Очень Написать 5 предложений про любимого спортсмена, актёра, режиссёра используя handsome, rich, attractive, famous, successful, well-know и другие слова.
оңйңшйңойңойойңйшңшцшйңшйңшй 1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many
Put the phrases in the right place to make a dialogue.
I think, because it is about serious moments in people’s life.
Do you know anything about Drama?
Speaker 1 -
everybody knows that the first dramatic actin g was very popular in ancient Greece. Lots of people visit marketplaces and they can c hoose whatever they want. It began as a simple storytelling when a storytell er e adopting different v oices, roles and costumes. extra sentence
Прочитайте текст и отметьте предложения T (true), F (false) или DS (не говорит). (Прочитай текст и определи предложение t (правда), F (ложь) DS DS (не сказано в тексте).
Винсент Ван Гог был блестящим голландским художником. Он родился в 1853 году в Нидерландах. В молодости у Ван Гога было много разных профессий. Он работал в книжном магазине, продавал произведения искусства и был учителем. Но в конце концов он решил заняться живописью. В 1886 году он уехал в Париж, чтобы жить со своим братом Тео. Тео был лучшим другом Ван Гога и всегда давал брату деньги на еду. В Париже Ван Гог познакомился со многими известными художниками, такими как Моне и Гоген, и научился у них живописи. Ван Гог писал днем и ночью по много часов; он не ел и не спал достаточно хорошо. Из-за этого он вскоре заболел. В 1889 году он переехал в сельскую местность в Арле, на юге Франции. В 1890 году он умер в возрасте 37 лет. За свою жизнь Ван Гог продал только одну картину. Но сегодня его картины - одни из самых популярных и дорогих произведений искусства в мире. За свою короткую жизнь Ван Гог достиг своих великих свершений, и люди продолжают восхищаться его картинами и сегодня. Самая известная его работа - "Звездная ночь" (1889).
1. Ван Гог в молодости был учителем.
2. Ван Гог жил один в Париже.
3. Брат Ван Гога тоже был художником.
4. Ван Гог продал много картин, когда был жив. ___ ___
5. "Звездная ночь" - самая дорогая картина Ван Гога.
оңйңшйңойңойойңйшңшцшйңшйңшй 1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many
Put the phrases in the right place to make a dialogue.
I think, because it is about serious moments in people’s life.
Do you know anything about Drama?
Speaker 1 -
everybody knows that the first dramatic actin g was very popular in ancient Greece. Lots of people visit marketplaces and they can c hoose whatever they want. It began as a simple storytelling when a storytell er e adopting different v oices, roles and costumes. extra sentence
короче говоря я не знаю
Прочитайте текст и отметьте предложения T (true), F (false) или DS (не говорит). (Прочитай текст и определи предложение t (правда), F (ложь) DS DS (не сказано в тексте).
Винсент Ван Гог был блестящим голландским художником. Он родился в 1853 году в Нидерландах. В молодости у Ван Гога было много разных профессий. Он работал в книжном магазине, продавал произведения искусства и был учителем. Но в конце концов он решил заняться живописью. В 1886 году он уехал в Париж, чтобы жить со своим братом Тео. Тео был лучшим другом Ван Гога и всегда давал брату деньги на еду. В Париже Ван Гог познакомился со многими известными художниками, такими как Моне и Гоген, и научился у них живописи. Ван Гог писал днем и ночью по много часов; он не ел и не спал достаточно хорошо. Из-за этого он вскоре заболел. В 1889 году он переехал в сельскую местность в Арле, на юге Франции. В 1890 году он умер в возрасте 37 лет. За свою жизнь Ван Гог продал только одну картину. Но сегодня его картины - одни из самых популярных и дорогих произведений искусства в мире. За свою короткую жизнь Ван Гог достиг своих великих свершений, и люди продолжают восхищаться его картинами и сегодня. Самая известная его работа - "Звездная ночь" (1889).
1. Ван Гог в молодости был учителем.
2. Ван Гог жил один в Париже.
3. Брат Ван Гога тоже был художником.
4. Ван Гог продал много картин, когда был жив. ___ ___
5. "Звездная ночь" - самая дорогая картина Ван Гога.
6. он умер в возрасте 37 лет. __