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10.08.2021 17:49 •  Английский язык

Who knows you better, your family or your friends? In our weekly 'test' single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help. Their mother chooses one partner and their best friend chooses another. The test is to see who can choose the best partner! This week's single man is Richard Taylor, a 26-year-old musician from Southampton. His mother Meg chooses one girl, and his best friend Danny chooses another. Then Richard goes on a date with each girl. Which girl does he prefer? Who knows him better, his mother or his best friend? Who chooses the right girl for him? Richard Taylor with his mother NMeg and dris friend Danny I usually work in England imes work abroad too. When I'm not working I ke oRy to ne Linema and eating in nice restaurants. I'm not very sporty and I don't do any exercise, but at least I don't smoke. I think I'm open and friendly -I get on well with most people - but I'm sometimes quite shy too. For example, I don't like going to parties. I prefer to meet friends individually or in small groups. I like intelligent, funny women who make me laugh, and ideally who love music. Physically I prefer women with dark hair who are not taller than me. And I like women who are good listeners. I'm sure that my friend Danny knows me better than my family because we often talk about girlfriends and the problems we have. I don't usually talk to my family about that kind of thing. My mum always says that I look for the wrong kind of girl but that's what mothers always say!
Вот перевод:
Кто знает вас лучше, вашу семью или ваших друзей? В нашем еженедельном «тесте» одинокие люди, которые ищут партнера, просят о свою мать и своего лучшего друга. Их мать выбирает одного партнера, а их лучший друг - другого. Тест заключается в том, чтобы увидеть, кто сможет выбрать лучшего партнера! Одинокий мужчина на этой неделе - Ричард Тейлор, 26-летний музыкант из Саутгемптона. Его мать Мэг выбирает одну девушку, а его лучший друг Дэнни выбирает другую. Затем Ричард идет на свидание с каждой девушкой. Какую девушку он предпочитает? Кто знает его лучше, его мать или его лучший друг? Кто подберет ему подходящую девушку? Ричард Тейлор со своей матерью NMeg и другом dris Дэнни Я обычно работаю в Англии, иногда работаю и за границей. Когда я не работаю, я люблю работать с Линемой и ем в хороших ресторанах. Я не очень спортивный и не занимаюсь спортом, но, по крайней мере, не курю. Я думаю, что я открытый и дружелюбный - я хорошо лажу с большинством людей - но иногда я тоже довольно застенчив. Например, я не люблю ходить на вечеринки. Я предпочитаю встречаться с друзьями индивидуально или небольшими группами. Мне нравятся умные, веселые женщины, которые заставляют меня смеяться, а в идеале любят музыку. Физически я предпочитаю женщин с темными волосами, которые не выше меня. И мне нравятся женщины, которые умеют слушать. Я уверен, что мой друг Дэнни знает меня лучше, чем мою семью, потому что мы часто говорим о подругах и проблемах, которые у нас есть. Обычно я не разговариваю со своей семьей о подобных вещах. Моя мама всегда говорит, что я ищу не ту девушку, но матери всегда так говорят!​

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27.06.2021 05:49
1. I do yoga.
2. I support Chelsea.
3. We play soccer.
4. Basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, etc.
5. In summer I enjoy playing beach volleyball, in winter I love skiing.
6. Sport is a training for your body, when you do special exercises for different groups of muscles and games can be different, they are divided into several groups and people play games usually for fun.
7. Sports: power-lifting, aerobics, yoga, gymnastics, running, etc. Games: baseball, badminton, basketball, volleyball, golf, etc.
8. Soccer, box.
9. Golf, football.
10. A. Shevchenko.
11. First Olympic Games were held in Greece and the last ones were held in London, England.
12. I think there were a mistake, instead of al there must be at. So, in this occasion the spectators watch the game.
13. I think everybody, but especially children.
14. I played chess several years ago.
15. No, I have never been there.
16. Almost.
17. I suppose in summer.
18. I'm not a football fan, so I don't know.
19. In my opinion they have some similar features. For example, in cricket there're 2 teams consist of 11 players and it's played on the grass the same as football. The players also run round the pitch and use ball.
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27.06.2021 05:49

1) I love to play sports, but in particular I'm interested in tennis, soccer and swimming.
2) I am a fan of Zenit
3) The most popular game in our country is hockey.
4) In my opinion all year round you can play chess, because it is also considered a sport.
5) In the summer I like cycling, swimming, and winter skate, play hockey.
6) The difference between the two concepts is that the sport itself helps us to keep in shape, thanks to him we have a good figure, and if we for example once a year going to get to play football in the summer, it is possible to name just a game.

7)I have known sports such as swimming, skating, tennis, armrestling, different kindsof struggle, the list is endless, I know these games: football, volleyball, basketball, etc. 8)In my opinion the public is increasingly prefer football because of the global matches, sometimes watching more than half of our world. 9)Football - a national sport in England. It plays an important role in england culture. 10)Of the outstanding Russian athletes I can allocate athletes such as Alina Kabaeva, Valeri Kharlamov, Andrei Arshavin, Lev Yashin and many others ... 11)The last Olympic Games were held in 2012. 12)The stadium spectators cheer for your favorite athletes. 13)Usually carried out on a sled dog race.

14)I love the free time to play checkers and chess.

15)If possible, I attend hockey games.

16)Of course, they are many.

17)Cricket is played in the summer.

18)Football players allowed to pay in 1885, and within a few years the power in English football clubs to capture the north of England, where the players were paid more.

19)In cricket, other rules of the game and dominated by a very small bit of the ball.


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