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ответить на вопросы по тексту и выполнить 11 задание the Reign of Disney
A: Now, I'd just like to say that Walt Disney has dominated the cartoon greatly. To many people in the thirties — and that was the golden age of the cartoon — to many people then and since the cartoon has simply meant W.Disney's work.

B: Well, you have a point here, but I am not so sure about the golden age of the cartoon. I think many cartoons of later years have much more interesting plots and technique.

A: Perhaps. But don't you think that Disney's shorts have carefully worked out plots, sometimes very neat? They are not simply a string of violent gags, in the style of later American cartoons. Well, you see what I mean.

B: Yes, I agree entirely here. There is a reassuring, homely quality about his shorts founded on the resemblances between the animal and the human world.

A: I couldn't agree more. His animal characters are actually human beings in disguise and they behave like recognizable individuals.

B: That's exactly what I think. Mickey is the quiet little chap, who at the end of the race has outdistanced his more spectacular rivals. He and Minnie both, are the innocents who triumph over the wicked world.

A: Yes, that's true. That's my way of looking at it too. Donald Duck always flies into spluttering indignant passion. Pluto and Goofy are not too bright but both have hearts of gold and meet the world with a bewildered and bewildering enthusiasm. Disney in fact has presented the world of the average American, preaching a moral, giving a message of optimism, of success.

B: You may be right, but I think it goes further than that, a lot further. His stories end happily, the characters are essentially good fellows, the violence is not too extreme, cruelty and tragedy are excluded. Any satire is more than gentle. This imitation world is presented with supreme technical competence and the various factors are blended to comfort and soothe the audience, to give it something easy and undemanding.

A: I see what you mean, but there are potentially cruel and dangerous characters in Disney's longer films. There is a case of "Snow White" having been given an "X" certificate. I myself have known children terrified by "Pinocchio". Perhaps what frightens them are situations in which the child hero or heroine is in danger or being ill-treated.

B: What you say's perfectly true. But all the same W. Disney's films are readily accepted by mass audiences conditioned to the Disney philosophy. All I know is that these films are very sentimental though they have been widely popular.

11.Answer the following questions:

1. Have you seen any of W.Disney's shorts? longer films? What is your impression of them? 2. Do you agree with all that is said in the dialogue? With which statements dealing with his work do you disagree?

Use clichés expressing AGREEMENT and DISAGREEMENT given in the dialogue (Ex. 10). You may also use other phrases to express disagreement:

A.You can disagree mildly: Well, I wouldn't go quite that far; I'm not so sure; That may be so ... but ... ; Yes, that's true, but take my case; Oh, you wouldn't think so ... ; I wouldn't say that exactly; It might be right but... ; On the other hand

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12.08.2020 05:07
Оливер Кромвель
Одной из главных тенденций истории Англии является борьба между королём и народом. Это была борьба за главенство. Один из ключевых моментов этой долгой борьбы наступил в семнадцатом веке.
В это время начали формироваться политические партии, которые нам известны. Престол занимал Карл I. Он ненавидел Парламент. Он считал, что его единственной функцией является голосование за королевские законы. В конце концов, народ понял, что противостоят ему можно только силой. В 1642 году вспыхнула Гражданская война.
Большинство богатых людей и людей благородного происхождения поддержали Карла. Их называли роялистами. Они были хорошо обучены и имели опытных лидеров.
Сторонники парламента назывались пуританами. Пуритане требовали церковных преобразований. Но их отваги и веры было недостаточно, чтобы выиграть битву. Необходимы были тренировки и опытный лидер. Им стал Оливер Кромвель. 
Кромвель был сельским жителем. Он получил образование в гимназии. Затем стал членом Парламента и прославился как очень жёсткий человек. Всем были также известны твёрдость его характера и искренность. Он понимал, что если парламентская армия хочет добиться победы, то она должна быть обучена так же хорошо, как армия Карла.
Кромвель собрал солдат в восточной части Англии и занялся их обучением. Он хотел, чтобы они воевали за свободу Парламента и религии. Когда солдаты были готовы, он отправил их в бой. Парламентариям удалось выиграть несколько битв. В 1645 году королевская армия была разбита в районе Нейзби.
Кромвель стал лидером всех Парламентских сил. В 1649 году король сдался и был отправлен в тюрьму. Затем он предстал перед судом в Лондоне и был обвинён в измене родине. Вина его была доказана, и он был обезглавлен.
В этом же месяце Парламентское правительство пришло к власти. Кромвель стал править Англией не как король, а как "Защитник Республики".
0,0(0 оценок)
19.10.2022 11:15

В тексте вашего задания ошибки! Перепечатывали откуда-то?

1. She doesn't have a brother.

Does she have a brother?

2. I must not do it now.

Must I do it now?

3. He isn't very late.

Is he very late?

4. They don't have time to do it.

Do they have time to do it?

5. You can't wait here.

Can you wait here?

6. Mary isn't right.

Is Mary right?

7. He doesn't take English lessons.

Does he take English lessons?

8. They don't try to understand.

Do they try to understand?

9. She doesn't feel well.

Does she feel well?

10. You don't write to them every day.

Do you write to them every day?

11. I don't live in this house.

Do I live in this house?

12. I don't keep it in my pocket.

Do I keep it in my pocket?

13. I don't work on the tenth floor.

Do I work on the tenth floor?

14. Mary doesn't speak better than John.

Does Mary speak better than John?

0,0(0 оценок)
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