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08.01.2021 23:35 •  Английский язык

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1. what are the functional units of a digital computer? 2. what units make up the central processing unit? 3. how is computer system organized? 4. what are the two main types of storage units? 5. what do they contain? 6. what is the function of a primary storage? 7. why is primary storage often called memory? 8. in what respect does computer memory differ from human memory? 9. what are codes based on? 10. what is secondary storage and what is it used for?

storage units

computer system architecture is organized around the primary storage unit because all data and instructions used by the computer system must pass through primary storage. our discussion of computer system units will begin with the functions of the primary and secondary storage units. this leads to the examination of the central processing unit and from there to the consideration of the input and output units. therefore, the sequence in which we'll describe the functional units of a digital computer is: 1) storage units, primary and secondary; 2) central processing unit; 3) input and output units.

as you know, there are primary and secondary storage units. both contain data and the instructions for processing the data. data as well as instructions must flow into and out of primary storage.

primary storage is also called main storage or internal storage. the specific functions of internal storage are to hold (store): 1) all data to be processed; 2) intermediate results of processing; 3) final results of processing; 4) all the instructions required for ongoing process. another name for primary storage is memory, because of its similarity to a function of the human brain. however, computer storage differs from human memory in important respects. computer memory must be able to retain very large numbers of symbol combinations, without forgetting or changing any details. it must be able to locate all its contents quickly upon demand. the combinations of characters, that is, the letters, numbers, and special symbols by which we usually communicate, are coded. the codes used by computer designers are based upon a number system that has only two possible values, 0 and 1. a number system with only two digits, 0 and 1, is called a binary number system. each binary digit is called a bit, from binary digit. as the information capacity of a single bit is limited to 2 alternatives, codes used by computer designers are based upon combinations of bits. these combinations are called binary codes. the most common binary codes are 8-bit codes because an 8-bit code provides for 2/8, or 256 unique combinations of 1's and o's, and this is more than adequate to represent all of the characters by which we communicate.

data in the form of coded characters are stored in adjacent storage locations in main memory in two principal ways : 1) as "strings" of characters — in bytes; and 2) within fixed-size "boxes" — in words. a fixed number of consecutive bits that represent a character is called a byte. the most common byte size is 8-bit byte. words are usually 1 or more bytes in length.

secondary storage. primary storage is expensive because each bit is represented by a high-speed device, such as a semiconductor. a million bytes (that is, 8 million bits) is a large amount of primary storage. often it is necessary to store many millions, sometimes billions, of bytes of data. therefore slower, less expensive storage units are available for computer systems. these units are called secondary storage. data are stored in them in the same binary codes as in main storage and are made available to main storage as needed.

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24.02.2020 09:37

1.It's too cold.I am going to close the window.

2.Jennifer is flying to Egypt on Saturday.

3.Ben is at the post office.He is going to post a letter.

4.Tonight we are having dinner with the Smiths.

5.Ann is visiting Paris.She is going to see the Elffel Tower.

6.It's sunny outside.I am going to wear my sunglasses.

7.This suitcase is too heavy! I am going to help you carry it.


Подлежащее + am/is/are + going to — собираюсь что-то сделать

в Present Continuous говорится как о событии, что происходит сейчас или о ближайшем будущем, которое точно будет происходить

во Future Simple рассказываются вещи, которые будут происходить по мнению кого-то, то есть неточные.

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06.02.2020 02:56
Scout lived in a small house located on the main street Meykomba. Finch's family was one of the oldest in the area and consisted of three people. Head of the family, Atticus, a lawyer, worked as a defender in court and held his own law office. He was widowed a few years ago, and one has two children. The age difference between Scout and her older brother Jim was equal to four years. Educate children Atticus helped dark-skinned maid Calpurnia, strict woman, but kind. Children little afraid of her.
This story happened in the year that Jim's brother broke his arm, and it all started with the Scarecrow Radley. These Redley, who lived next door to the Finch family were inhospitable. Senior members of the family rarely left the house, and their son, generally has not been seen for a long time. When the guy got in touch with a bad company, his father locked him in the house. It Radley Jr. and called the Scarecrow. He was feared all the children in the city, and they went running home side. This man, there were many legends and Radley house was considered cursed.
The Legend of the Scarecrow charmed new neighbor Scout. A boy named Dill came to the aunt for the summer holidays, and made friends with Finch. All summer new friends tried to lure the Scarecrow from the house, but their attempts were unsuccessful.
Autumn Scout went to school. Now she comes every day to walk past the "accursed house." Near the house grew tall virgin oaks. One Scout found in the hollow of one of the oaks bag of chewing gum, and a little later - a box with two "lucky" penny. From these gifts, the children only guessed.
The following summer Dill came again, and the children went back to their favorite pastime - entice the Scarecrow from the house. This continued until Atticus did not forbid children to pester their neighbors and play scenes from their lives. Despite the ban, the children still managed to get stuck in history. Before leaving, Dill pulled back to the Scarecrow's house. He tried to get close to him in the dark and look out the window. Of course, he was not alone. Company children caught Radley senior. He mistook them for thieves and began firing a gun. Fleeing, Jim stuck under the fence of barbed wire and returned home without pants. When he came to the fence of his clothes, he found neatly folded pants and awkwardly mended.
Autumn children again found in the hollow of gifts, while Mr. Radley did not smeared cement cache. The winter that year stood out quite cold. Houses had to drown, and one night on fire the house next door to Finch. Atticus inrush children on the street. While Glazasttik staring at the fire, someone carefully hid her blanket. Children have guessed that it was the Scarecrow.
Shortly after the fire Atticus instructed to defend the black guy, white girl allegedly raped. Throw this thing Atticus could not, because he believed in the innocence of his client. Citizens and residents of the district did not like blacks and condemned Atticus. This was reflected on the children. They could not hear the insult of their father, and came home with bruises.
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