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.пересказ в 5-6 предложений Conway never exactly remembered how he and the others arrived at the monastery, or how they were greeted and led into the grounds. The thin air was dream-like and matched the light blue of the sky. With every breath and every glance, he took in a deep relaxing feeling that made him unaware of Mallinson's uneasiness, Barnard's witty comments, and Miss Brinklow, who looked like a lady well prepared for the worst. He just about remembered being surprised at finding the inside of the monastery spacious, well warmed, and quite clean.

There was no time to do more than notice these qualities, for the Chinese had left his hooded chair and was already leading the way through different rooms. He was quite pleasant now. "I must apologise," he said, "for leaving you to yourselves on the way, but the truth is, journeys of that kind don't suit me, and I have to take care of myself. I hope you were not too tired?"

"We managed," replied Conway with a tight smile.

"Excellent. And now, if you will come with me, I will show you to your rooms. No doubt you would like baths. Our accommodation is simple, but comfortable, I hope."

At this point Barnard, who was still affected by shortness of breath, chuckled. "Well," he gasped, "I can't say I like your climate yet - the air seems to stick on my chest a bit - but you've certainly got a fine view out of your front windows. Do we all have to line up for the bathroom, or is this an American hotel?"

"I think you will find everything quite satisfactory, Mr Barnard."

Miss Brinklow nodded. "I should hope so, indeed." "And afterwards," continued the Chinese, "I should be greatly honoured if you will all join me at dinner."

Conway replied politely. Only Mallinson had given no sign of his attitude in the face of these kind offers. Like Barnard, he had been suffering from breathing problems, but now, with an effort, he found breath to exclaim: "And afterwards, also, if you don't mind, we'll make our plans for getting away. The sooner the better, so far as I'm concerned."

"So you see," Chang was saying, "we are less barbarian than you expected."

Conway, later that evening, was not willing to argue. He was enjoying that pleasant feeling of his body being relaxed but his mind being awake, which seemed to him, of all feelings, the most truly civilised. So far, Shangri-La had been all that he could have wished certainly more than he could ever have expected. It was not so strange for a Tibetan monastery to have a system of central heating, but that it should combine. the baths and cleaning facilities from the Western part of the world with tradition from the Eastern world struck him as amazing and rare. The bath, for instance, in which he had recently bathed, had been of a light green pottery from America. Yet the native servant had washed him in a Chinese way of cleaning his ears and nostrils and under his lower eyelids. He had wondered at the time if - and how - his three companions were receiving similar treatment.

Conway had lived for nearly ten years in China, not wholly in the bigger cities; and he counted it, all things considered, the happiest part of his life. He liked the Chinese, and felt at home with Chinese ways. He really liked Chinese cooking, with its subtle undertones of taste; and his first meal at Shangri-La had been familiar.

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14.05.2022 05:21
My favourite town
I live in a wonderful, beautiful town. I love it very much. The name of my town is (город)

I have arrived to live in this town recently. I have lived in (город) before. (город )differs from big cities greatly. It is small and quiet. Life is measured, calm and kind. Everyone knows each other. People are kind, beautiful, native, close in my town. You don`t feel lonely here, as a rule it happens in big cities.

There are a library, a cinema, a palace of culture, a museum, a big sports hall and five schools in my town. Also there is a swimming pool in the sports hall. Children of my city like to visit it. There is a very beautiful central park. It is very beautiful in spring and summer. I like to have a rest, to sit on the bench and to read a book in the park. I like to walk on foot around the city, because I like to dream about my future.(город) is a magic place, especially in the evening. There are many old houses, monuments, small and narrow streets in the town. All these things create fantastic, mysterious atmosphere. I have met my love, my husband in this town.

(город) is the best town in the earth. And when I leave from it I always miss it very much. You can`t fall in love with my town.

Я живу в прекрасному, красивому місті. Я дуже кохаю його. Назва мого міста (город).

Я приїхала жити в це місто недавно. До цього я жила в (город). . (город )дуже відрізняється від великих міст. Він маленький і тихий. Життя розмірене, спокійне і добра. Кожен знає один одного. У моєму Місті люди добрі, гарні, рідні, близькі. Ти не відчуваєш себе самотнім тут, як правило це трапляється у великих містах.

У моєму місті є бібліотека, кінотеатр, будинок культури, музей, великий спортивний зал і п'ять шкіл. Також є басейн у спортивному залі. Діти мого міста люблять відвідувати його. Є дуже гарний центральний парк. Він дуже красивий навесні і влітку. Я люблю відпочити, посидіти на лавці і почитати книгу в цьому парку. Я люблю гуляти пішки по місту, тому що я люблю мріяти про майбутнє. Котово казкове місце, особливо ввечері. Є багато старих будинків, пам'ятників, маленьких вузьких вулиць в місті. Всі ці речі створюють казкову, таємничу атмосферу. Я зустріла свою любов, свого чоловіка в цьому місті.

(название города)найкраще місто на землі. І коли я їду з нього я завжди дуже сумую за ним. Ви не зможете не полюбити моє місто.
0,0(0 оценок)
19.08.2022 08:11

1.These are stars.

2. These are boys.

3. These are babies.

4. Those are plates.

5. Those are flowers.

6. Those are bookshelves.

7. Are these sofas?

8. Are these bookcases?

9. Are these men?

10.  Are those balls?

11. Are those trains?

12. Are those planes?

13. Are windows open?

14. Are doors closed?

15. Are boys near the window?

16. Those aren`t kings.

17. Those aren`t  queens.

18. Those aren`t  buses.

19. These aren`t  mountains.

20. Those aren`t geese.

21. This aren`t mice.

22.  They are sheep.

23.  They are cigarettes.

24. They are cats.

25. They aren`t girls.

26. They aren`t bags.

27. They aren`t trees.

28. They aren`t bad eggs.

29. They are good eggs.

30. Are those flowers?

0,0(0 оценок)
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