It happened in June 2011 in Monson, Massachusetts.The city was suddenly hit by a terrible tornado. Michael Roscher and his daughter managed to hide in the basement. But their seven cats remained at the second floor.The tornado completely destroyed the house. Remained in ruins.Michael was desperate. He lost everything he had. And he was unbearably sorry for her cats. No one could survive under the ruins.And then he decided to at least bury them.A few days Michael was looking for their bodies under the rubble of the house. Even at night. To help him came a whole team of volunteers.And two days later they pulled out from the rubble of the first cat! Alive, though terrified.After that, the work began to boil with renewed vigor. After a few days they got from the ruins of all seven cats.The most incredible thing about all this?
- cats survived where it seemed impossible;
Michael lost everything he had and decided to search the corpses of cats;
Это Утвердительная форма
1 Я занят I am busy
2 Она работает слишком много She works too much
3 Мы часто ходим за покупками We often go shopping
4 Им нравится рок-музыка They like rock music
5 Он никогда не пьет алкоголь He never drinks alcohol
6 Я встаю в семь часов утра каждый день I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day
7 Ты выглядишь уставшим You look tired
8 Это очень интересно It is very interesting
9 Они часто нам They often help us
10 Мне нужно взять отпуск I need to take a holiday
Отрицательная форма
1 Я не хожу плавать I don’t go swimming
2 Ей не нравится баскетбол She doesn’t like basketball
3 Они не живут в Москве They don’t live in Moscow
4 Ты не ленив You aren’t lazy
5 МЫ не знаем, что делать We don’t know what to do
6 Ей не нравится это She doesn’t like it
7 Ты не занимаешь усердно You don’t study hard
8 Это не важно It isn’t important
9 Он не играет хорошо в шахматы He doesn’t play chess well
10 Они не слушают учителя They don’t listen to the teacher
Вопросительная форма
1 Что ты обычно делаешь по воскресеньям? What do you usually do on Sundays?
2 Как часто ты путешествуешь? How often do you travel?
3 Тебе нравятся бананы? Do you like bananas?
4 Она ходит в школу? Does she go to school?
5 Где она живет? Where does she live?
6 Какого рода музыку ты предпочитаешь? What kind of you music do you prefer?
7 Почему ты хочешь изучать испанский? Why do you want to learn Spanish?
8 Где это? Where is it?
9 Они успешные? Are they successful?
10 Ты часто используешь Интернет? Do you often use the Internet?
Ты там сам(а) выбери
It happened in June 2011 in Monson, Massachusetts.The city was suddenly hit by a terrible tornado. Michael Roscher and his daughter managed to hide in the basement. But their seven cats remained at the second floor.The tornado completely destroyed the house. Remained in ruins.Michael was desperate. He lost everything he had. And he was unbearably sorry for her cats. No one could survive under the ruins.And then he decided to at least bury them.A few days Michael was looking for their bodies under the rubble of the house. Even at night. To help him came a whole team of volunteers.And two days later they pulled out from the rubble of the first cat! Alive, though terrified.After that, the work began to boil with renewed vigor. After a few days they got from the ruins of all seven cats.The most incredible thing about all this?
- cats survived where it seemed impossible;
Michael lost everything he had and decided to search the corpses of cats;
- 50-70 volunteer rescuers helped him for a week.