Определить время глагола в предложении, перевести. 1. Ann will stay at hospital. She has broken her arm.
2. I shall be back.
3. We were working in the lab from 5 till 7 o clock.
4. The light has already changed from green to red.
5. The girl did not meet with her groupmates yesterday; she knew nothing about a credit.
this - that - это - то
in 3 days - three days after that - через 3 дня - три дня спустя
these - those - эти - те
in 4 months - four months after that - через 4 месяца - 4 месяца спустя
now - at that time - сейчас - в то время
in a year - after one year- через год - год спустя
yesterday - the day before yesterday - вчера - задень до вчерашнего
next day - the day after that - на следующий день - день спустя
3 years ago - three years before that - 3 года назад - 3 года до того как