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ответьте на вопросы письменно. 1.Is city life better than village life?
2.Does village life have its bad points?
3. Does living in a small community make you more sociable?
4. Does the village have few vehicles, so people have better transport facilities?
5. Does the village have a quieter environment?
6 . Does village people have many difficulties, so it is hard to lead a healthy life?
7. Do village people always try to protect their culture, so they have no cultural
8 . Are roads in the village safer for driving and cycling?
9. Do plumbing facilities in the city provide people with pure water?
10. Are fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk available in the city?

To my mind, life in the city is much easier than in the country. You саn find work and there are a lot of interesting things to do and to see. Life is more convenient in a city: services are always better here. Besides in the city people have more chances to be successful and to be famous.
There's more diversity in leisure time: clubs, parties, festivals, exhibitions, internet, the ability to easily meet many people from the same Internet. It is easier to make money than in the countryside.
And in the city, you can quickly buy new things, remove the new housing. In the city of more people - more singles and more communication. It does not waste time growing food, less worries about the economy. Easier with hot water, toilets, electricity, heat, the ability to wash, to cook food. Simply create an opportunity for an appropriate education, the advantage - it is a good mobile communications and the Internet.
However, there are lots of disadvantages of urban life. Big cities are overcrowded and its population is growing with every passing day. Another problem of big cities is air and water pollution caused by industrial plants, domestic heating and traffic. It is generally agreed that air pollution as well as smog have harmful impacts on health. Ecological situation in a village is usually not so bad. There are no big plants and other factories. That means that air in a village is a lot cleaner than in a dusty big city. Picturesque views. A village is surrounded by beautiful landscapes. It is so easy to go for a stroll in a forest. Some people move out of big cities to the countryside. One of the reasons is an opportunity to live in a detached house. When you are in the village you can hear only birds singing and leaves rustling and see only green and blue. There are no car`s horns or loud music from the clubs and people can enjoy the nature.
But for every plus there is a minus. Most citizens even can`t imagine how people live in the country without heating, hot water, television. On the other hand there are many people who live there all their life and can`t imagine living in the city. Moreover there is often no light and people have to go to bed very early. There is often the only school for several villages and children have to get up very early and go very far and the roads in the country leave much to be desired. There are also some disadvantages of living in the village. First of all, it is a commuting problem. There is a lack of public transport in the country and that can be a great problem for people who need emergency assistance. Besides, if you want to make a career or get a higher education, you'll have to commute between your home in the country and your office in the city.

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19.10.2022 13:20

Mike and Nick were schoolboys. They lived in the country. The boys went to school together and they liked to play and spend their leisure time together.

One day Mike сamе to Nick's house and said, "Nick, you have so many good books. I see this is an interesting book in your library which I haven't read.

Can you lend me this book to read? I'll bring it back next week".

Nick did not want to lend books to other people, and he said, "Why do you want to take my book home? You can read it here, in my house. I want you to come again and read here".

Mike saw what kind of a friend he had, but he did not say anything. He wanted to teach him a lesson.

The next week Nick came to Mike and said, "Mike, you have a good garden knife.

I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can you give it to me for two days?"

Mike answered, "Why do you want to take my garden knife home? You can work with it in my garden".

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21.01.2020 04:11

C. Judges in Great Britain  

TASK 1. Before listening to the tape, read the following text and answer the questions  

In Britain, the vast majority of judges (that is, the people who decide what should be done with people who commit crimes) are unpaid. They are called "Magistrates", or "Justices of the Peace" (JPs). They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have "sound common sense" and understand their fellow human beings. They give up tune voluntarily.  

A small proportion of judges are not Magistrates. They are called "High Court Judges" and they deal with the most serious crimes, such as those for which the criminal might be sent to prison for more than a year. High Court Judges, unlike Magistrates, are paid salaries by the State and have considerable legal training.  

Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district. Nobody, not even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from as wide a variety of professions and social classes as possible.  

On this tape, a Magistrate describes the sort of people who come before him, gives examples of a few typical cases and finally talks about the difficulty of deciding between when to help a person and when to punish him.  

1.What kind of people are Magistrates?  

2.Why are they selected?  

3.Who would judge a person who had committed a crime like murder?  

4.Who selects Magistrates and what is unusual about the system?  

5.What does the Magistrate on the tape talk about?  

TASK 3. Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right  

a) inadequate1. the main impression  

b) punishment2. not to have enough sympathy  

c) overwhelming impression3. treat too softly  

d) insufficiently concerned with4. inadequacies  

e) shortcomings5. the prison sentence or fine given to a criminal  

f) molly - coddle6. used for people who somehow  

lack the necessary intelligence or maturity to  

make a success of their lives

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