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09.08.2022 06:14 •  Английский язык

of the verbs below.
attend, be, beat, do, go, keep, lift,
pedal, play, push

1) I play to win -1_
quite competitive and I'm
never happier than when I've an _ opponent.
2) I never _ running alone after dark.
3) I enjoy _ fit. It makes me feel healthy.
4) I train hard and always _
myself to the limit.
5) My dad regularly _ weights in the gym, but
he hurt his back last week.
6) My mum _ a lot of fitness classes at the local
gym, but she likes aerobics most of all.
7) My brother _on an exercise bike in his
bedroom. He says it's safer than going outside!
8) He doesn't enjoy _
football. He prefers
swimming and running.​

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24.04.2022 13:35

1 I was lonely at first,'the old man admitted,'but after a time Igot used to living alone and even got to like it.'


2 Before trains were invented people used to travel on horseback or in stage coaches. It used to take a stage coach three days to go from London to Bath.


3 I meant to buy an evening paper but I .didn't see anyone selling them.


4 Tom: I want to catch the 7 a.m.train tomorrow.

Ann: But that means getting up at 6.00; and you're not very good at getting up early, are you?


5 He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid to complain. He was afraid of losing his job.


6 She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers going to school for the first time and being frightened and putting her finger in her mouth. And she remembers her teacher telling her to take it out.


7 Did you remember to lock the car? ~

No, I didn't. I'd better go back and do it now.


8 No, I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid to touch it; I was afraid of being blown to pieces!


9 Next time we go house-hunting, remember to ask the agent for clear directions. I wasted hours looking for the last house.


10 Tom: Let's go for a swim.


Ann: I'm not particularly keen on swimming. What about going for a drive instead?


11The hunters expected to be paid by the foot for the snakes they caught. This meant taking the snakes out of the sack and measuring them. They seemed to expect me to do it; but I wasn't particularly anxious to be the first to die of snakebite.


12 After spending two days argueing about where to go for their holiday they decided


not go anywhere.


13 He is talking about giving up his job and going to live in the country.


14 I was just about to leave the office when the phone rang. It was my wife; she wanted me to call at the butcher's on my way home.


15He said, 'I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting.'

I said, It doesn't matter at all,'but he went on apologizing for nearly five minutes!


16 The lecturer began by telling us where the island was, and went on to talk about its history.


17 My father thinks I am not capable of earning my own living, but I mean to show him that he is wrong.


18 Tom: I can't get my car to start on cold mornings.

Jack: Have you tried filling the radiator with hot water? That sometimes helps.


19 Did he manage to carry the trunk upstairs? ~

No, he didn't. He isn't strong enough to move it, let alone carry it upstairs.


20 Jack: Don't forget to take a hacksaw with you.

Ann: What's a hacksaw? And why should I take one with me?

Jack: It's a tool for cutting metal. You see, Tom is bound to get into trouble for taking photographs of the wrong things, and you'll be arrested with him. With a hacksaw you'll be able to saw through the bars of your cell and escape.


21 Peter: Wouldn't it be better ask Tom to leave his camera at home?

Jack: It would be no good asking Tom to do that. It would be like asking a woman to travel without a handbag.


22 I've got the loaf; now I'm looking for a breadknife to cut it with. ~

I saw Paul sharpening a pencil with the breadknife a minute ago.


23 We stopped once to buy petrol and then we stopped again to ask someone the way.


24 When I caught them cheating me, I stopped buying petrol there and started dealing with your garage instead.


25 Do you feel like dining out or would you rather have dinner at home? ~

I'd like to go out. I always enjoy having dinner in a restaurant.


26 Your hair needs cutting. You'd better have it done tomorrow—unless you'd like me to have a go at it for you.


27 I tried to convince him that I was perfectly capable of managing on my own, but he insisted on helping me.


28 Jack: I don't mind traveling by bus, but I hate standing in queues.

Tom: I don't care for queuing either; and you waste so much time waiting for buses.


I think it's better to go by tube, or taxi.


29 He took to following me about and criticizing my work till I threatened to hit him.


30 I have to stay here; I'm on duty. But you needn't wait; you're free to go whenever you like.


31 In Animal Farmthe old pig urged the animals to rebel) against man but he warned them not to adopt man's habits.


32 There is no point in arriving half an hour early. We'd only have to wait. ~

I don't mind waiting. It's better to be too early than too late.


33 I always try to come in quietly but they always hear me going upstairs.

It's impossible to climb an old wooden staircase at night without making a noise.


34 If you agree to work for me I'll see about getting you a work permit.


35 We'd better start early. We don't want to risk getting caught in a traffic jam.


36 He suggested calling a meeting and letting the workers to decide the matter themselves.

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25.11.2020 02:48
К хорошим привычкам я могу отнести соблюдение режима дня, занятие спортом по утрам и соблюдение личной гигиены. Сложно сказать какие у меня есть вредные привычки, ведь за собой сложно это уловить, однако, я считаю, что это ленность.
Бороться с ленью не так-то просто, но всё же следует заставлять себя делать различные дела, даже через силу.
Важно соблюдать правильный режим жизни с молода, ведь если это станет смыслом жизни, то станет намного проще жить.
В связи с тем, что мне приходится жить в резкоконтиненталтном климате, простуда появляется частенько. Для того, что бы её излечить достаточно всего-лишь выпить витаминов и полежать день-два.
Вредная пища вызывает ожирение, гастрит и прочие болезни.
Здоровое питание — это питание, обеспечивающее рост, нормальное развитие и жизнедеятельность человека укреплению его здоровья и профилактике заболеваний.
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