ответ:Mertsalov's palm is a palm tree forged from a rail at the end of the 19th century by the blacksmith Alexei Ivanovich Mertsalov with the hammer assistant Philip Fedotovich Shkarin, the image of a palm tree that was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1900 Paris International Industrial Exhibition. Presented on the coat of arms of the Donetsk region. There is a project to establish copies of the Mertsalov palm in the capitals of the world's leading states. The steel palm tree was forged at the end of 1895 by the blacksmith of the metallurgical plant of the Novorossiysk Society of Coal, Iron and Rail Production, Alexei Ivanovich Mertsalov, with the help of Philip Fedotovich Shkarin, a hammer, and other workers of the factories.
ответ:Mertsalov's palm is a palm tree forged from a rail at the end of the 19th century by the blacksmith Alexei Ivanovich Mertsalov with the hammer assistant Philip Fedotovich Shkarin, the image of a palm tree that was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1900 Paris International Industrial Exhibition. Presented on the coat of arms of the Donetsk region. There is a project to establish copies of the Mertsalov palm in the capitals of the world's leading states. The steel palm tree was forged at the end of 1895 by the blacksmith of the metallurgical plant of the Novorossiysk Society of Coal, Iron and Rail Production, Alexei Ivanovich Mertsalov, with the help of Philip Fedotovich Shkarin, a hammer, and other workers of the factories.
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