may read a lot about digital cameras in the internet. There are lots of useful information for beginners, including lessons and examples.
- You’re right. I’ve already looked through some. Now I want a little practice.
- You may take a picture of me, if you want. I can be your first experiment.
- Really? Thank you! Let’s do it!
И на русском если надо:
- Привет, Майк!
- Привет, Питер! Ты куда?
- Иду в парк. Мои родители подарили мне цифровой фотоаппарат на день рождения. Хочу сделать несколько фотографий.
- Круто! Это нелегко – сделать действительно хорошее фото. Но я думаю, это очень интересно!
- Согласен! Мне еще многому предстоит научиться. Знаешь, я хочу уметь делать красивые фото пейзажей и людей.
- Это будет здорово. Удачные фото нам запомнить счастливые события жизни, а плохие портреты всегда портят настроение.
- Это точно! Моя сестра – очень симпатичная девушка, но не фотогеничная, и на фотографиях всегда плохо получается, и она всегда так расстраивается из-за этого.
- Ты можешь почитать про цифровые фотоаппараты в интернете. Там много полезной информации для новичков, включая уроки и примеры.
- Ты прав. Я уже бегло просмотрел некоторые. А теперь хочу немного попрактиковаться..
- Можешь сфотографировать меня, если хочешь. Могу быть твоим первым экспериментом.
- Правда Давай сделаем это!
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