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ответить на вопросы по книге Пигмалион (текст прикрепил) Read or listen to the episode and say who the words in bold refer to.
1 They accompanied Eliza to the Ambassador's party.
2 He boasted his knowledge of thirty-two languages.
3 He was worried about Nepommuck.
4 She wondered if Pickering felt nervous.
5 They went upstairs together.
6 She wanted to find out more information.
7 She was the centre of attention.
8 He claimed Eliza was a fraud.
9 He said he had royal blood in his veins.
10 He was anxious to leave the party.

The big day arrived. Higgins was about to find out if he would win his bet, as he and the Colonel
accompanied Eliza to the Ambassador's party.
While Eliza was in the ladies' cloakroom, a young man approached Higgins. He had an incredibly
hairy face, with an enormous moustache and thick whiskers and eyebrows.
"Professor, Professor!" the young man cried out enthusiastically. "Do you remember me?"
"No, I don't. Who the devil are you?" said the Professor.
"I am your pupil; I am little Nepommuck. You cannot forget ME!" exclaimed the young man.
"What are you doing here, among all these important people?" asked Higgins.
"I am an interpreter. I speak thirty-two languages. I am essential at international parties."
At that moment a servant approached Nepommuck.
"You are wanted upstairs by Her Excellency, sir."
As Nepommuck hurried up the grand staircase, Pickering turned to Higgins.
" Is this fellow really an expert? Can he find Eliza out and blackmail her?"
"We shall see," said Higgins. "If he finds her out, I will lose my bet."
"Are you nervous, Colonel?" asked Eliza as she joined the two men.
"Frightfully. It is like my first time in a battle," said Pickering.
"It is not the first time for me," said Eliza. "I have done this hundreds of times in my dreams. I
am in a dream now. Promise not to wake me because I will forget everything and talk as I used to."
As they went up the staircase, a servant announced them to the Ambassador and his wife.
"Is that your adopted daughter, Colonel? She will make a big impression," the hostess said to
Pickering and immediately turned to Nepommuck.
"Find out all about her."
Nepommuck mingled into the crowd to watch Eliza, who attracted everyone's attention. They
stopped talking to look at her and admire her. Some at the back even stood on their chairs to see.
"Ah, at last, Nepommuck. Have you found out about the lady?" asked the hostess after a while.
" I have found out everything about her. She is a fraud," replied Nepommuck. "She cannot
deceive me. She cannot be English."
"Oh, nonsense! She speaks English perfectly," said the hostess.
"Too perfectly. Only foreigners who have been taught to speak English speak it so well. She is
Hungarian and of royal blood, like me."
"I say she is a common girl taught to speak by an expert," said Higgins, who had been chatting
with the hostess before Nepommuck joined them.
"Oh, of course I agree with Nepommuck," the hostess said. "She must be a princess at least."
When the group broke up, Eliza joined the Professor and the Colonel.
"I cannot do this anymore. An old lady has just told me I speak exactly like Queen Victoria. I am
sorry I have lost your bet. I shall never be the same as these people."
"You have not lost it, dear. You have won it ten times over!" said Pickering triumphantly.
"Now, let's get out of here. I have had enough of these fools," Higgins urged them both.

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14.11.2021 02:54
№5. ARE - мн. число, а IS - ед. ч.
1. There are two girls at home. (В доме две девочки)
2. There is a silver bell in the box. (В коробке лежит серебряный колокольчик.)
3. There are many trees in the street. (На улице очень много деревьев.)
4. Look! There is jam on your trousers. (Смотри! У тебя джем на штанах.)
5. There is a big apple-tree in their garden. (У них в саду большая яблоня.)
6. There are some new words in the book. (В книге появилось несколько новых слов.)
7. There is some water in the cup. (В чашке ещё осталось немного воды.)
8. There is a duck under the pine-tree. (Там утка под сосновым деревом.)
9. There are eight nuts on the blue saucer. (На синем блюдце восемь орехов.)
10. There are five boys in the yard. (Во дворе гуляют пять мальчиков.)

1. There are two gold rings in Mammy’s box. (В маминой коробке лежат два золотых кольца.)
2. There is a toy monkey on the sofa. (На диване лежит игрушечная обезьянка.)
3. There are many/some/one/two...(ten) apples on the dish. (На тарелке лежат много/несколько/одно/два...(десять) яблок.)
4. There is a mouse in the house. (В доме мышь.)
5. There is some milk in the glass. (В стакане есть немного молока.)
6. There are many socks/plates/cups...(any thing) in the cupboard. (В шкафу лежит много носков/тарелок/чашек...(любые другие предметы/предмет).)
7. There is an owl in the tree. (Там сова на дереве.)
8. There are many/some children in the car. (В машине много/несколько детей.)
9. There is some boiled water in the bottle. (В бутылке есть немного кипяченой воды.)
10. There are some flowers/roses/tulips in the vase. (В вазе несколько цветов/роз/тюльпанов и т.д..)

1. There are many apples on the apple-tree.
2. There is a dog under the tree.
3. There is some boiled water in the bottle.
4. There are some boys in the yard.
5. There is a bird in our cage.
6. There are toys in this box.
7. There are some books on Anna's table.
8. There are many new words in the book.
9. There is some apple jam on the saucer.
10. There are two little silver bells in the box.
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02.05.2020 23:48

ответ: I think my perfect day should be like this. Firstly I have to get up late, then to eat something tasty. At school I would better have no lessons or some very easy subjects. At school I want to have 12 in all subjects. But mainly at school I want to communicate with my friends, to chat with them or to play something. In the end I want to go to the cafe to have my awesome lunch. In the evening I prefer to chill, don’t do homework and surf the net. For me it would be interesting to have such an amazing day. Thank you for listening.


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