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ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО начала само задание потом текст с переводом

b) Sum up the content of the dialogue. Use the following phrases:

The dialogue is about… spite of the

According to the dialogue.comic situation to Russia is still

The experts make it clear that…/stress the point that…/draw the

attention of… to the fact that…/suggest/remind/promise that…

Finally, the experts come to the conclusion that…/agree about…


Foreigner: You represent the Independent Centre of Market Research, Mr. Pronin, don’t you? What did the recent poll conducted by your centre reveal?

Russian: Yes, I’m head of our research group. The poll you’ve referred to confirmed that in spite of the ongoing economic reforms the economic situation in Russia is still rather difficult.

F.: It is not surprising. You are having difficulties owing to the unavoidable problems which arose in the initial stages of transition to a market economy.

R.: That’s right. The poll showed that the standard of living is worsening, the economic activity is sluggish, the industrial production is still falling and the registered unemployment is rising.

F.: But judging by your official statistics available, you’ve checked the drop in industrial production, haven’t you?

R.: Yes, more than that. The tough monetary policy made it possible to curb the inflation, to stabilize the rouble, and to restructure our external debt.

F.: The most striking thing is that you restored and increased your hard currency reserves. So your enterprises seem to be adapting to the market conditions.

R.: That’ s true. However, those enterprises that wish to survive can’ t ignore limited demand owing to the drop in real incomes as a result of the liberalization in prices and the interruption of a traditional trade links.

F.: I see. Did you include into your questionnaire any questions about export activities of the enterprises?

R.: Yes, we did. Last year saw an increase in exports. The trend is continuing this year, which has given a boost to whole industries like ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries, and the fuel and energy complex.

F.: Has the poll revealed any structural changes in the country?

R.: Oh, yes. A graphic example would be the service sector, including catering, banking,

insurance and transportation businesses, which is developing very fast.

F.: The whole world recognizes the significant, I’d say, unprecedented progress Russia has made in implementing structural adjustment policies.

R.: It’ s nice to hear that. As the reforms continue, our society is undergoing drastic changes. The large-scale privatization has brought about private ownership which has caused the appearance of property, the setting up of privately-owned businesses and the development of the non-state sector. Businessmen welcome the changes.

F.: Your emerging business support, I think. Are there any programmes to support business?

R.: Yes, we have quite a number of federal programmes to support small businesses and enterprises of different types of ownership which provide for tax benefits, information support and training of personnel.

F.: It looks like your business is beginning to play the role it plays in a market economy.

R.: Let’s hope it s so.

ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО начала само задание потом текст с переводом b) Sum up the content of the dialogue. Use t
ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО начала само задание потом текст с переводом b) Sum up the content of the dialogue. Use t

Показать ответ
15.10.2020 05:22

ответ the dialogue is about ... despite

what is in accordance with the dialog.comical situation in Russia so far

experts make it clear that.../ emphasize that.../reversing

a look at that.../to propose/to remind/promise...

finally, the experts came to the conclusion that.../agree on...


foreigner: you represent an Independent market research center, Mr. Pronin, don't you? What did a recent survey conducted by your center show?

Russian: Yes, I am the head of our research group. The survey you referred to confirmed that despite the ongoing economic reforms, the economic situation in Russia is still quite difficult.

F: this is not surprising. You are experiencing difficulties because of the inevitable problems that arose during the initial stages of the transition to a market economy.

R.: exactly. The survey showed that the standard of living of the population is deteriorating, economic activity is sluggish, industrial production is still falling, and registered unemployment is growing.

F: but according to your official statistics, you have checked the decline in industrial production, haven't you?

R.: Yes, and even more. A tight monetary policy has allowed us to contain inflation, stabilize the ruble, and restructure our external debt.

F: the most striking thing is that you have restored and increased your hard currency reserves. So your businesses seem to be adapting to market conditions.

R: it's true. However, businesses that want to survive cannot ignore limited demand due to falling real incomes as a result of price liberalisation and the interruption of traditional trade links.

F: I see. Did you include any questions about your company's export activities in your questionnaire?

R.: Yes, we did. Last year, there was an increase in exports. This trend continues this year, which has given impetus to entire industries-ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the fuel and energy complex.

F: did the survey reveal any structural changes in the country?

R.: Oh, Yes. A good example is the service sector, which includes catering, banking,

insurance and transport, which is developing very rapidly.

F: the whole world recognizes the significant, I would say unprecedented, progress that Russia has made in implementing its structural adjustment policy.

R: it's nice to hear that. As the reforms continue, our society is undergoing radical changes. Large-scale privatization has led to the emergence of private property, which has led to the emergence of property, the creation of private enterprises, and the development of the non-state sector. Businesses welcome these changes.

F: I think Your new business support. Are there any business support programs?

R.: Yes, we have quite a large number of Federal programs to support small businesses and enterprises of various forms of ownership, which provide tax incentives, information support and training.

F: it looks like your business is starting to play the role it plays in the market economy.

R.: Let's hope so.

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