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Описать любую картину (какого-нибудь художника) согласно плану и примеру

Describe a work of art that you really like.

You should say:

- how it looks
- where you first saw it
- why you like it

and explain how you felt when you first saw it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer:
Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait painting which is extremely famous in the whole world. It was created by Leonardo da Vinci. And in fact, this is the most known and most praised paintings in the world. A wide number of criticisms are found in this painting. I am really lucky to have this candidate task card and will explain this painting which is one of the finest artworks the world has ever produced.

I first saw the painting at a museum in Paris. I was a kid then. Later, I came to know about the vastness of this piece of art. Actually, my parents took me to Louvre Museum in Paris where I first met with this painting and the character. When I grew up, I paid some visits to the same museum only to see the painting. It is said that the painting is the portrait of a woman named Lisa who was the wife of a nobleman at that time.

I like the painting for a few specific reasons. The most important reason for liking the painting is the mysterious smile of the character portrayed in. The historical value of this painting also notable. Though no exact date of origin for this painting is found, it is assumed that it has been painted in 1506. The past history of this painting also attracts me. It was acquired by King Francis but later, the painting has become the property of the French government. Moreover, it has been exhibited since 1797 in the display of this museum for permanently.

Honestly, I did not have any special feeling when I first saw it. Actually, I was a small boy then. But gradually I came to know about the history of the painting and a special attraction grew in me. Now I am a diehard fan of this painting indeed.
More Ideas to help you prepare your own answer:
Cue Card Topic: Describe a work of art that you really like.

1. The Self-Portrait with Two Circles is one of the most prominent artworks in the world. It was painted by Rembrandt and I first saw it in the Kenwood House in London. I liked the artwork for few reasons. Usually, people look at the paintings but there is a basic difference with this one. The subject of the painting is looking at the person who looks at the painting. I felt a bit nervous in the beginning because the sharp look of the painter appeared looking into my soul.

2. Recently I have seen a cave painting. It was about some horse-like animals and appeared wonderful to me. I saw it at the Chauvet in France. I was in love with the painting. In fact, I did not have any idea that a cave painting could be so nice. There were some lifelike animals in the painting. They were beautiful indeed. I was thrilled with the painting. Unluckily, there was no signature on the painting about the painter. In those days, the signature trend might not have been introduced.

3. The Las Meninas is a wonderful painting. I saw it in Madrid a few months ago. The painting has many layered matters. So, it particularly drew my attention. The painting exhibited different things together in a single place. A painter was making a portrait of the royal couple and there were some other people on the court. A messenger or someone else is also seen through the door. The painting is a great piece of strangeness. So, I loved it much.

4. Girl with a Pearl Earring is a notable artwork in the world history. It was painted by Johannes Vermeer. I saw it in Mauritshuis in Netherlands. The painting portrays a simple girl wearing a pearl earring. The identity of the girl is not revealed rather there are many speculations about it. I like the painting for some reasons. It looked wonderful. Her opened mouth indicates that she wanted to ask something. I fell in love with the painting after I was it.

5. The Nighthawks is an outstanding painting. Prominent painter Edward Hopper painted it and I saw it a museum in New York City. This was an adorable painting. The painting takes the audiences to a night scene. A bold narrative is hidden inside the painting and the audiences are often puzzled about it. When I saw it first, I also was baffled. In fact, I could not get the answer to some questions and finally felt the isolation.

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13.09.2020 15:58

Нэнси и Майкл вошли в комнату Робина. Робин лежит в постели. Он болен и слаб, и Нэнси и Майклу жаль его. Они хотят Робин широко улыбается им .

— Я знаю, почему вы здесь, — говорит им Робин. — Вы собираетесь найти дедушкину шкатулку с секретом.

— Да. Мы думаем, что сможем тебе в ближайшее время.

— Надеюсь, мы будем  вместе играть в футбол и делать много других вещей,  — говорит Майкл.

— О, хорошо, — отвечает Робин найдите эту шкатулку.

— Найдём, — Майкл и Нэнси возвращаются в гостиную. Их ожидает мистер Холл, дедушка Робина.

— Дядя Бен, — говорит Нэнси, — мы не совсем понимаем. Вы написали мне, но как шкатулка с секретом может Робину?  

— Вы видите, Робин очень болен. Операция будет очень дорогой. У нас не так много денег. Шкатулка очень важна для нас. Это единственный получить деньги. Это шкатулка с секретом. Никто не может открыть её. Она уже очень давно у нашей семьи. Мой отец рассказал мне, как её открыть.

— Но как шкатулка В ней есть деньги? — спрашивает Майкл.

— Ах, — говорит мистер Холл. — Это тоже секрет. Вы найдёте шкатулку для меня?

— Найдём. Но где она?

— Не знаю. Может быть, она сейчас у одного из наших родственников.

— Но как вы собираетесь выяснить, где находится шкатулка?

— Я позвоню Кэрол. Она живет в Бостоне. Она может знать что-то о шкатулке. Я позвоню ей и скажу, что вы приезжаете.

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12.06.2020 09:25
Eighteen Bethany Hamilton furiously rowing a giant wave. As soon as she feels that the rear part of the board is raised, she leans forward, then quickly jumped up, firmly puts her foot on the board and ride the wave gently, quickly approaching the shore. All this is nothing unusual for a champion of surfing, but Bethany is the whole miracle!
In 2003, Bethany has won several competitions, and was planning to become a professional surfer. Then, one sunny October morning, she was surfing with his friends on the beach in Kauai district, Hawaii. Suddenly, four-meter tiger shark attacked her, tearing her hand.
Most people would become very depressed after such a tragedy, but Bethany struck everyone. They could not believe their eyes when they saw her return to her surfboard just three weeks after his terrible experience. It was not easy, however. Apart from the difficulties of learning to surf with one hand, she also had to deal with her fear that once again the shark attack. "It's always on my mind," she says, and it always will be, but I have to keep thinking about something fun and easy surfing.
Bethany not only champion serfengu, but her positive attitude is also a source of inspiration for many. She was even in Thailand, to help children who have experienced the 2004 tsunami, with their fear of water. Sometimes, Bethany asks himself: "Why me?" but then she thinks that her experience helped her to get better. Bethany's motto - "I will never quit Yes!"
5:30 in the morning, and fifteen Tom Conaway already sitting motionless in the wetlands of California in anticipation of the wild animals, to capture them. Soon, thousands of birds are beginning to quack loudly, and Tom was lucky enough to be able to take them up close in their natural habitat. But what makes Tom different from any other filmmaker-wannabe?
When Tom Conaway was only four years old, the car in which he was traveling rolled down from the mountain. He was thrown out of the window, and his spine was severely bruised. Since then, his brain can no longer send impulses to parts of his body, to tell them to move. But Tom does not waste time trying to feel sorry for yourself. "I'll be in a wheelchair for life," he says, "but I think I was lucky. Really. I mean, I've been through a terrible accident and not hurt the brain."
One afternoon, about two years after the accident, dad Tom realized that photography was his hobby, which they both can share. So, Doug Conaway camera tied to a chair Tom so that he could shoot the game Football brother. Now Tom uses a "helmet cam" for the shooting, or the father sets up the camera on a tripod, and Volume controls it through a wireless remote control while watching the camera to a DVD-player screen in his lap. Tom even sees his disability as a secret force that helps him on the set. The fact that it "easy" to sit still means that he can shoot the animals without scaring them! Positive attitude of Tom's amazing. "Everyone passes through the bumps in the road, which need to get used to," he says. "The fact that I'm in a wheelchair - it just bumps in the road"
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