Перефразируйте, используя правильные модальные глаголы (may, might, could, must, can'T) и соответствующий инфинитив, чтобы размышлять о настоящем и будущем:1. Perhaps the price of petrol will risein the next few months. 2. There’s a lot of noise from room 212. I’m sure they are having a party. 3. Perhaps, he knows the address of the company butit’s unlikely. 4. I’m sure she isn’t looking for a new job already. She only started work a week ago. 5. They arrived here earlythis morning. I’m sure they have been waiting for hours. 6. I’m not sure why the Ukrainian delegation wasn’t atthesa lesconference.Perhaps they were delay edatt heairport. 7. I’m sure you didn’t see Mr Green at the presentation, because he wa sin hospital att hat time. 8. I can’t gett hrough to our office in Kharkiv. Perhaps they are having problems with their fax machine. 9. Our lawyer thinks that perhaps it will take a long time tod rawup the contract. 10.Perhaps hew ill bepromoted later, but I doubtit.
1 I can help you with your homework, if you want.
I don't mind, help you with your homework
2 It's two weeks since I saw my friend Josh.
I Don`t see my friend Josh for two weeks.
3 Il's quite unusual for Ben to travel by bus.
Ben by bus very often.
4 There weren't many people in the cafe today.
There were very muth people in the cafe today.
5 Ted won't be a fast swimmer if he doesn't practise.
Ted won't be a fast swimmer without practises.
6 I think it would be a good idea to see the doctor.
You must to see the doctor.
7 This coat has Tom's name in it, so l'm sure it's his.
This coat has Tom's name in it, so it his.
8 I can't go to the concert because I don't have any money.
If I don`t have money,I could go to the concert.
9 Our English teacher wrote this poem.
This poem were written our English teacher.
10 A professional photographer took my photo.
I had taken photo by a professional photographer.
1) Можешь заклеить камеру прозрачным скотчем, так будет хуже тебя видно, выглядит, что плохое качество. Ну а там, что получится - подглядывать или не до конца глаза закрывать.
Или же текст приклеить куда-то близко к камере, чтобы не сильно заметно было.
2) Если есть возможность - запиши текст на диктофон, а потом включи в наушниках, которые спрячешь чем-нибудь, например волосами, но это сложно. (Удобнее, конечно, с беспроводными).
3) Ставить видео на паузу. Типа рассказываешь немного, пауза, потом учишь следующее, рассказываешь, потом опять пауза. Но тут нужно очень аккуратно делать, чтобы не сильно было видно переход.