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Omar lives in the yurt. This is an old traditional Kazakh house. It’s round and warm. This house made of wool. There is a shanyrak, a door, but there aren’t any windows. Ben lives in a flat. His flat is big and bright. There are six rooms. There is a hall, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Ben’s flat is modern and comfortable.
Olga lives in a house. There are four floors, a wide yard, a garage and a garden. There is a swimming pool in her yard. She is good at swimming.
Helly lives in an unusual house. It’s named an igloo. It’s made of ice and snow blocks. But it’s very warm. There is one room. East or West home is best.

Example: 0. Omar lives in the yurt. _T___
1. Yurt is a traditional Kazakh house. [1]
2. There is a window in the yurt. [1]
3. There are six storey in Olga’s house. [1]
4. Ben lives in a tent. [1]
5. Helly’s house an unusual. [1]
6. She is good at swimming[1]
7. East or West home is best[1]

Task 2. Write an essay about favorite cartoon character. In your essay answer the following questions:

Topic 1. My favorite cartoon character
In your essay answer the following questions:
1. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
2. What does it look like?
3. How old is he?
4. Use have got \ has got
5. Why do you like this cartoon character?
6.What has he got?
7.What can he do?
8. Describe your cartoon character

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05.03.2022 19:11

1. The mainland of Europe stretched much further west than now.
Континентальная часть Европы растянулась на запад дальше, чем сейчас. The past simple. Active voice.
1. London is situated on the Thames.
Лондон находится на Темзе. The present simple. Passive voice.
2. The man who is speaking now is our secretary.
Человек, который сейчас говорит, это наш секретарь. The present continuous. Active voice.
3. T he scientist’s attention has been attracted by Egyptian pyramids.
Внимание ученых было привлечено египетскими пирамидами. The present perfect. Passive voice.

1. The British Isles and the neighboring small islands were left above the surface of the sea. Participle 2. Часть глагола сказуемого.
Британские острова и соседние маленькие острова остались над уровнем моря.
2. T hey showed us a list of the articles sold at the auction . Participle 2. Определение.
Они показали нам список статей проданных на аукционе.
3. When asked the question he couldn’t answer. Participle 2. Обстоятельство.
Когда его спросили вопрос он не смог ответить.
4. Being built of wood the bridge will not be able to carry heavy loads. Patriciple 1. Обстоятельство.
Так как мост построен из дерева, он не сможет выдержать тяжелые грузы.

1. He started early in the morning while it was still cold.
Он начал рано утром, пока было еще холодно.
2. The problem you have to solve is not so simple as we thought before.
Проблема, которую вам необходимо решить не такая легкая, как мы думали раньше.
3. You may ring me up when you leave your office.
Ты можешь мне позвонить, когда покинешь офис.
4. He said he hadn’t seen you.
Он сказал, что тебя не видел.

1. No visitor to London can miss these buildings.
Ни один посетитель Лондона не сможет пропустить эти здания.
2. You are not to be late.
Ты не должен опоздать.
3. We had to walk home because the last bus had gone.
Нам пришлось идти домой пешком, так как последний автобус уже ушел.
4. He was allowed to use dictionary.
Ему разрешили пользоваться словарем.

5. The British Isles
Many thousands of years ago the mainland of Europe stretched much further west than now, and by the sinking of the land, the ocean covered a great deal of the continent. The British Isles and neighboring small islands were left above the surface of the sea, because they were the highest parts of the land. The water flowed into the valleys among the hills, thus producing an uneven coast and many good harbors.
There are many facts which prove this. None of the seas round the British Isles are very deep. In fact in some parts of the North Sea there is a depth of less than six meters. The rounded flat-topped hills that give character to the English scenery have been worn down by the slowly moving sheet of ice that once covered the whole of Northern Europe. The white chalk cliffs of Southern England correspond to those of Northern France, while the lowlands of the east coast correspond to the lowlands of Holland. The forests that once covered the greater part of the country were made up of common European trees. Nowadays there are practically no forests in Britain, but there are very many leafy trees that give beauty to the countryside.
Британские острова
Много тысяч лет назад континентальная часть Европы протягивалась намного дальше на запад, чем сейчас, и с понижением уровня земли, океан покрыл большую часть континента. Британские острова и соседние с ними небольшие острова остались над уровнем моря, потому что они были самыми высокими частями земли. Вода текла в долины среди холмов, таким образом, производя неровное побережье и много хороших гаваней.
Есть много фактов, которые доказывают это. Ни одно из морей вокруг Британских островов не является очень глубоким. Фактически в некоторых частях Северного моря есть глубина менее шести метров. Округленные холмы с плоской вершиной, которые дают характер английскому пейзажу, были стерты медленно движущимся слоем льда, который когда-то покрывал всю Северную Европу. Белые как мел утесы южной Англии соответствуют таковым в Северной Франции, в то время как низменность восточного побережья соответствует низменности Голландии. Леса, которые когда-то покрывали большую часть страны, представляли собой обычные европейские деревьея. В настоящее время в Великобритании нет фактически никаких лесов, но есть очень много покрытых листвой деревьев, которые дают красоту сельской местности.
1. What produced an uneven coast and many good harbours?
The water that flowed into the valleys among the hills produced an uneven coast and many good harbors.
2. What gave character to the English scenery?
The rounded flat-topped hills give character to the English scenery.
3. Are the seas round the British Isles deep?
No, the seas round the British Isles are not deep.
4. What gives beauty to the countryside of Britain?
Many leafy trees give beauty to the countryside of Britain.

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12.01.2023 16:54
Alot of factories produce waste and is drained into rivers. so the water in the rivers becomes poisoned. the hole in the ozone layer is very dangerous to humans: ultraviolet radiation passes through them and reaches the ground. such radiation may cause dangerous diseases. the population of many countries is suffering from lack of water. nuclear weapons can produce terrible destruction on our planet. nuclear power plants are not so “clean” as some believe: they become the source of the contamination. the environment is everything you see around you. today people understand the need to keep it clean, if humanity wants to survive.
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