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30.11.2021 07:13 •  Английский язык

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1. one reason why there is a constant need to develop new drugs is because new illnesses are appearing all the time. what are three other reasons.

2.in a clinical trial, first the drugs are tested on animals. what are the next two main steps ?

3. what is the basis of the nuremberg code?

4. which two groups of people may not always be able to make a free choice over participating in clinical trials?

5. there are risks for sick people participating in clinical trials, but what are the benefits.

6. what ethical problems may arise when scientists believe very strongly in the importance of their research?

there is a constant need for new drugs. this is because there is a lot we don't know about human biology, there are still many illnesses we cannot cure, and new illnesses appear all the time while existing medicines lose their effectiveness. new drugs are tested on animals, but because animals' bodies work differently from ours, if a drug works on a caged rat, it does not mean that it will do the same for a human being. the only way to really know about a new medicine is to test it on people in a clinical trial. this is done by first giving it to healthy people to see if it is safe, and then giving it to sick people to see if it works.
anyone participating in a clinical trial must understand the risks and give their informed consent. this is a principle of the nuremberg code resulting from the cruel experimentation done in prison camps during the second world war. informed consent prevents abuse of people in the name of science, but the problem is that if you apply the principle literally, you cannot do research on children, people with alzheimer's disease, and the mentally ill.
prisons provide controlled environments and constant supplies of participants for drugs trials. however, the fact that prisoners often agree to do things they would not normally do (such as being deliberately infected with dangerous diseases) in exchange for certain rewards, raises the question of whether they make genuinely free choices. the same goes people iving for in extreme poverty whose need for money blind them to the risks involved.
sick people participating in a trial benefit by being the first to get a new treatment and a lot of attention. however, there are risks. by taking a brand new medicine, they enter arn unknown anrea in which it is possible for things to go badly wrong. when little is known about them, the use of some drugs like thalidomide, and more recently tgni412 can lead to disablement and death.
the other ethical issue concerns the judgement of the doctors and nurses working on trials. as healers, their primary concern is for the well-being of their patients, but there may be times when, convinced by the importance of their work and the benefits it could bring to society, they give the experiment greater importance than the patients. in one famous study in america, hundreds of men with syphilis were left untreated, even after a cure was discovered, in order that researchers could study the effect of the gisease right up until death.

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05.02.2022 22:52
Mountaineering in the USSR, as well as the entire system of physical culture and sports, in a developed socialist society became a true treasure of workers, effective means of all-round development of the individual. This sport contribute to the education of collectivism and perseverance to overcome difficulties, will to win. Soviet mountaineering - is a massive school of courage aimed at mastering the heights of sportsmanship in Mountaineering. He also has great practical value for the successful solution of important economic problems in mountainous areas for the study of little-known and little-known areas. Unlike other sports climber training requires much broader and multilateral training. Indeed, to achieve this goal climber must possess not only the appropriate physical training and the necessary practical skills, but also specialized knowledge from various fields of science. Study Guide is built on the basis of a program approved by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the USSR Council of Ministers. It presents all the traditional textbooks on mountaineering equipment sections of movement in the mountains, tactics, methods of teaching, organizing bivouacs, equipment, and others. In addition, much attention is paid to some other issues of relevance to modern mountaineering. So, one of the features of mountaineering in our time are the mass ascension at challenging routes high grade of difficulty to the top 6 and 7 thousand meters. If in 1937, for example, measure the highest level of technical maturity of the Soviet climbers were climbing Ushba 57 (4996 m) on routes 5 th "A" category, the level of achievement in 1979 began climbing more than 2,000 people on routes 5 -6 th grade of difficulty. At high altitudes, the human body is exposed to a difficult test, requiring the utmost to mobilize all its forces and capabilities. Therefore, one of the most important places in the book is devoted to biomedical issues mountaineering. Due to intense development in the highland areas of national economic activity volume of work carried out there can no longer be provided, as before, the participation of several climbers. By geologists, glaciologists, surveyors and other professionals hydrobuilders now requires skilled practical training in the amount of climbing climber-arrester, and even the master of sports. Development of mountaineering today differs qualitatively new elements that should be compiled and reflected in the program of training climbers. These include, in particular, a clear plan at different stages of learning and improving sports skills, as well as posing questions of educational, sports and educational work in the centers of mass of modern mountaineering - climbing camps.

A new branch of the Soviet mountaineering - sport climbing. It is intended mainly for the first stage of training, provide technical training for young climbers climbing and insurance in order to enhance the fail safe Mountaineering Further improvement of this skill leads climber to achieve the highest class in the unique sport - sport climbing. By analogy with sport climbing in our country is developing sports ice climbing. This manual is intended for trainers, instructors-methodologists in mountaineering and mountain tourism, students of schools and training courses for instructor training, universities with groups of specialization or training specialists to work in the mountains. Illustrations to Chapters 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 are formed on the sketches I. A
0,0(0 оценок)
31.03.2022 05:19

was relaxing - отдыхал

noticed - заметил

had started - начал

was curious - был любознательный

was happening - происходило

happened - случилось

saw - видел

came- пришёл

had - имел

loved - любил

wanted - хотел

started - начал

began perfoming- начал представлять

became - стал

realised- осознал

was - было

presented - представил

was made- был сделан

burned - горело

caused- вызвало

were- были

landed - приземлился

gathered - собралась

asked - спросили

agreed - согласился

took place- занимал место

reached - достиг

floated - пролетел

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