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ответьте на вопрос 25 match the following types of sports teams (1-4) with the number of players needed for them (a-д). rugby union team baseball team cricket team basketball team 8 9 5 11 15

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03.04.2023 18:04
My name is Captain Walton.
My ship was exploring the Arctic when we found a man.His name was Victor Frankenstein.One night, he told me that he grew up near Geneva.When he was seventeen, he went to the University to study chemistry.He wanted to find out the secret of life.He worked hard for two years and he found the new secret.He decided to create a new life in the laboratory.And he created the creature.The monster had thin, yellow skin,long black hair.His teeth were white, but his eyes were watery and his lips black.One day the monster left his house.Soon after that he received a letter ,he found out that his brother William had been murdered.
Just before he got to his parent’ house, he saw the monster running through the trees.He realized that the monster killed his brother.But he could say nothing.Justine, the parents’ servant was accused of the murder.She was hanged.
Soon afterwards, he met his creation again.The monster told him that he felt lonely and asked to make a female companion.The monster promised to live together far away from all people.Victor agreed.He went to England and completed his second creation.When the monster came ,he said that he was Victor’s master.Being confused,Victor broke the body into pieces.
The next day the police arrested Victor.He was accused of the murder of his friend Henry.They put Victor in prison but,he was proved innocent.
Victor wanted to destroy the monster.The wedding day came. Victor’s wife Elizabeth was dead.The monster laughed and ran off .
Victor was chasing the monster all over the Earth but he always escaped.
He followed him to the frozen waters of the Arctic but he was one step ahead.
Soon Victor died in the captain’s cabin.Suddenly the captain saw the monster in his cabin,he was next to Frankenstein.He was crying.
He told the captain that he felt guilty and wanted to die.Then, he jumped out of the cabin window onto the ice and was taken away by the waves into the darkness.
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05.12.2021 08:23
Фраза «школьная форма» для родителей, отдающих детей в первый класс, вызывает если не шок, то недоумение. Что это такое, как её покупать и соответствовать? Но не так всё сложно, как кажется.Консультант отдела общего, специального образования министерства образования Забайкальского края Лариса Тогонова рассказала основные нюансы, которые могут возникнуть у родителей.Обязательно ли детям носить школьную форму?

Федеральный закон об образовании гласит, что школьная форма – это одежда обучающихся. В статье уточняются нормативы и позиции об установлении единых типовых требований к одежде обучающихся — она должна соответствовать общепринятым нормам делового стиля и носить светский характер. Иными словами, в школу нужно приходить опрятными,соблюдая деловой этикет. Кроме того, школа может вводить символику,эмблемы, галстуки, нашивки, но это должно быть прописано в уставе учреждения.

Какой должна быть одежда обучающихся?

Типовые требования, которые установлены в приказе минобразования края №648 подразумевают, что одежда школьников делится на три категории: повседневная, парадная и спортивная. Повседневная одежда должна быть эстетичной и удобной для учёбы, устранять признаки социального имущественного и религиозного различия между школьниками. Парадную следует носить в праздничные или дни проведения торжественных линеек. Она отличается от повседневной дополненной светлой рубашкой или праздничным аксессуаром. Спортивная форма нужна школьникам для занятий физкультурой, чётко не регламентируется, но должна быть удобной.

Кто принимает решение по созданию единой формы в школе?

Одежда может иметь отличительные черты символов школы или вообще специально разработанная форма особого цвета. Право определить требования не дано единолично руководителям, разработка единого стиля фасона и вида одежды – коллегиальное решение с участием совета родителей, учеников и администрации школы. В рамках этого общего решения вводится требование, чётко прописанное в уставе. Своё решение они оформляют протоколом, регистрируют и выкладывают на сайт школы.

Обязательно ли соблюдать единый стиль школы?

Если в школе сформирован единый стиль, но родители не могут обеспечить ребёнка такой формой, например, из-за нехватки денег, можно одевать его просто в рамках типовых требований. Самое главное — выдержать требование этикета и нормы стиля, чтобы исключить возможность появления открытых пупков, голых коленок и обтягивающей одежды.

The phrase "school uniform" for parents who give their children to the first class, if not shock, then bewilder. What is it, how to buy and match it? But not everything is as complicated as it seems. Larisa Togonova, a consultant of the General, Special Education Department of the Ministry of Education of the Trans-Baikal Territory, described the main nuances that parents may have.
Do children have to wear a school uniform?
The federal law on education says that the school uniform is the clothes of students. The article clarifies standards and positions on the establishment of uniform standard requirements for students' clothing - it must comply with generally accepted business style standards and be secular. In other words, it is necessary to come to school neatly, observing business etiquette. In addition, the school can introduce symbols, emblems, ties, stripes, but this should be spelled out in the institution's charter.
What should be the clothes of students?
Typical requirements, which are set in the order of the Ministry of Education of the Krai №648, imply that schoolchildren's clothing is divided into three categories: everyday, parade and sports. Everyday clothes should be aesthetic and convenient for study, eliminate signs of social property and religious differences between schoolchildren. The ceremonial should be worn on festive occasions or the days of solemn rulings. It differs from the everyday complemented with a light shirt or festive accessory. The sports form is necessary for schoolboys for employment by physical culture, it is not strictly regulated, but should be convenient.
Who makes the decision to create a uniform form in school?
Clothing can have distinctive features of school symbols or in general a specially designed form of special color. The right to determine the requirements is not given solely to managers, the development of a uniform style of clothes and clothes - a collegial decision involving the advice of parents, students and school administration. In the framework of this general decision, a requirement is introduced, clearly stated in the statute. They make their decision by protocol, register and upload to the school's website.
Is it compulsory to follow the same style of the school?
If a single style is formed in the school, but parents can not provide the child with such a form, for example, because of a lack of money, you can wear it simply within the framework of standard requirements. The most important thing is to withstand the requirement of etiquette and style norms to exclude the possibility of the appearance of open navels, bare knees and tight clothes.
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