Перетворіть непряму мову у пряму. 1. Ask your friend if he knows English well.
2. Ask your friend if he has ever been there.
3. Ask your friend where he comes from.
4. Ask your friend what he thinks about it.
5. Ask your friend if he is seeing much of Ann these days.
6. Ask your friend when he usually does his homework.
Перетворіть пряму мову у непряму.
1. She said, ‘I’m working in a restaurant, and don’t much care for it.’
2. ‘We’re waiting for the school bus,’ said the children.
3. ‘We have been here for two and a half years,’ said the man who had spoken first.
4. ‘The ice will soon be hard enough to skate on,’ said Tom.
Blouse [ blaʊz ] блузка;
skirt [ skɜːt ] юбка;
high heels [ haɪ hiːlz] высокие каблуки;
cap [ kæp ] кепка;
t-shirt [ tʃɜːt ] футболка;
shorts [ ʃɔːts ] шорты;
socks [ sɒks] носки;
trainers [ ˈtreɪnəz ] кросовки;
scarf [ skɑːf ] шарф;
gloves [ ɡlʌvz] перчатки;
jacket [ ˈdʒækɪt ] куртка;
trousers [ ˈtraʊzəz ] брюки;
boots [ buːts ] ботинки;
shirt [ ʃɜːt ] рубашка;
tie [ taɪ ] галстук;
coat [ kəʊt ] пальто;
umbrella [ ʌmˈbrelə ] зонтик;
shoes [ ʃuːz ] обувь;
raincoat [ ˈreɪŋ.kəʊt ] плащ;
jumper [ ˈdʒʌm.pər ] джемпер;
suit [ suːt ] костюм;
dress [ dres ] платье;
bag [ bæɡ ] мешок.
Не всё написала
1. The pupils have written a dictation. Have the pupils written a dictation?
2. My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem. Has your friend helped you to solve a difficult problem?
3. I have learned a poem. Have you learned a poem?
4. Good manners have gone out of fashion. Have good manners gone out of fashion?
5. Kate has watched the news. Has Kate watched the news?
6 The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him. Has the waiter put a bottle of lemonade in front of him?
7. I have eaten my breakfast. Have you eaten your breakfast?
8. We have drunk water. Have you drunk water?
9. He has brought them some meat and vegetables. Has he brought them some meat and vegetables?
10. You have put the dishes on the table. Have you put the dishes on the table?