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30.01.2021 07:41 •  Английский язык

ответьте на вопросы к тексту: "Assembling the train. Movement of passenger traffic."
Passenger trains are assembled in a car yard with a number of specified cars as baggage, mail and express coaches, dining, parlour and sleeping cars. Every car in the train has received careful inspection inside and outside to make certain of its mechanical condition. Each car has been washed: not only have inside woodwork and floors been scrubbed, but carpets and seats have been gone over with vacuum cleaners. Preparations for dining service constitute a considerable operation. Food supplies have been requisitioned from the store rooms, and stored in the car refrigerators, cupboards and small but complete pantry. Clean linen has been stocked. After preparing the cars and cleaning and stocking them with supplies, they are coupled, inspected, and tested to ascertain whether mechanical appliances such as air brakes and signal and steam lines are functioning properly. The train is now ready to receive its passengers, baggage and mail.
When ready, a switching engine moves the trains to the assigned departure track at the station. The road locomotive has been inspected. The crew takes over the locomotive at the terminal, moves in to the departure track and couples it to the train. Here the train receives tests of air brakes and signal lines again. The train crew has been mobilized, they are called for duty according to schedule. A modern train stands in the terminal ready to receive its passengers. It departs at the moment called for by its schedule. The program of departure seems so simple that few passengers realize that it has required the services of a small army of railroad employees to make the movement possible.

Вопросы к тексту:
1) Where are passenger trains assembled?
2) What tests does the train receive at the terminal?
3) How is each car inspected?
4) What is each train supplied with?
5) Is the road locomotive inspected too?
6) What does the crew do with the locomotive?
7) How does the train crew work?
8) When is the train ready to receive its passengers?
9) When does the train depart?

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22.03.2021 02:36
It is not a secret that our meals influence much on our health and our mood. That’s why I consider breakfast to be the most important meal in the day as it is the first our meal and it can put us in good spirits or it can’t. Now I shall tell you about my breakfast. 
In the morning I usually have porridge. I often start my breakfast with a cereal which is not cooked, it is something dry, ready to be eaten or muesli – some grain or porridge which is not cooked with dried fruit, nuts and so on. 
I also like eggs (cooked in different ways). I don’t practically eat butter, I prefer soft margarine – made of vegetable fat, which is not heavy and creamy. I don’t eat jam at breakfast, I eat marmalade which is not sweet, there is slight bitterness; it’s rather pleasant. 
I usually don’t have substantial breakfast on weekdays, I do it on weekends when I get up late. Very often I have just tea or coffee with sandwiches. Tea is usually taken by me with milk. I like very strong tea without sugar. 
Sometimes when I am in hurry I don’t have time to have proper breakfast and I go to the university being hungry. In such case I usually buy something like «Snickers» or «Mars» on my way to the Alma Mater.
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15.12.2020 09:22
1 Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

0 This book is Bob’s. (his) This is his book.
1 I own this house. (mine) _This house is mine.
2 This is Paula and John’s dog. (their) This is their  dog.
3 Who owns this bag? (whose) Whose is this bag?
4 Is this money yours? (your) Is this your money?
5 They own that cat. (theirs) That cat is theirs.
6 That house belongs to my family. That house is ours.
7 I own that coat. (me) That coat belongs to me.
8 We own this boat. (ours)This boat is ours.
9 This CD is mine. (my) This is my CD.
10 Are they your animals? (yours) Are these animals yours?

2 Put the words in the correct order.

0 A blue old car ugly. An ugly old blue car.
1 A lady dark tall beautiful. A beautiful tall dark lady.
2 Some large green apples. 
3 A little pretty brown dog.
4 A nice new cotton skirt.

3 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 The Pacific is larger than the Atlantic.
1 My car is better than your car.
2 Australia is the smallest continent.
3 Tony walks more quickly than me.
4 Rome is older than London.
5 The white jacket is the more expensive.
6 This video is more interesting than the other one.
7 Sarah is the tallest in the class.
8 This is the worst film I’ve seen.
9 It’s the most beautiful painting in the gallery.
10 The new computer is smaller than the old one.

5 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 It is getting cold.
1 Have you done the washing-up?
2 Can you come here, please?
3 We got a new television last month.
4 You are making too much noise.
5 Where did you go on Friday?
6 I didn’t get your letter.
7 What time do you get up in the mornings?
8 Give John his books. He’s over in the library.
9 We are all getting older.
10 Have you got any money?
6 Write one word in each space.

0 I don’t believe in ghosts.
1 The teacher told us __to___ be quiet.
2 We wanted __to___ go to the cinema.
3 He’s interested _in boxing.
4 We were late___for__ class.
5 Katy is not very good ___in__ basketball.
6 We were just talking __about___ you.
7 Clare was fighting __with___ her brother.
8 I’m bored watching television.
9 They were asking ___for__ joining the club.
10 They are wanted ___for__ the police.
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