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On the road to SUCCESS … Let's face it: job-hunting is a nerve-wracking experience. It  is not uncommon to find oneself spending days, weeks or even months going from one interview to the next with little or no success. Yet this is not the case for everyone. Most people know at least one person who seems to have a knack for it; an uncanny ability to breeze through interviews with ease. How do they do it? As it turns out, almost every great interviewee is following a plan; a recipe for success which dramatically increases their employability. Let's look at the three key stages of the process, and find out how we can maximise our potential at each of them.
Most of what determines the outcome of an interview happens before the candidate even enters the room. Thorough research into the position and attention to detail are paramount, and have a huge impact on the interviewer's perception of a candidate. What experts suggest is reading up on the company, becoming familiar with its philosophy and being aware of the specific traits they find desirable, so that you make an impression. "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Regardless of current employment status or the job in question, smart, professional work attire is a must. It shows that the applicant is taking the situation seriously and has respect for the opportunity being given to them. What is more, potential employers will get an insight into the candidates' ambitions, and possibly earmark them for promotion in the future, should the interview be successful. However, be careful not to overdress. A quick check on the company will give you inside information regarding dress code. Finally, practice is essential in order to avoid being caught off guard by unexpected questions. What candidates can do is brainstorm a list of questions an interviewer could ask and prepare a short but comprehensive response to each.
The interview 
In the professional realm, timing is very important. Interviewees should allow enough time to get into the right mindset before the interview begins. So, it is advisable that they arrive five or six minutes beforehand, but no sooner. Studies have shown that candidates who arrive too early signal that their time is not valuable, which subconsciously makes them less desirable in the eyes of the interviewer. A good candidate should always be in demand. A first impression can only be made once, so the importance of body language cannot be overstated. Introductions should be given in a clear tone in conjunction with a firm handshake and solid eye contact.  Crossing of the arms should be avoided; it is a defensive posture and interviewers may associate it with being anxious or intimidated. A competent candidate knows how to deal with stressful situations and maintains control of their impulses at all times.
At the end of the interview, it is perfectly fine to request some feedback on how it went, regardless of what the final decision will be. This shows the interviewer that their professional opinion is respected, but more importantly, it  shows an openness to constructive criticism. Good manners display professionalism. What candidates are advised to do at the end of the interview is to show courtesy and respect by thanking the interviewer for their time. Changes in business practices have led to an increase in "corporate ghosting" in recent years. Occasionally, companies will not bother to let applicants know their final decision, but often it is simply a mistake, especially when there is a high volume of applicants. A quick follow-up email or phone call shows that the candidate is serious about the position and encourages the interviewer to take a more in-depth look at their application.

Task 2- Read the text again. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer A,B, C or D. Justify your answers. 

What is the purpose of the article? 

 To advise interviewees on how they should conduct themselves. 

To teach the reader how to do research before an interview. 

To highlight the importance of body language in communication. 

To discuss types of interviewing techniques. 

Why do some people seem to do better at interviews, according to the author? 

 Their qualifications make them employable. 

They are more experienced in job-hunting. 

They have already maximised their potential. 

Their method has a good success rate. 

Before the interview, it is very important to 

 choose the perfect attire for the interview. 

learn as much as possible about the company. 

practise answering questions quickly.

read up on different business philosophies.

The author implies that body posture can 

 help with controlling impulses. 

contribute to feelings of anxiety. 

reveal the interviewee's true feelings. 

impact the way the applicant is viewed. 

 What does corporate ghosting (line 67) refer to? 

 Following up on an interview. 

Rejecting an applicant without telling them. 

Inviting a high volume of applicants. 

Reconsidering an application in more detail.

Показать ответ
05.09.2021 17:47
1.I didn't feel good yesterday. If I had felt better, I would have come to class yesterday.
2.I don't feel good today. If I felt better, I would take a walk in the park today.
3.I have a cold today, but I will probably feel better tomorrow. If I feel better tomorrow, I will go to class.
4.I'm sorry that you didn't come to the party. If you had come, you would have had a good time.
5.I didn't know that Bob was sick. If I had known that he was sick, I would have taken him some chicken soup.
6.I'm tired. If I were not tired, I would help you.
7.Snow is predicted for tomorrow. If it snows tomorrow, I will stay home.
8.I may have a dollar. Let me look in my wallet. If I have a dollar, I will lend it to you.
9.I don't have any money. If I had a dollar, I would lend it to you.
10.I didn't have a dollar yesterday. If I had had a dollar yesterday, I would have lent it to you.
11. I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday. I wish you had told me. I would have got you present if I had known it was your birthday yesterday.
13.Why didn't you tell me when your plane was supposed to arrive? If you had told me, I would have picked
0,0(0 оценок)
22.11.2022 11:21

записывай бедолага


1. I bought potatoes yesterday. -POTATOES WERE BOUGHT BY US YESTERDAY

2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. -THE BOOKS WILL BE BROUGHT BY USTOMORROW

3. They are repairing the clock now. -THE CLOCK IS BEING REPAIRED BY THEM NOW

4. They sell milk in the shop. -MILK IS SOLD BY THEM IN THE SHOP

5. I have translated the whole text. -THE WHOLE TEXT HAS BEEN TRANLSATED

6. When I came home they had eaten the sweets. -THE SWEETS HAD BEEN EATEN BY THEMWHEN I CAME HOME

7. We shall do the work in the evening.-THE WORK WILL BE DONE BY US IN THE EVENING

8. He wrote his book in the 19th century. -THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN BY HIM IN THE 19TH CENTURY

9. They were playing tennis from 3 till 5. -TENNIS WAS BEING PLAYED BY THEM FROM 3 TILL 5

10. He has stolen a lot of money. -A LOT OF MONEY HAS BEEN STOLEN BY HIM

11. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. -ALL THE TREES HAD BEEN PLANTED BY THE MIDDLE OF AUTUMN

12. They are building a new cinema house in our street. - A NEW CINEMA HOUSE IS BEING BUILT BY THEM IN OUR STREET

13. By six o'clock they had finished work. -THE WORK HAD BEEN FINISHED BY THEM BY 6 O'CLOCK

14. We have been looking for you the whole mOrning. -YOU HAVE BEEN BEEN LOOKING BY US THE WHOLE MORNING

15. She showed him the way to the metro station. -THE WAY TO THE METRO STATION WAS SHOWED HIM BY HER

16. We send our daughter to rest in the South every year. -OUR DAUGHTER IS SENT TO REST IN THE SOUTH EVERY YEAR BY US

17. They will show this film on TV. -THIS FILM WILL BE SHOWN ON TV BY THEM

18. They have forgotten the story. -THE STORY HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN BY THEM

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