Today every ten minutes one species of animal, insect, bird, fish or plant dies out forever mainly because of the world’s environmental problems. However, some animals have become extinct because of human actions. People hunt, overfish and change wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas.
Today the most well-known kind of animal who is endangered is blue whale. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile.Blue whales, die out because of lack of food.There was a time, when the blue whale was a major animal in every large water body of the world. But the arrival of the whale hunting era, diminished the whale count by such a massive number, that blue whales are still endangered today.
Прогноз Погоды Мы промокли, когда мы попали в дождь без пальто. Иногда мы надеваем свитер, а потом заметили, что погода стала горячей. Мы не всегда знаем, какую погоду ожидать. По Телевизору и радио есть ежедневные прогнозы погоды. Иногда прогноз не совсем верный, так как погода не просто прогноз. Весь день и ночь, синоптики собирают информацию от кораблей, самолетов, метеорологических станций и космических станций. С этой информации они могут понять,какая погода будет в течение следующих нескольких дней. В результате работы синоптика мы узнали о погоде. Хотя два дня будет точно такая же погода, некоторые типы погоды люди могут составить прогноз. Когда Барометр показывает высокое давление, погода будет спокойной. Зимой будет холодно и морозно. Летом это обычно означает, туманными утрами и жаркие солнечные дни. Когда Барометр показывает низкое давление, смотрю на дождь и сильный ветер.
Today every ten minutes one species of animal, insect, bird, fish or plant dies out forever mainly because of the world’s environmental problems. However, some animals have become extinct because of human actions. People hunt, overfish and change wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas.
Today the most well-known kind of animal who is endangered is blue whale. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile.Blue whales, die out because of lack of food.There was a time, when the blue whale was a major animal in every large water body of the world. But the arrival of the whale hunting era, diminished the whale count by such a massive number, that blue whales are still endangered today.