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10.11.2020 21:29 •  Английский язык

Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Object. Make all necessary changes: 1.I know that she has an interest in the company. 2. I believe that she isn't guilty. 3. I found that the job was very challenging. 4. I imagine that he works very hard. 5. We didn't expect that he would arrive by plane, 6. The patient wanted that the doctor examined him. 7. He wished that the specialist cured him of his illness. 8. Do you mean that he should bring his girlfriend to the party? 9. I didn't mean that you should go there immediately. 10. Do you like when your guests leave your place late? 11. We supposed that the parcel had been lost. 12. Everybody believed that the man was guilty of the crime. 13. They declared that the war was finished. 14. He felt that somebody touched his shoulder. 15. He ordered that the roof should be repaired. 16. I saw that the man pulled the door open. 17. I felt that it was true this time. 18. They heard how the woman uttered a little exclamation. 19. They showed themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected they would be. 20.he hated it when people argued about trifles.

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02.07.2022 21:34

Often stay in the city is more dangerous than in the wild and deserted places.

City - the center of contrasts, and along with civilized life can exist here and semi phenomenon. Criminals often act without waiting for the night. What explains such impudence? Everyday life is so isolates people that everyone has to deal only with the business. Indifference to the people of business habits become character trait of the townspeople. Ask for help in the street is unlikely to get it from someone. Newspapers regularly publish evidence on crimes committed in large and small towns, when others do not have the courage to intervene. At the sight of this kind of news quite involuntarily want to ask yourself: how to behave in these jungles?

If you are stopped by the offender, avoid responding to this violent action, especially if he was armed, and even more so if you are not sure that you can protect yourself. This is not the occasion to risk being injured, not yet having undergone a robbery. Disgusting to say, but the best way to reduce the physical violence to himself - not to resist. So say criminologists. Expert practitioners, adding that the attacked has a better chance of survival if the offender admits his superiority or power over you. Such obedience is not for many is a natural feature, but before taking any retaliatory action better how to weigh the possible consequences. Especially since the criminals themselves in situations of their clear superiority usually behave quite accommodating.

Follow the tips we provide below, and it will, on the one hand, to reduce the probability of getting into trouble, but on the other - will increase your level of readiness to confront internal challenges. So, being in the city:

Avoid walking alone in sparsely populated areas;
give up, if possible, from the night of movement, or at least use a taxi;
If you are rude to turn over the alleged mistakes or make you an object of ridicule, do not reply and do not give in to provocation;
Try to anticipate and avoid unpleasant situations;
do not stop, if possible, car hitchhiking and do not settle for what you got a ride to strangers;
Do not display money or jewelry, they should keep in your pocket, briefcase or in another safe place;
Do not overload yourself parcels and packages, it is always better to have freedom of movement, in case if you need to defend;
If someone bothers you walk and you can not break free, contact a police officer, ring the bell for every door;
Move around in a strange city with a card that will save you time, for the same reason, more contact to different people, when you look an address, because the only answer may be incorrect;
do not show too clearly that you are a tourist, walk around with the local newspaper under his arm, mix with the locals;
be attentive to the doorways and poorly lit corners, trying to avoid them if possible;
if any motorist asks for advice, give it to quickly and accurately or to apologize that you did not know this place, but does not accompany a stranger;
Do not sit in an empty bus, and if you still have to do it, get closer to the driver;
when you go in the city, always handy to have available a few small coins and tickets for public transport. Avoid crowded places: markets, crowds, queues, etc.
It was in the crowd easily run into those who steal bags and wallets.

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14.05.2023 00:25

СENTRAL Park (Central Park) is the largest park in the world and the most visited park in the United States. About 25 million people visit it every year. The size of the park is 4 km long and 800 m wide. Rectangular area of the park is a green island of tranquility in bustling Manhattan. Despite the fact that Central Park is not a building or structure it is a magnificent architectural creation in New York.  Central Park has always played an important role in the life of New York.  

By the mid-19th century on the site of the park there was a small farm and some miserable hovels of the poor. Fast-growing New York needed a place where thousands of tired people who are unable to leave the city, would be able to rest and relax. In 1853,  320 hectares in the heart of Manhattan Island became the property of the city, and in 1857 there was held a competition in New York for the design of the park.  For 20 years, approximately 20,000 workers moved vast amounts of land, planted thousands of trees, had drainage of wet lands,  dug ponds and arranged rocky areas of the landscape.

Central Park was opened to the public in 1859.    Over time,  Central Park in New York  was complemented by upgraded playgrounds, sculptures, skating rinks and individual buildings. Now Central Park is a striking green spaces in the heart of New York.

ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ Парк (Central Park) - самый большой парк в мире, и самый посещаемый парк в США. Около 25 миллионов человек посещают его каждый год. Размер парка составляет 4 км в длину и 800 м в ширину. Прямоугольная зона парка представляет собой зеленый островок спокойствия в шумном Манхэттене. Несмотря на то, что Центральный парк - это не здание или сооружение, это великолепное архитектурное творение в Нью-Йорке. Центральный парк всегда играл важную роль в жизни Нью-Йорка.

К середине 19 века на месте парка была небольшая ферма и несколько убогих  лачуг для бедных. Быстрорастущему Нью-Йорку нужно было место, где тысячи усталых людей, которые не могут покинуть город, смогли бы отдохнуть и расслабиться. В 1853 году 320 гектаров в центре острова Манхэттен стали собственностью города, а в 1857 году в Нью-Йорке был проведен конкурс на проектирование парка. В течение 20 лет около 20 000 рабочих перемещали огромные участки земли, сажали тысячи деревьев, осушали влажные земли, выкапывали пруды и устраивали скалистые участки ландшафта.

Центральный парк был открыт для публики в 1859 году. Со временем Центральный парк в Нью-Йорке был дополнен модернизированными игровыми площадками, скульптурами, катками и отдельными зданиями. Сейчас Центральный парк представляет собой поразительную зеленую зону в центре Нью-Йорка.

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