Participles I. Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either Present Participle, Past
Participle or Perfect Participle.
1. Alex fed the dog. Alex sat down to his own dinner
2. Mick was exhausted by liis work. He threw himself on his bed.
3. I turned on the light. I was astonished at what I saw.
4. Alice didn't want to hear the story again. Alice had heard it all before.
5. We realized that we had missed the last bus. We began to walk.
2) influence shape our views
3)open air something about the house
4 ) provide wonderful possibilities
Только вот у меня prefer, reliable information,, the main source - получились лишними ...
1)Средства массовой информации - это газеты,радио,интернет,телевидение
2) Средства массовой информации включают то, как мы видим мир и формируем наши взгляды
3) Приятно слушать радио в машине или на открытом воздухе, или когда вы делаете что-то в доме
4) Газеты, радио и особенно телевидение сообщают нам, что происходит в этом мире и обеспечивают нас прекрасными возможностями
After a year of elections I started to make excuses. I couldn't find houses for people when the houses didn't exist. I thought that these constituency problems were better dealt with by letter. In reality there was so little I could do to help people, who waited patiently to see me.
I wanted to believe that they had called me in order to make me promise to attend more regularly in future. I thought that I must win them back for if I lost Marshfield I would have lost everything -no seat, no right of entry to the House of Commons.
Entering the room I met Jimmy March, the Party secretary. It seemed to me that he was avoiding me. I felt that he was rather indifferent to me. I understood that something was wrong and tried to promise to be along more regularly on Fridays in future. I drew from my experience that I should do my useless work and make image that I am helping people.